
Seeing that Chiang Kai-shek's apprentice stabbed the basket, Du Yuesheng retreated from the post and drove out of the division, why did he rebel?

This matter should also start from Du Yuesheng's visit to Chiang Kai-shek.

At that time, the three tycoons in Shanghai had just been named major generals, and they were so excited that they thought that they must go to Nanjing to meet old Jiang and thank them in person for their work under the exchange of gifts.

However, Chen Qun immediately stopped the ridiculous idea of these three people, after all, this was a set of emperors and courtiers in the feudal era, and it was not popular in front of Chairman Jiang. Chen Qun instructed them to wait for Chiang Kai-shek to inform them to meet.

At the same time, Chen Qunyou wrote a secret letter to Chiang Kai-shek and commented on the three tycoons. It is said that this Golden Rong is serving in the concession and it is inconvenient for him to come forward; Zhang Xiaolin has courage and strategy, and he makes enemies everywhere; only Du Yuesheng has the courage and strategy to serve the country. Chen Qun's letter had basically determined the ranking and pattern of these three tycoons in the future, and Chiang Kai-shek "hand-picked" Du Yuesheng to go to Nanjing to meet alone.

Du Yuesheng's face was bigger, and even if Jin Rong and Zhang Xiaolin were jealous, they would have no use, and on the surface they still had to compliment and congratulate. Du Yuesheng acted low-key, this time to Nanjing is more careful and careful, the people brought are all confidants, in addition to Wan Molin, Ma Awu, there are a few protégés, including Huang Zhendong.

Huang Zhendong's father was the big boss of Huaxin Company, and he used to do import business with Japan. After the May Thirtieth massacre, China boycotted Japanese goods everywhere, and Boss Huang's company was inevitably implicated.

Huang Zhendong was reported by employees and was locked up, Huang Zhendong's father immediately sent a large amount of money to Du Yuesheng, Du Yuesheng took out 400,000 yuan to donate, personally came forward to protect him, he escaped a disaster, and since then he has worshiped in Dumen.

Seeing that Chiang Kai-shek's apprentice stabbed the basket, Du Yuesheng retreated from the post and drove out of the division, why did he rebel?

Huang Zhendong has financial resources and a father who is willing to throw money at him, although he has no brains, Du Yuesheng is still more polite to him.

This time to Nanjing, Huang Zhendong pestered Du Yuesheng for a long time, and Du Yuesheng relaxed and took him there. On the way to Nanjing, Du Yuesheng told his protégés that Nanjing was no better than Shanghai after all, and big people could be seen everywhere. And Du Yuesheng has no real power under Chiang Kai-shek, but it is just a false position, if the protégé does not have a long eye to offend the magnate, it is a matter of not being able to eat and walk.

Du Yuesheng's harsh words were placed in front, and several protégés were cautious and followed Du Yuesheng's footsteps. And this Huang Zhendong gave Du Yuesheng a basket, making Du Yuesheng lose a small face.

Old Jiang invited Du Yuesheng to come, wanting to cooperate in depth, and he would certainly not treat Du Yuesheng badly in terms of food, clothing, housing, and travel. Du Yuesheng and his party were arranged by Lao Jiang to live in the Central Hotel, the Central Hotel was a top hotel specializing in entertaining senior officials and overseas VIPs from all over the world at that time, luxury needless to say, the key to living here has a lot of face, enough for Du Yuesheng's protégés to go back and blow for a while.

After Huang Zhendong moved in, he also felt that his identity was extraordinary, and the others were honestly abiding by the rules, but he had a big heart, and his heart was thinking about the beautiful people on the Qinhuai River.

If he sneaked out to have fun, the young master took the prostitute into the central hotel, and after being caught by the hotel party, he criticized the education in person, although he saw that Du Yuesheng's face was lightly taken, but this ugly thing only took a few days, and it spread from Nanjing to Shanghai.

