
If the red light does not change the green light for 15 minutes, does the car run the red light after passing? The traffic police say the answer

The development of automobiles has a history of a hundred years, the arrival of cars has changed our way of travel, improved our quality of life, although the car has brought us many conveniences, but also brought us troubles, first of all, the impact of the environment.

Now most of the vehicles on the road are basically fuel vehicles, fuel vehicle exhaust emissions to the environment has brought a lot of pollution, so now most areas began to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, green travel, major car companies are also actively responding to the call to develop their own new energy vehicles.

If the red light does not change the green light for 15 minutes, does the car run the red light after passing? The traffic police say the answer

However, the popularity of new energy vehicles is not fast, in fact, there are two major reasons affecting the development of new energy vehicles, one is the endurance problem, the other is the charging problem, at present, most of the new energy vehicles have a range of about 600-800 kilometers, and few models have an endurance of more than 1000 kilometers.

If you look at the mileage alone, about 600-800 kilometers is also acceptable, but charging is difficult, new energy vehicles need dedicated charging piles, but now the number of charging piles on the road is very small, and the charging speed is also very slow, new energy full of 4-5 hours, and fuel vehicles plus a tank of fuel only 5, 6 minutes, this is the gap between new energy and fuel vehicles, for most consumers, fuel vehicles are more convenient.

If the red light does not change the green light for 15 minutes, does the car run the red light after passing? The traffic police say the answer

In addition, with the increasing number of cars, traffic pressure is becoming more and more large, most cities have traffic jams, parking difficulties, in addition, the traffic accident rate is also increasing, so in order to alleviate traffic pressure, reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, the relevant departments have set up more and more traffic rules.

For example, variable lanes, multi-occupant lanes, traffic restrictions, etc., have effectively alleviated traffic pressure, and speed limits, traffic lights, etc. have reduced the occurrence of traffic accidents, and now, basically every road intersection has traffic lights, and the establishment of traffic lights can effectively maintain traffic order.

If the red light does not change the green light for 15 minutes, does the car run the red light after passing? The traffic police say the answer

As we all know, running a red light will be deducted 6 points and fined 200 yuan, under normal circumstances, basically no car owner dares to run a red light, but the traffic light is also an electronic product, there will always be a fault, if the red light does not change the green light for 15 minutes, the owner of the car is not counted as running a red light? The traffic police say the answer!

However, the quality of traffic lights is very high, after all, it is related to the order of traffic, once the error will cause traffic chaos, if the traffic light is wrong, whether it is a car, non-motorized vehicle or pedestrians, it will be overwhelmed, it is easy to cause traffic accidents.

If the red light does not change the green light for 15 minutes, does the car run the red light after passing? The traffic police say the answer

In fact, there are two reasons for traffic lights to go wrong, one is a power outage, the other is a program error, when encountering a power outage, the traffic light will be directly extinguished, this time through will not cause the red light behavior, because the traffic light has no electricity, electronic monitoring can not have electricity, but need to pay attention to safety.

And the second reason is that it can not be easily passed, when the traffic light has a program error, there may be a situation of unchanged lights, that is, one side has been a green light, the other side has been a red light, in this case can not easily run a red light, if the traffic light is unchanged for a long time, such as 15, 20 minutes has been a red light, this time through the electronic eye may be photographed to run the red light behavior, but, after the fact, you can appeal, after all, the traffic light has failed, can not be counted on the owner's body.

If the red light does not change the green light for 15 minutes, does the car run the red light after passing? The traffic police say the answer

Finally, if you encounter this situation, the owner must not be in a hurry, first look at whether there is a traffic police at the intersection, if there is a traffic police, you must abide by the traffic police's gestures, if there is no traffic police must be in order to ensure safe passage, if a traffic accident occurs, the party that runs the red light is absolutely fully responsible, so safety first.

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