
After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

Author: Xu Guixi

After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

(Chongzhen Emperor)

In the third year of Chongzhen, Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Liaodong who guarded the border pass, was executed for "conspiracy to rebel". Yuan Chonghuan, a hero who was born and died for the country and fought in blood, finally ended up as a sinner who betrayed the country.

I think: it doesn't matter what ends up with the ambitious person, what matters is how much he gives for his ambitions and how much he achieves them.

Yuan Chonghuan is ambitious, and Chongzhen is also ambitious. Moreover, their goal is basically the same, that is, to do their best to protect their country , Daming Jiangshan. However, the complexity and change of the human heart have created the complexity and change of history.

So why did Chongzhen have to kill Yuan Chonghuan?

After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

(Yuan Chonghuan)

(1) The Chongzhen Emperor loved deeply and hated it

Chongzhen ascended the throne, and Daming Was worried about internal and external troubles.

Domestically, Wei Zhongxian's castration party controlled the situation. Border pass, after the golden tiger eye.

Looking around the four wildernesses, who can rely on? Only Yuan Chonghuan also.

After commanding Ning Jin's great victory in defeating Nurhaci and Huang Taiji, Yuan Chonghuan, who was extremely dissatisfied with the Wei Party's actions, resigned and returned home as a commoner. Chongzhen valued his ability to save the crisis. After eradicating the Wei Party, Chongzhen could not wait to summon Yuan Chonghuan, and the two appointment orders made Yuan Chonghuan leap from a commoner to a powerful soldier Shangshu.

At this time, Chongzhen put all the bets on Yuan's body. With the support of Jiangshan Sheji, this trust comes from the depths of the heart, without the slightest hesitation and doubt. After the platform was summoned, Yuan painted a beautiful prospect for Chongzhen: within five years, liaodong would be restored.

After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

Chongzhen believes that this commitment, like his trust, is also from the heart, and it is also an unconditional love. After that, Yuan wanted to give whatever he wanted, and Yuan could do whatever he wanted. Despite the weakness of the country, Chongzhen still did his best to support, throw out a sincere heart, give everything he had, and expect a good return.

Even if Yuan killed Mao Wenlong, who shouldn't have been killed. Although it is known that Mao Wenlong's role in containing Hou Jin cannot be underestimated, although it is known that Yuan has exceeded his authority. Chongzhen still tolerated Yuan's mistakes.

Even when Yuan only chased after Huang Taiji, who had been robbing all the way, until Huang Taiji pointed his large knife at Beijing and the soldiers approached the city, Chongzhen took off his coat and personally draped it for Yuan to motivate him.

At that time, rumors were rife, the common people were cursing Yuan, and the officials were also cursing Yuan, believing that Yuan was a traitor. Because the enemy was present, Yuan did nothing at all, neither blocking nor intercepting, and even suspected of showing the enemy a way.

After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

But Chongzhen still chose to trust.

I think there should be some wavering behind this trust, because the reward for Chongzhen's full efforts is actually the enemy's shouting and wild at the door of the house. He hid his wavering in the hope of exchanging this trust for the tranquility of the capital and the tranquility of the country.

Until Yuan strongly asked the soldiers and horses to enter the city to rest, chongzhen at this time was completely dead-hearted at this time, and put on the charge of conspiracy for Yuan in his heart.

Even if Yuan won the Battle of Zuo'anmen, even if the enemy soldiers did not retreat, even if they had to face the dilemma of changing generals on the front, Chongzhen's despair of Yuan Chonghuan was as firm as his trust in him at the beginning.

The greater the hope placed in a person, the greater the disappointment.

The sustenance is not only full of hopes and expectations, but also the denial of their self-righteous vision and intelligence. Who will bear the two pains? The only outlet is the one who once had high hopes and accepted the affection.

This so-called love is deep, hate is cut.

After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

(2) Yuan Chonghuan was overwhelmed and did what things did that made the emperor despair?

Life can be proud, but it must not be forgotten. Forget what shape? Form is your identity.

You are a courtier, and you must do what a courtier does. At any time, do not forget the identity of "courtier". You are a general, and you must fight bravely to kill the enemy and defend your country. Don't forget the identity of "general".

Yuan's main mistakes were in three places:

First, kill Mao Wenlong.

The reason for this was that Mao Wenlong did not listen to Yuan. It is okay to exclude dissidents, but what is this behavior of not following normal procedures and killing people without taking legal channels? Disregard the king's law.

After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

Second, he did not listen to the deployment and admonition of the teacher and leader Sun Chengzong.

It is necessary to intercept the enemy on the outskirts of the capital, and we must not garrison the troops outside the capital. The previous victory and the trust of the emperor made Yuan feel proud, feeling that he had surpassed the teacher and did not need to look up and obey. Ignore the teacher.

Third, insist on letting soldiers and horses enter the city.

Yuan insisted on his own strategic deployment, and Chongzhen could do it as long as the final result was good. With his troops stationed outside the capital, Chongzhen endured, as long as he retreated from the enemy.

Ke Yuan's mind continued to heat up, and he insisted on letting the soldiers and horses enter the city after Chongzhen's repeated and categorical refusals.

After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

What is the intention of gaining inches? Relying on the emperor's dependence, arbitrariness, and disregard for the emperor.

There are boundaries in doing things, and boundaries are your form. Once you cross the line, you will be chaotic, and you should do what you should not do, and you will do it all, unconsciously violating the "territory" of others. Proud and forgetful, unable to guard their own boundaries, naturally incur disasters.

So, if you were the Chongzhen Emperor, would you kill Yuan Chonghuan?

After Chongzhen repeatedly and categorically refused, Yuan Chonghuan still insisted on doing this, causing the disaster of killing himself?

【About the author】Xu Guixi, female, from Yueyang, Hunan. Primary school Chinese teacher.

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