
People's Daily Bell: Hegemonic behavior will only lead artificial intelligence to the evil road

On December 13, China submitted the Position Paper on Regulating the Military Application of Artificial Intelligence to the Sixth Review Conference of the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. This is the first time that China has proposed to regulate the military application of ARTIFICIAL intelligence, and it is also the first position paper on the security governance of ARTIFICIAL intelligence under the framework of the CCW. This is another important effort by China to respond to the development situation of international security and emerging technologies and actively lead the process of international security governance.

As the core driving force of the new round of scientific and technological revolution, artificial intelligence is profoundly changing the world. In the military field, with the emergence of unmanned combat platforms such as unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned boats, and robotic dogs, the powerful enabling role of artificial intelligence has emerged, and countries have laid out to accelerate the military application of artificial intelligence. However, there are still many uncertainties in the military application of artificial intelligence technology, which may have a complex impact on international security, strategic stability, governance rules, ethics and morality. Artificial intelligence security governance has become an important issue facing all countries in the world.

China has always attached great importance to the issue of artificial intelligence security, and advocates a responsible attitude, comprehensively promoting the development of artificial intelligence technology and risk prevention, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind in the field of artificial intelligence. Chinese leaders clearly pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the research and prevention of potential risks in the development of artificial intelligence, safeguard the interests of the people and national security, and ensure that artificial intelligence is safe, reliable and controllable. This important exposition not only points out the direction for China's artificial intelligence development, but also provides basic ideas for strengthening the global governance of artificial intelligence and contributes Chinese wisdom.

To promote the improvement of the global governance of artificial intelligence, China is not only an active advocate, but also a pioneer in practicing it. Since 2019, China has successively issued documents such as "Principles of New Generation OF AI Governance - Developing Responsible Artificial Intelligence" and "Ethics of a New Generation of AI", clarifying the AI governance framework and action guidelines. China issued the Global Data Security Initiative, which clearly proposes to address data security risk challenges based on the principles of consultation, co-construction and sharing. China has actively participated in the UN discussion on the issue of "lethal autonomous weapons systems" and promoted all parties to reach 11 guiding principles. In May this year, during China's presidency of the UN Security Council, it presided over the Arria Model Meeting on "The Impact of Emerging Technologies on International Peace and Security", which promoted the Security Council's focus on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence for the first time, and provided an important platform for the international community to discuss the global governance of emerging technologies.

The "Position Paper on Regulating the Military Application of Artificial Intelligence" advocates that all countries, especially major powers, should develop and use artificial intelligence technology in the military field in a prudent and responsible manner, and should not seek absolute military superiority; artificial intelligence military applications should not become a tool for launching wars and seeking hegemony, and should not use the advantages of artificial intelligence technology to endanger the sovereignty and territorial security of other countries; they should adhere to the principle of people-oriented, intelligent and good," ensure that relevant weapons and their means of warfare comply with international humanitarian law, and avoid misuse and indiscriminate use The relevant weapon systems should be ensured not out of human control, and the safety, reliability and controllability of artificial intelligence technology should be continuously improved; the potential risks of artificial intelligence should be strengthened to reduce the risk of proliferation; and an international mechanism of universal participation should be established to promote the formation of an artificial intelligence governance framework and standard norms with broad consensus. These propositions for coordinated development and security, the persistence in safeguarding the well-being of mankind, and the adherence to fairness and justice embody the responsibility of major countries.

What is worth vigilance is that the United States and other countries regard the military application of artificial intelligence as a tool for maintaining hegemony and military superiority, constantly draw lines with ideology, generalize the concept of national security, draw allies to build discriminatory small circles, engage in closed exclusion, conflict and confrontation, and attempt to artificially set up scientific and technological barriers to hinder the development of other countries. On various occasions, some US politicians have openly instigated so-called "democracies" to confront "technological authoritarianism" in an attempt to piece together the so-called "group of scientific and technological democracies" to curb the scientific and technological development of other countries. On the one hand, the United States prides itself on the "responsible" use of artificial intelligence, on the other hand, it frequently creates drones to kill civilians, which is a typical "say a set, do a set". This kind of hegemonism and solipsism will only lead the development of artificial intelligence technology to the wrong road.

Only by adhering to the world in mind and intelligence for good can we truly promote artificial intelligence technology to benefit all mankind. At the crossroads of the era of intelligence, the international community should uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, adhere to the principle of jointly promoting development, jointly protecting security, and sharing achievements, jointly standardize the military application of artificial intelligence, and lead the development of artificial intelligence technology to the right path of benefiting mankind.

Source: People's Daily

People's Daily Bell: Hegemonic behavior will only lead artificial intelligence to the evil road

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