
Shanghai announced the situation of the infected people in Guangzhou after entering the country

On December 14 (0-24 o'clock), there were no new cases of local new coronary pneumonia in Shanghai, and in today's epidemic briefing, some netizens asked about the trajectory of the infected people in Guangzhou.

In response, Shanghai issued a reply: after the person entered Canada on November 27, he was quarantined in accordance with the regulations. There were no symptoms such as fever, and the 4 nucleic acid tests were negative. Go to Guangzhou on the day of the release of quarantine.

Shanghai announced the situation of the infected people in Guangzhou after entering the country

In winter and spring, in addition to paying attention to the new crown pneumonia virus, it is also necessary to be vigilant against common respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza (influenza) and chickenpox. Personal hygiene, correct wear of masks, take the initiative to vaccinate, and practice a healthy lifestyle.

Please put away this winter and spring health tips!

Cough covers the nose and mouth

When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue;

When there is no paper towel, use your elbow instead, do not cover your mouth and nose with your hands, and do not touch your eyes and nose with dirty hands.

Daily work washing

Familiar with the "seven-step handwashing method", wash your hands with running water as much as possible, use soap or hand sanitizer, and rub your hands in place for no less than 20 seconds;

If there is no running water outside, you can use hand sanitizer to clean your hands.

The room is always ventilated

Indoor often open windows for ventilation, the use of air conditioning should also pay attention to ventilation, can be ventilated once a day in the morning and afternoon, each time for about 30 minutes.

Nutrition and health

Food diversification, at least 25 per week; eat more vitamin C-rich vegetables, fruits, dairy products and high-protein foods; eat less high-oil, high-salt, high-sugar foods.

Exercise is indispensable

Under the conditions permitted by the individual's body, it is necessary to strengthen physical exercise and enhance physical fitness;

Warm up before exercise, relax after exercise, start with low intensity, and proceed step by step.

Life should be regular

Adhere to the regularity of work and rest, do not stay up too late, maintain a healthy mentality, quit smoking and limit alcohol;

To ensure adequate sleep, children should maintain 9 to 10 hours of sleep per day, and adults should maintain 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

In addition to the above points, it is also necessary to pay attention to not getting together, gathering less, and not necessarily not in crowded places. Adhere to the "three-piece set of epidemic prevention" and keep in mind the "five-piece protection"!

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