
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Calls on countries to apply AI technology responsibly in the military field

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Calls on countries to apply AI technology responsibly in the military field

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the "first position paper submitted by China to regulate the military application of artificial intelligence", at a regular press conference held today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin called on all countries to responsibly develop and use artificial intelligence technology in the military field.

A reporter asked: Artificial intelligence is an emerging scientific and technological field that is highly concerned by various countries. A few days ago, China submitted for the first time a position paper regulating the military application of artificial intelligence at the Sixth Review Conference of the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. Can you tell us about this background?

Wang Wenbin said that the current world is experiencing a new round of scientific and technological revolution, the wide application of artificial intelligence as an emerging technology in various fields is profoundly changing human social life, and the application in the military field is increasingly attracting international attention. People are increasingly aware that while developing artificial intelligence, we must attach great importance to the security risk challenges that may be brought about, strengthen forward-looking prevention and guidance, minimize risks, and ensure the safe, reliable and controllable development of artificial intelligence.

China attaches great importance to the security risks posed by ai military applications, and advocates that all countries should uphold a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable global security concept, seek consensus on the development norms of AI military applications through dialogue and cooperation, and build an international mechanism for universal participation. AI technology is closely related to the discussion of "lethal autonomous weapon systems" within the framework of the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. To this end, in a responsible manner, China submitted a position paper regulating the military application of artificial intelligence to the Sixth Review Conference of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. Wang Wenbin said, "This move aims to advocate the concept of 'intelligence for good' and call on all countries to responsibly develop and use artificial intelligence technology in the military field." “

Wang Wenbin stressed that as an active builder of world peace and a staunch defender of multilateralism, China is willing to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with all parties, properly cope with the risks and challenges brought about by the military application of artificial intelligence, and promote artificial intelligence technology to benefit the people of all countries.

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