
【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

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【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death
【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

Grandpa was not afraid of death


Editor's note Recently, the CCTV National Defense military channel broadcast a three-episode documentary "Red Doctor", and the author Yan Jie served as the planner and general coordinator of the documentary. Let's hear how Yan Jie told the story of her grandfather in the documentary.

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death
【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death
【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

When we were young, we studied and lived in the city, and my grandfather stayed in the ancient city. Although I don't have much contact with him, I have a deep memory of my grandfather, and I still remember the day of my grandfather's death - National Day in 1982. That year, the National Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival were on the same day.

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

Photo of Grandpa (center).

His grandfather's name was Yan Tingkun, and he was the 78th generation grandson of Fusheng Yanzi. Grandpa and grandma are from Shandong, and they had a total of 6 children, all of whom were "children" (my father was the third oldest, and the second uncle later died of illness). Grandpa especially wanted a girlfriend, but he couldn't do it. When I was born to my sixth uncle, my grandfather said: Another boy, I really want to throw him away! This was heard by Grandpa's brother and sister-in-law, so Uncle Six became their baby (because my second grandfather and wife just had no children under their knees), and the virtuous Second Grandmother loved Uncle Six, and the cultivation and education of Uncle Six was also commendable.

Later, my grandfather sent my father Yan Bingdong to Huainan Middle School to study. Huainan Middle School was founded in October 1940 by the Jinpu Ludong Provincial Committee of the COMMUNIST Party of China in accordance with the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Absorbing a Large Number of Intellectuals" for the purpose of cultivating cadres to transport talents for the construction of base areas, and the students come from six aspects: the children of our party and government cadres, the small soldiers of the army or the small attendants (commonly known as "little devils") in the organs of political power, the enthusiastic young people in various localities, the underground workers who have retreated back to the base areas, the local grass-roots cadres, and the intellectual youth of the base areas.

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death
【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death
【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

The New Fourth Army Huainan Middle School is located in the former site of Xuyi Ancient City

Huainan Middle School was a "revolutionary melting pot" for training cadres of the New Fourth Army, where my father studied culture and received revolutionary education. When he was 14 years old, it was during the period when the troops were withdrawing to the north, and he left his hometown with the school and followed the party, government, and military organs in the Huainan base area, and from then on he went south to fight in the northern war...

Shortly after my father joined the army, my grandmother was very anxious and fell ill, and died in 1948 at the age of 38 (in this life, I was destined not to see my grandmother, and I did not even see a photo, only knew that my grandmother's surname was Zhu, Xiao Foot). At that time, the teenage father who was fighting in the front had never known that he was already a child without a wife!

Grandpa sent my father away, buried my grandma, and took on the family's responsibilities alone! Grandpa never remarried in his life, and his days as both father and mother can be imagined. At that time, Grandpa supported the family by doing a small business.

According to the recollections of the old people, my grandfather was very industrious, willing to endure hardships, and he spared money in righteousness, took the word "righteousness" first, often received and helped people who were more difficult than him, and never competed for fame and profit when getting along with people.

Grandpa liked to smoke all his life but did not like to drink, and he deeply resented gambling behaviors such as "playing mahjong", and resolutely did not allow his descendants to gamble is also one of his "family rules". Therefore, no one in the family, young or old, has dared to play mahjong gambling so far.

I admire Grandpa, who not only pulls the erhu well, but also plays the lute very well! He did not have high requirements for material life, and was an extremely ordinary grandfather.

However, the two things he did for the New Fourth Army at the risk of killing his head made me feel that he was really not ordinary, even very remarkable! Everyone says that Grandpa is not only brave, but also bold and careful, brave and strategic!

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

Ancient city walls

First thing: deliver medicine to the troops of the New Fourth Army.

At that time, the medicine sent by Grandpa to the New Fourth Army was mainly penicillin. He was alone at night from the ancient city to Mingguang to take medicine. At that time, from the ancient city of Hemp Field to Mingguang, the mountains were high and the water was dangerous, the road was nearly a hundred miles, many areas were deserted, the mountains and forests were dense and deep, the grass on the side of the road was higher than people, and there were often wild wolves (sincerely admiring Grandpa's courage), and along the way Grandpa always kept smoking, one after another...

