
What kind of person is Yue Fei? What did Kublai Khan say about him? And how do you treat his descendants?

After the Yuan Dynasty destroyed the Song Dynasty, how did Kublai Khan evaluate Yue Fei? And how did you treat Yue Fei's descendants?

The Yuan Dynasty was the first unified dynasty in China's history to be ruled by ethnic minorities. Although the history of the Yuan Dynasty is short, the institutional system is also very sound. After decades of conquest, the Mongols finally established the Yuan Dynasty in Kublai Khan's generation, beginning their short history. After the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan evaluated Yue Fei, and the results were somewhat unexpected.

What kind of person is Yue Fei? What did Kublai Khan say about him? And how do you treat his descendants?

After Genghis Khan unified Mongolia, the Mongols gradually became stronger and stronger, becoming the most powerful nomadic people in the north. After that, Wokoutai, Möngke, and Kublai Khan began to implement the great cause of the Mongols to unify the world, and finally unified the world in Kublai Khan's generation, making the Mongols the first ethnic minority to sit on the country. In the process of Mongolia's unification of the world, the Southern Song Dynasty can be described as the biggest obstacle for Mongolia.

During the Meng Ge period, he attacked the Southern Song Dynasty in an all-round way, trying to give the Southern Song Dynasty a fatal blow. At that time, the Southern Song Dynasty was already regarded as the end of the hero, the national strength declined, and there was no famous general who had no strength to turn the tide, and could only be bullied by the Mongols. Despite this, the Mongol Great Khan Möngke was killed in the Southern Song Dynasty under the city of Xiangyang. It can be said that the Mongols and the Southern Song Dynasty have a deep hatred that does not share the same heaven. During kublai khan's reign, force and benevolent government were enforced at the same time, and finally forced the Southern Song Dynasty to surrender, and Kublai Khan naturally became the first unified emperor of ethnic minorities in Chinese history.

What kind of person is Yue Fei? What did Kublai Khan say about him? And how do you treat his descendants?

After Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty, he issued some decrees and made pertinent evaluations of some celebrities during the Song Dynasty. Kublai Khan spoke sharply of the Song Dynasty's civilian generals, while for Yue Fei, Kublai Khan showed unparalleled respect. The Yuan Dynasty not only repaired the Yue Wang Temple, but also added the word "Baoyi" on the basis of retaining the Song Dynasty's title of Yue Fei to show praise for this anti-Jin hero.

The Yuan Dynasty revised the history books of the Song Dynasty and left an important one for Yue Fei's father and son. The "History of Song" has a total of 225 volumes, although the number of volumes is quite large, but the two Song Dynasties add up to 319 years, and there are many historical figures, of which Yue Fei's father and son occupy a single volume, which shows how important Yue Fei's position is in the eyes of the Yuan Dynasty. The History of the Song Dynasty revised by the Yuan Dynasty, in which Yue Fei was highly evaluated, saying that he was "the first merit, flying without speaking", not only that, the Yuan Dynasty also recorded his famous words "Wenchen does not love money, Wuchen does not hesitate to die, the world is too peaceful" and so on. Even the praise of the Jin people for him at that time: "Shake the mountain is easy, shake the Yue family's military difficulties" has also been recorded.

What kind of person is Yue Fei? What did Kublai Khan say about him? And how do you treat his descendants?

The Yuan Dynasty people's evaluation of Yue Fei was extremely high, not without reason. First, the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty respected Yue Fei from the bottom of their hearts. There is also the idea of using Yue Fei's loyalty to impress the people of the world, so as to educate the people of the world to be loyal to the king and patriotic.

Kublai Khan respected Yue Fei, and Yue Fei's descendants were thus protected by the Yuan Dynasty. Kublai Khan ordered the hangzhou magistrate to sacrifice Yue Fei's temple. Not only that, Kublai Khan sent people to find Yue Fei's descendants in Tangyin, Henan, and grant him official positions. As for Yue Fei's descendants in the south, the Yuan Dynasty also gave him the title of knight, and the descendants of the Yixing area also appeared as a famous family of Yue. Yue Fei's descendants turned over in the Yuan Dynasty because of Yue Fei, perhaps this is the biggest irony of the Song Dynasty.

What kind of person is Yue Fei? What did Kublai Khan say about him? And how do you treat his descendants?

The Yuan Dynasty destroyed the Song Dynasty, which was already the trend of the times. At that time, the weak and incompetent Song Dynasty only awaited its demise. As for Kublai Khan's actions toward Yue Fei and his descendants, on the one hand, it was out of respect, and on the other hand, it was out of political intent.

Reference: "Song Shi Yue Fei Biography"

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