
The Chinese veterans stranded in Burma would rather be poor than foreign, and finally return to their homeland after 70 years

It is believed that the popular "My Regiment Leader My Regiment" in previous years has left a very deep impression on everyone, it records the heroic deeds of the Chinese Expeditionary Force in resisting the Japanese invaders 60 years ago, and at the same time, this drama also highlights the national righteousness and heroic courage of our military and people.

The Chinese veterans stranded in Burma would rather be poor than foreign, and finally return to their homeland after 70 years

Since the end of the Battle of Wuhan, Japan was forced to stop the aggressive offensive in the Chinese battlefield, and the two sides have since entered a stage of strategic stalemate, in order to reverse the situation, Japan turned its aggressive attention to Southeast Asia, they attempted to occupy Vietnam, Burma and Laos, and establish a self-sufficient war economic system.

In December 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and launched the Pacific War, when the U.S. Pacific Fleet stationed in Hawaii was almost completely destroyed, and soon after, the Japanese launched the Battle of Malaya, the British army was defeated, and under the powerful war offensive, the Japanese army soon occupied Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand.

The Chinese veterans stranded in Burma would rather be poor than foreign, and finally return to their homeland after 70 years

After occupying most of Southeast Asia, the Japanese attempted to march north into Burma, hoping to cut off the Burma Line, a lifeline for transporting anti-Japanese materials, and achieve the purpose of weakening the effective anti-Japanese forces in China.

In the face of the wolf ambitions of the Japanese invaders, China signed a mutual defense agreement with Britain and the United States in 1942 and organized a Chinese youth expeditionary force composed of 100,000 people.

The tropical rainforest environment in Southeast Asia is very harsh, China's 100,000 troops into Burma to fight, the casualty rate is as high as 70%, when they return to China, less than 40,000 people, the number of people who disappeared and died in the retreat can be said to be countless, and some fighters are even forced to stay in Myanmar, and they cannot return to China for life.

The Chinese veterans stranded in Burma would rather be poor than foreign, and finally return to their homeland after 70 years

Today' protagonist is a hot-blooded young man who responded to the call of the state and joined the expeditionary army, he joined the army at the age of 16, and he has been in Myanmar for more than 70 years, and he has not returned to his hometown to see it once in his 90s.

Li Guangdian was born in 1922, his hometown is located in Xuanwei, Yunnan, because his family is poor, he has been passed on to others since he was a child, during his schooling, he just caught up with the National Government to recruit expeditionary forces throughout the country, as a hot-blooded young man, Li Guangdian was the first to sign up without thinking.

At the age of 17, he was incorporated into the 28th Division of the Kuomintang 71st Army, became an artilleryman, and fought with the army in Burma, after a year of training, Lee Kwang-tin participated in the Battle of Songshan, recalling the brutal battle, the old man still kept shaking his head: At that time, everyone was a new recruit egg, no battlefield, no experience, the brothers only knew how to rush up, the Japanese had heavy machine guns and broken artillery, which were full of dead people, and the ditch was full of corpses.

The Chinese veterans stranded in Burma would rather be poor than foreign, and finally return to their homeland after 70 years

Until 1944, in the Battle of Longling, Li Guangdian was unfortunately seriously injured, and he was forced to transfer to the rear hospital for recuperation, but he did not expect that this arrangement was a turning point in his life's fate.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in front of The Rear Hospital, Lee Kwang-tung had two choices, he either continued to stay in Burma or returned to China to look for old troops, at that time Lee Kwang-tung often read the newspaper, knowing that a civil war had broken out in the country, he did not want to take a gun to his compatriots, so he chose to continue to recuperate in Burma, and it was precisely because of this choice that Li Kwang-tin could not return to China for 70 years.

When Lee Kwang-tung wanted to return to China after recovery, the Nationalist government had fled to Taiwan in defeat, and he could not leave, and in the days he stayed in Burma, Lee Kwang-tung suffered a lot.

The Chinese veterans stranded in Burma would rather be poor than foreign, and finally return to their homeland after 70 years

Because he did not understand Burmese and was a foreigner, Li Guangdian could only work odd jobs everywhere and sell his physical strength to make money, fortunately, at that time he met a Chinese woman who fled to Myanmar, Yang Zengfen, the two were still fellow countrymen, and they naturally married after a period of time together.

For a long time, Burma was a British colony, and the expeditionary force fought jointly with the British army, in the eyes of the Burmese people, the "expeditionary force" is the aggressor, so in Burma for decades, Lee Kwang Tin has been living a life of anonymity.

Without an ID card, Lee Kwang Tin not only can not do normal work, even social welfare can not enjoy, his life is very bitter, there have been countless opportunities to let him join the Burmese nationality, he is shaking his head and refusing, in his heart the motherland is the harbor of home, he once said that he would rather be poor, even if it is starvation, he will never join the foreign.

The Chinese veterans stranded in Burma would rather be poor than foreign, and finally return to their homeland after 70 years

For his own requirements, for the education of his children, Li Guangdian is the same, he insists on letting children learn traditional Chinese culture, let their children go to Chinese schools, and do so for one purpose, do not forget that he is a Chinese.

In 1990, China ushered in reform and opening up, foreign policy also began to relax a lot, Lee Kwang-tung finally had the opportunity to return to China to see, with the help of caring people, he smoothly returned to his hometown with his family, but because his children were born in Myanmar, there was no way to naturalize, he had to return to Myanmar after a year of temporary residence in his hometown.

Li Guangdian thought that he would never be able to return to the motherland again, but he did not expect that things had turned around in 2015, because China carried out activities to find veterans of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in various places, Li Guangdian's deeds were reported, after many efforts, his family finally restored their Chinese nationality, thinking about the ups and downs of more than 70 years, Li Guangdian could not help but cry.

At the expeditionary army's public ceremony, Li Guangdian was so excited that he kept murmuring, "Comrades-in-arms, I'm back!" "At this time, he is an old man in his 90s, the last survivor of the expeditionary force, let us pay tribute to this old man."

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