
Don't have to spend money on games? The sony PS4 series has been cracked: the PS5 is also dangerous

On December 14, hackers discovered a vulnerability in the Sony PlayStation 4 firmware version 9.0 and below that could be used to crack a game console. Although the PS4 is a previous-generation console, it may be because the PS5 has been in short supply for a long time, and it still maintains a high degree of popularity, especially for hackers who are used to "explore".

Don't have to spend money on games? The sony PS4 series has been cracked: the PS5 is also dangerous

The cracking team compared the kernel differences between version 9.00 and version 9.03 and found that the method used to crack PS4 did not apply to firmware versions 9.03 or later. PS4's latest firmware version 9.03 was introduced on December 1, meaning that users who haven't updated yet have a chance to "jailbreak". Executing the vulnerability requires a USB stick and access to an HTML file through the PS4 browser, which can be hosted locally or hosted by a website.

Don't have to spend money on games? The sony PS4 series has been cracked: the PS5 is also dangerous

It is worth mentioning that Znullptr in the cracking team said that the same kernel vulnerability has also appeared in some firmware versions of PS5, which means that PS5 is expected to be cracked. Unfortunately, the cracking team said that it has not yet bought a host for testing, and there are any enthusiastic netizens who intend to contribute a wave?

Xiao Lei learned that PS1, PS2, and PS3 hosts were easily cracked by hackers, making Sony make a lot less money. In order to increase the security of the console, Sony added processor-level encryption technology to the PlayStation 4, which is actually a lot safer, and the console cannot be "broken" by hackers for a long time.

Don't have to spend money on games? The sony PS4 series has been cracked: the PS5 is also dangerous

Of course, just as the so-called "road height is one foot high and one foot high", encryption technology is getting stronger and stronger every day, and cracking technology is also improving, in 4.05, 4.55, 5.05 and other versions, hackers have found vulnerabilities to crack PS4. With Sony's "security door" opened, a cracked version of the PS4 began to circulate on the market.

A 500GB version, a cracked version of PS4 Slim with 10 built-in games, is priced at only 2650 yuan. You know, the price of a PS4 game is not cheap, the money of 10 games can almost buy a host, do not want to spend too much money on the game players, naturally will play these cracked version of the host's ideas.

However, Xiao Lei does not recommend that you buy a cracked version of the PS4 or take your own console to jailbreak, on the one hand, the cracked version of the host can not replace the game by itself, and can not be networked operations, once accessed to the network, it is likely to face the official "justice trial", the machine is directly banned to change bricks, and can not be restored. On the other hand, the price of second-hand PS4 and game discs is basically not very expensive, if you really like console games, it is better to support genuine.

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