
Nian Qianyao has deep roots, the whole west is his people, why can Yongzheng easily get him?

Yongzheng, as a promising monarch, in the whole process of overthrowing Nian Qianyao, his thoughts were very calm, not only "step by step" but also "all-encompassing". Before Yongzheng attacked Nian Qianyao, Nian Qianyao had already served as the governor of Sichuan, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, the general of Fuyuan, the taibao and the first rank of duke, and the soldiers in the entire western region were all headed by Nian Qianyao, like "Emperor Tu". Although Yong was the emperor of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, it seemed very difficult to overthrow Nian Tangyao. However, surprisingly, Yongzheng easily managed nian tangyao!

Nian Qianyao has deep roots, the whole west is his people, why can Yongzheng easily get him?

Nian Qianyao can be described as a young man, and when he was less than 30 years old, he was appreciated by Kangxi and served as the governor of Sichuan, becoming a feudal official. The Dzungars of the Qing Dynasty rebelled many times, and Kangxi was pacified many times but could not be completely dealt with, but Nian Qianyao did it. In the early years of Yongzheng, Nian Qianyao became famous by quelling the Qinghai Lobzang Danjin Rebellion, which threatened the imperial court. Since then, he has leapt to become an important minister of the imperial court, and Yongzheng's favor for Nian Qianyao has also reached the point of no return.

After the pacification of the northwest, Yongzheng appointed Nian Qianyao as the general of Fuyuan, and personally welcomed him back to the dynasty, adding the title of first-class duke, and also made Nian Qianyao's father a first-class duke, and his son was made a viscount and a baron, and the rewards such as gold and silver jewelry were countless. With these withdrawn, on major matters of the imperial court, Yongzheng also began to take the initiative to solicit Nian Qianyao's opinion, and often based on Nian Qianyao's opinion. Some people say that Yongzheng will do this because he loves Nian Xiangyao and is like-minded, but this is not the case.

Nian Qianyao has deep roots, the whole west is his people, why can Yongzheng easily get him?

Yong Yong, who had experienced the "nine sons and concubines", was a cold-blooded and ruthless emperor, he would not absolutely trust anyone, as early as when he came to power, he had already killed Nian Qianyao, and the boundless favor was only to make Nian Qianyao's "tail" cocked. Sure enough, Nian Tangyao began to float. Many people saw that he was favored by Yongzheng and competed to bribe him, and the people promoted by Nian Qianyao were also all over the dprk. Nian Qianyao even rode his horse in the street, waving to accept the kneeling of the ministers, until he dismounted in front of the emperor, without any courtesy of the monarch. At this time, Nian Qianyao has embarked on the road of no return.

Nian Qianyao has deep roots, the whole west is his people, why can Yongzheng easily get him?

In the past, Yongzheng would always follow the meaning of Nian Tangyao, but at this time, Yongzheng began to "reverse" with Nian Xiangyao, Nian Xiangyao said east, and Yongzheng definitely said west. In the first month of the third year of Yongzheng, Yongzheng summoned Cai Jue, the governor of Sichuan who had been impeached by Nian Qianyao, and Cai Jue forced him to die and forced one of Nian Qianyao's subordinate prefects to die, and was arrested by Nian Qianyao and sentenced to a beheading hou, but when Yongzheng learned of it, he ordered cai Ju to be released and promoted to Zuo Du Yushi. What does that mean?

Nian Qianyao has deep roots, the whole west is his people, why can Yongzheng easily get him?

First of all, in the DPRK, He erected a sworn enemy for Nian Qianyao, and second, he made Nian Qianyao dissatisfied and added evidence of his rebellion; the third signal was released: Nian Qianyao was no longer optimistic about Nian Qianyao, and if he wanted to "fall into the well", he would not only be fine, but would also be promoted. Sure enough, the ministers of the DPRK and China were all human spirits, and it didn't take long for the impeachment of Nian Qianyao to fill Yongzheng's desk.

As mentioned earlier, Nian Qianyao has deep roots in the west, and if he is hastily eliminated, it will definitely cause panic, and Yongzheng must find someone in advance who can take over Nian Qianyao's position. Yue Zhongqi has been fighting with Nian Qianyao in the south and the north for many years, and he has both talent and familiarity with the military, and is the best candidate to succeed Nian Qianyao. But Yue Zhongqi was pulled up by Nian Qianyao, how did Yongzheng subdue him?

Nian Qianyao has deep roots, the whole west is his people, why can Yongzheng easily get him?

Quite simply, on the one hand, Yongzheng revealed to Yue Zhongqi his willingness to "fall into the year", and on the other hand, he constantly reassured him, expressing sufficient trust and importance to him, and even made a clear promise to let Yue Zhongqi take over after overthrowing Nian Qianyao. In fact, at this moment, Yue Zhongqi had no choice, unless he really rebelled with Nian Qianyao, otherwise he would only have to stand in the same team as Yongzheng, not only Yue Zhongqi stood in line with Yongzheng, but the generals in the area where Nian Qianyao was served were basically taken down by Yongzheng in this way. In this way, Nian Tangyao was suspended.

Nian Qianyao has deep roots, the whole west is his people, why can Yongzheng easily get him?

After everything was done, Yongzheng began to use the knife. When Nian Qianyao realized his crisis, he had no rights anymore. In order to prevent Nian Qianyao from being forced to rebel, Yongzheng replaced a large number of officials in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu, and these replaced people were all close associates of Nian Qianyao. He then dismissed Nian Qianyao from his posts as the general of Fuyuan and the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and was transferred to the post of general of Hangzhou, completely cutting off his power and foundation. Finally, with the charges that had already been prepared, Nian Qianyao was loaded into a prison cart and escorted to Beijing. In the end, Nian Qianyao committed suicide in prison, and Yongzheng solved Nian Qianyao step by step, without any chaos. (References: YongxianLu, Draft History of the Qing Dynasty)

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