Du Yuesheng is good-looking, and he has always wanted to change from a gangster image of eating, drinking and gambling to a calm and reliable businessman, even a politician. But Huang Zhendong's move to prostitute is simply to re-beat him into the thief's den, and others say that there is a lot of irony that dogs can't change eating.

Of course, the crowd did not recognize this little Huang Zhendong, only knew that the people he Du Yuesheng brought in were looking for a young lady, and by the way, they also speculated whether this Du Men's protégé was an upward and downward effect, learning the master's set of style.

Seeing that Chiang Kai-shek's apprentice stabbed the basket, Du Yuesheng retreated from the post and drove out of the division, why did he rebel?

Du Yuesheng felt remorseful when she thought about it, and after returning to Shanghai, she immediately asked Wan Molin to find out Huang Zhendong's worship post, and Wan Molin returned the worship post to Huang Zhendong according to Du Yuesheng's privacy.

This prayer retreated to the Huang family, and Huang Zhendong was scolded by his own father. Du Yuesheng is his benefactor, not to mention, his family's Huaxin company is counting on Du Yuesheng to support them backstage.

Now that Du Yuesheng's master is gone, Huang Zhendong has something to regret. Father Huang immediately found various contacts to intercede with Du Yuesheng, hoping that Du Yuesheng could take back the worship of the master.

And Du Yuesheng was angry, and even if Huang Zhendong prostrated himself in front of the Du Mansion and pleaded guilty, he could not see Du Yuesheng's figure. Huang's father paid a lot of money and directly bought a luxury yacht for Du Yuesheng, although Du Yuesheng had financial resources and fame at that time, but luxury yachts really did not exist.

Huang Father was in pain, but sent once to return, and sent again and again, this sent to retreat, this yacht has been parked at the sixteen shop docks, let people see it is quite a pity.

Seeing that Chiang Kai-shek's apprentice stabbed the basket, Du Yuesheng retreated from the post and drove out of the division, why did he rebel?

After a while, Du Yuesheng was half relieved, and someone ran to Du Yuesheng and seemingly inadvertently mentioned such a sentence, saying that this yacht was parked there, and for a long time there was no need to be afraid of rust, Du Yuesheng listened and did not express it.

Later, Father Huang simply found Su Jiashan, Du Yuesheng's heavy think tank, and asked Su Jiashan to say good things.

Su Jiashan said to Du Yuesheng: "Mr. Du, this matter is actually no wonder Huang Zhendong, you have to blame yourself." ”

Du Yuesheng felt novel and asked him, "Why do you blame me?" ”

Su Jiashan said, "You knew that Huang Zhendong was not very reliable, and you also took him to Nanjing to make such a scene." ”

Du Yuesheng looked back and thought about it, and also felt that what Su Jiashan said was reasonable, and very low-key accepted the yacht sent by Boss Huang.

The yacht has been taken down, and Huang Zhendong's return to the division is sooner or later. Later, Huang's father specially found Wan Molin and gave him a big gift, and not long after, Huang Zhendong's worship master was silently taken back by Du Yuesheng.

Seeing that Chiang Kai-shek's apprentice stabbed the basket, Du Yuesheng retreated from the post and drove out of the division, why did he rebel?

Some people say that Du Yuesheng was able to pick up this apprentice who was driven out of the house because of the luxury yacht, but in fact, it was not all.

Compared with the first two scum disciples, although Huang Zhendong is unreliable, in fact, there is merit, he really admires and respects Du Yuesheng, and has always regarded Du Yuesheng as a master.

After this incident, although Huang Zhendong did not change his lustful and exaggerated nature, he was loyal to Du Yuesheng.

Later, du Yuesheng's family events, whether it was his son's marriage or his own birthday, Huang Zhendong directly sent a few pounds of gold, and the sincerity was not good.

On the other hand, when the disciple made a mistake, Du Yuesheng could reflect on his own problems instead of blaming all the faults on the disciple and listening to the admonition, which was a quality that many people in high positions did not have.

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