
The latest trailer for the Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX will be released on January 3

Recently, Mercedes-Benz officially released the latest trailer of Vision EQXX, the new car will be released on January 3, 2022 (should be CES 2022 exhibition), the biggest highlight is that it will become the most energy-efficient car in Mercedes-Benz's history, positioned as a pure electric compact car, from the body shape point of view, it may be similar to Mercedes-Benz CLA this kind of coupe like pure electric compact coupe.

The latest trailer for the Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX will be released on January 3

Based on the previous news, the Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX will be used as a prototype that integrates the latest and most cutting-edge technology of the EQ family sequence, which may have an endurance performance of more than 1200km, and with the help of advanced aerodynamic design, energy consumption may be reduced to about 9.65 km/kWh.

The latest trailer for the Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX will be released on January 3

The previous trailer also showed us a major information point of the new car, the official hint that the new car has a saturated charge has a range can support the new car from Stuttgart to Nice or from Shanghai to Beijing, so the conversion of the new car mileage will exceed 750 miles (about 1207 kilometers).

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