In addition, after entering the "goods" to return, along the way also encountered enemy interrogation! The resourceful grandfather thought of one good way after another, such as grandpa putting the medicine on the top of the bamboo basket, putting the dead baby who was discarded in the mass grave, pretending to be the one who collected the dead baby as a cover; he also chiseled the end of the thick bamboo pole, and then "hid" the medicine into it, thus escaping the enemy's interrogation!

At that time, Grandpa usually exchanged eggs for goods. Pick up more than a thousand eggs each time, that is, more than a hundred pounds of burden, set off in the middle of the night, arrive at dawn, enter the "goods" in the morning, rest in the afternoon, and start to rush back at nine or ten o'clock in the evening, coming and going in the night.

In order to ensure the safe delivery of medicines to the New Fourth Army troops, Grandpa "did not leave the shoulders, shoulders did not leave the goods" along the way. Whether he is hungry or thirsty, he does not dare to put down the "goods" in his hand, and always eats some dry food and drinks some water while rushing to the road...

At that time, the Second Division of the New Fourth Army was stationed near the ancient city, and Grandpa delivered medicines for the New Fourth Army, becoming a de facto underground traffic officer of the New Fourth Army, and the leaders of the Second Division Hospital and the Division Headquarters were also familiar with it. When I was in elementary school, he pointed to a wooden chair at home more than once and said that this was the chair that Master Luo had sat on.

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

The chair that General Luo Binghui used to sit in my house

The second thing: Risking his life in the middle of the night, he secretly removed and buried the head of the martyr Liang Huanong from the big locust tree.

After the New Fourth Army and the party, government, and military organs of the Huainan base area withdrew to the north, Comrade Liang Huanong, deputy secretary of the XUYI County CPC Committee and political commissar of the Xuyi County Militia Corps, who was ordered to persist in the struggle with the enemy, was killed by the enemy during the brutal "encirclement and suppression." His heart and liver were dug out by the enemy, and his head was cut off and hung on a large locust tree to show the public. On the third night, the martyr's brother-in-law, Wang Zhengfang, found the martyr before he died and paid homage to his brother, my grandfather Yan Tingkun, and tried to remove the martyr's head...

In the night, Grandpa carried two "Mobil" brand oil cylinders with flat shoulders, which contained water and scoops (made of a large gourd split in two). The nimble grandfather gently crossed the wall, quietly climbed the tall locust tree, quickly untied the head of the martyr, wrapped it up, and put it in the oil cylinder in front of the burden, and covered it with a water scoop. When he arrived home, he buried the martyr's head in a vacant lot behind the ancient city primary school, less than 100 meters from his home – it was not officially buried until after liberation, and then reburied in the martyrs' cemetery in 1977.

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

The only photograph left by the martyr Liang Huanong

Grandpa, as your granddaughter, to be honest, wrote these two stories – my admiration came out of nowhere!

You are just an ordinary little old man, you are not a soldier, not a local cadre, not a party member, but these stories of your more than 70 years ago are enough to shock me today! You unconditionally supported the revolution and handed over your son and my father to the New Fourth Army; you risked your life to deliver medicine to the New Fourth Army and the burial of the revolutionary martyrs without fear of white terror... It's admirable!

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

Part of the medallion obtained by the author's father

I'm proud of you, I'm proud of you!

Dear Grandpa, we will always miss you!

About the Author

Yan Jie, a descendant of the New Fourth Army, an outstanding Communist Party member, is currently the political commissar of the Jiangsu Lei Feng Alliance Regiment, the head of the Jiangsu Lei Feng Art Troupe of Guo Mingyi's love team, and the deputy secretary-general of the Special Committee for the Integration of Medical and Elderly Care of the Jiangsu Provincial Gerontological Society. He has won the titles of "Lei Feng Pacesetter" and "100 Post Experts" at the provincial level, and was awarded the "Special Contribution Award for Public Welfare Undertakings" by CCTV and other departments.

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

Source: Sichuan Provincial Local History Work Office

Text/Photo: Yan Jie

Some of Fangzhi Sichuan's pictures, audio and video come from the Internet, only to disseminate more information. The copyright of the pictures, audio and video contained in the article belongs to the original author or media.

【Red Memory】Yan Jie, planner and general coordinator of CCTV's hit documentary "Red Doctor": Grandpa was not afraid of death

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