
Why did Poland, which surrendered to Germany in only 12 hours, dare to say before the war that Germany would be destroyed in 3 days?

During World War II, fascist Germany spread the iron hooves of aggression throughout the European continent, and even the old advanced capitalist countries such as France were not spared, but in the end, evil could not be corrected, and under the intervention of the United States and the joint efforts of the anti-fascist countries in the world, Germany finally went to the fate of defeat. In the entire Second World War, the most persecuted by Germany were not only Jews, but also Poles. At that time, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II, Germany decided to use Poland as a breakthrough to launch a lightning raid, and after taking Poland, it carried out a terrible massacre in its country. Although the German Chancellor extended his sincerest apologies to the world after the war, he was never forgiven by the Poles, and of course, this was also related to the feud between the two peoples.

Why did Poland, which surrendered to Germany in only 12 hours, dare to say before the war that Germany would be destroyed in 3 days?

When the Germans raided Poland, the speed was so fast that the Polish authorities raised their hands and surrendered in just 12 hours. The losses of the Polish army can be described as quite heavy, 66,300 killed, 133,700 wounded, 911,000 captured (of which 694,000 were captured by the Germans and 217,000 by the Soviets), 100,000 fled to neighboring countries, while the Germans lost only 10,600, 30,300 wounded, and more than 3,400 missing. However, it is difficult to believe that the Polish army, which suffered so much losses, was quite confident before the war, and said that "germany can be destroyed in three days", so why did Poland have such a big confidence? Many netizens believe that it is because Poland has a high self-esteem, but it is not. According to the current situation at that time, Poland did have this strength.

Why did Poland, which surrendered to Germany in only 12 hours, dare to say before the war that Germany would be destroyed in 3 days?

We know that in addition to being a defeated country in World War II, Germany was also a defeated country in World War I. After the defeat in World War I, its military development was severely limited by the Allies, especially the limits on the strength of the army, requiring it to be maintained at about 100,000 and replaced once every 12 years, which meant that Germany should have a maximum of 200,000 troops at that time. The Polish army was very strong, 39 infantry divisions, 11 cavalry brigades, nearly 80 civil defense battalions, 220 light tanks, 650 ultralight tanks, 4300 artillery and mortars, more than 900 aircraft, and a total strength of about 1 million people.

Why did Poland, which surrendered to Germany in only 12 hours, dare to say before the war that Germany would be destroyed in 3 days?

What miscalculated Poland was that Germany had already planned, so its troop strength far exceeded people's estimates. At that time, the German army invested a total of 44 divisions, including 7 armored divisions, 4 light armored divisions, 4 motorized infantry divisions, 1939 aircraft, 2800 tanks, a total of 886,000 people, if you count the reserves, 1.6 million troops, so the Polish fiasco was also planned.

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