
The territorial integrity of our country is indivisible, but the cowardice and incompetence of the Qing Dynasty have left a heavy scar

In 1860, Russia forced the Qing government to cede Sakhalin Island through the Treaty of Beijing. Sakhalin Island was once the largest island in our country, and since ancient times, it has been an inseparable part of our country, and due to the cowardice and incompetence of the modern Qing Dynasty government, this sacred island that originally belonged to our country has completely become the inner island of Tsarist Russia.

The territorial integrity of our country is indivisible, but the cowardice and incompetence of the Qing Dynasty have left a heavy scar

Sakhalin Island, located between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan, is the largest island in our country before it was ceded. Since the cession of Sakhalin Island, it has been the object of contention between Japan and Russia, because the island is rich in oil and mineral resources, so Japan and Russia have been engaged in a long-term competition. After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan gained control of the southern island of Sakhalin through the Treaty of Portsmouth, and for more than thirty years, Sakhalin island was divided between Japan and the Soviet Union, and then after Japan's defeat in World War II, the Soviet Union took advantage of the opportunity to take the entire island.

Like the Daxing'an Mountains in the outer northeast, Sakhalin Island is also an eternal pain for modern China, a territory that should have belonged to china but has been occupied by the invaders for a long time, and to this day, it still cannot return to the embrace of the motherland.

The territorial integrity of our country is indivisible, but the cowardice and incompetence of the Qing Dynasty have left a heavy scar

Sakhalin Island is a beautiful island with rich mineral and oil resources, and most of the island is covered with forests, so the island is also the best place for tourists to travel. Sakhalin Island is a dream-like and poetic wonderland that can easily be enchanted by visitors.

Sakhalin Island has been an inseparable part of our country since ancient times, as early as the Liao Dynasty, it has been included in the territory of our country, whether it is the Liao Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, or the Yuan, Ming, qing, all attach great importance to the governance of the island. During the reign of Ming Chengzu, the Ming government stationed troops on Sakhalin Island, which at that time was under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Nuer Gandusi, which also became the northernmost border of the Ming Dynasty.

The territorial integrity of our country is indivisible, but the cowardice and incompetence of the Qing Dynasty have left a heavy scar

The Jurchens originated in the outer northeast, so the Manchu Qing government also attached great importance to that area, although there were no Han or Manchu people on Sakhalin Island, but its indigenous people had long paid tribute to the Qing government, and in the early Qing Dynasty, the residents of Sakhalin Island also had braids, and they obviously regarded themselves as Chinese.

Tsarist Russia had long set its sights on Sakhalin Island, as early as the reign of Catherine II, Tsarist Russia had tried to annex Sakhalin Island, due to the restrictions of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nebuchu, and the strength of the Qing government during the Qianlong period, Tsarist Russia temporarily abandoned the idea of annexation. In modern times, the Qing government was cowardly and incompetent, and Tsarist Russia took the opportunity to annex the entire Outer Northeast. The expansion of Tsarist Russia was endless, and its tentacles even penetrated deep into the northeast region of our country for a time, but it was only because of the rise of Japan in southern Manchuria that the pace of Tsarist Russia's southward expansion was curbed.

The territorial integrity of our country is indivisible, but the cowardice and incompetence of the Qing Dynasty have left a heavy scar

Today's Sakhalin Island, can no longer find the shadow of Chinese culture, the entire island, is full of Russian architecture. The inhabitants of the island are also mostly Russians. At present, there are more than 100 ethnic groups distributed on Sakhalin Island, of which Russians account for 84%, Koreans 5%, Japanese 4%, and others such as Tatars nearly 7%, Sakhalin Island has been completely Russianized, the original cultural buildings on the island have been demolished by the Russians, and even the two boundary monuments left during the Ming Dynasty have been destroyed.

Sakhalin Island has beautiful scenery, every year to the island to travel to the endless stream, the island is now fully equipped, many of our international students have chosen to study in the place, Sakhalin Island has truly become a wonderland on earth.

The territorial integrity of our country is indivisible, but the cowardice and incompetence of the Qing Dynasty have left a heavy scar

The humiliating history of Sakhalin Island became the eternal pain of the Chinese, and it was precisely because of the cowardice and incompetence of the Qing government that this territory that should have belonged to our country was included in a foreign state. At present, the island has another name, which is the so-called Sakhalin Island. Sakhalin Island is the name of Tsarist Russia, and Sakhalin Island is the official general name of our country. At present, many areas in the outer northeast also have a variety of titles, including Vladivostok, which are caused by historical reasons, if it were not for the cowardice of the Qing government, Sakhalin Island may still be the largest island in China.

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