
Tangled up in whether to buy new energy vehicles? Here comes the answer!

Are new energy vehicles the mainstream of future cars?

Is China's new energy vehicle technology mature?

Are there any discounts for new energy vehicles parking in Fuzhou?

Tangled up in whether to buy new energy vehicles? Here comes the answer!

December 14

Guest of Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

Guest in the live broadcast room of "Party Style and Government Style Hotline"

Answered these questions

Tangled up in whether to buy new energy vehicles? Here comes the answer!

▲ Li Xin, member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology (pictured right), Ding Yangfei, deputy director of the Raw Materials and Equipment Industry Division of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology (left)


Will new energy vehicles become the mainstream of future automobile development?


In 2009, the State Council issued the "Automobile Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan", proposing to implement the development strategy of new energy vehicles. In 2020, China's new energy vehicle sales reached 1.367 million units, a record high. In the "Medium and Long-term Development Plan for the Automobile Industry" jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology, the development target of new energy vehicles is clearly put forward: by 2025, new energy vehicles will account for more than 20% of automobile production and sales. New energy vehicles are the trend of the future development of the automotive industry.

There is a saying that the technology of new energy vehicles is not mature, if you buy new energy vehicles, will they be eliminated within a few years because of technical reasons?

This is a factor that many consumers consider when purchasing new energy vehicles, and it is answered from two aspects.

The first is the policy orientation. The development of new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from an automobile power to an automobile power. In recent years, China has issued a series of policies such as the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" National Strategic Emerging Industry Development Plan and the "Medium- and Long-term Development Plan for the Automobile Industry" to continuously promote the development of the new energy vehicle industry and increase efforts to promote new energy vehicles.

The second is the technical aspect. China has basically mastered the core technology of new energy vehicles, and has made breakthroughs in the development of key components such as power batteries, fuel cells, and drive motors, as well as the integration and application of vehicle systems. At present, the mileage of mainstream passenger car models in China has reached more than 300 kilometers, which is synchronized with the international advanced level. The R&D investment of backbone enterprises of new energy vehicles and power batteries has reached more than 8%, which is higher than the global industry average.

China's new energy vehicles are more and more able to meet consumer needs from the aspects of performance, driving experience, price, etc., and are also accepted by more consumers.

Tangled up in whether to buy new energy vehicles? Here comes the answer!

▲ Xie Geng (right), deputy director of the Electronic Information Department of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology (pictured right), Liu Wei, deputy director of the Energy and Resource Utilization Department of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology (left), and Lin Shengjie, a first-class section member of the Software Service Department of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology (in the picture)

New energy vehicle parking in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities can be free, does Fuzhou have relevant policies?

In September this year, Fuzhou Municipal Urban and Rural Construction Bureau and other 4 departments jointly issued the "Notice on Clarifying the Preferential Measures for Parking Service Charges for New Energy Vehicles in Our City" (Rong Jianke [2021] No. 134), and some parking lots in our city implement parking service charges for new energy vehicles in our city (see the following table for details): New energy vehicles that enjoy on-time billing discounts are exempted from 2 hours (inclusive) vehicle parking service fees for the first time on the same day, and are charged according to the current standards of the same model after 2 hours; vehicles parked continuously across the sky. Enjoy free parking for 2 hours only once.

Tangled up in whether to buy new energy vehicles? Here comes the answer!

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"Party Style and Government Style Hotline" is an all-media program sponsored by the Organization Department of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and undertaken by the Management Committee of the Fuzhou Municipal Administrative (Citizen) Service Center and the Fuzhou Radio and Television Station.

The "Hotline of Party Style and Political Style" program is a new upgraded version of the FM94.4 news broadcast "Hotline for Political Style and Style" of Fuzhou Radio and Television Station, which has been established for 13 years and won the title of "Fujian News Famous Column". Based on improving the quality of grass-roots party building in Fuzhou city in the new era, the program is in line with the functional positioning of the Fuzhou Party and Mass Service Center, with "keeping the original intention, undertaking the mission, finding gaps, and grasping the implementation" as the main line, and broadcasting all media with the help of multimedia communication platforms, so that the relevant units directly under the municipal government can communicate directly with the majority of party members and the masses through multiple channels and forms, and answer party affairs, workers and young women's affairs, people's livelihood offices, examination and approval service policies and other related matters for party members and the masses.

The online version of the "Party Style and Government Style Hotline" program is broadcast on FM94.4 Fuzhou News Broadcasting every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. At the same time, the "Fuzhou News Broadcasting" WeChat public account video live broadcast. The general public and netizens can interact with the online units through the hotline 88001234 or the "Fuzhou News Broadcasting" WeChat public account.

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