
"Natural Aging" adds empirical evidence? "Young blood" regenerates old muscles, and vesicles are key

Human life is a very complex process, which is divided into multiple gradual stages. People often use life and old age to describe life, and the common thing is that when people are old, their body muscles are reduced, and they gradually become thin and sagging.

"Natural Aging" adds empirical evidence? "Young blood" regenerates old muscles, and vesicles are key

In today's technologically advanced world, scientists are constantly unlocking the mysteries of the human body, and replacing young blood is the leader in this type of research.

Natural Aging: A New Study of Blood

As early as 2005 in California, The United States, Stanford University released a study that "a young systemic environment can rejuvenate aging precursor cells". This conclusion, which extends the phrase "young blood anti-aging", has become a must-read for such studies, and has been cited more than 2,000 times so far.

"Natural Aging" adds empirical evidence? "Young blood" regenerates old muscles, and vesicles are key

The study surgically stitched young and elderly mice together to share blood, organ ecology, and more in their bodies with each other.

More than a decade later, another group of research projects explored the experiment in more depth to determine whether blood was at work.

The study, published in Natural Aging on December 6, was completed by a team of researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC).

"Natural Aging" adds empirical evidence? "Young blood" regenerates old muscles, and vesicles are key

The study builds on more than a decade of research by injecting blood from young mice directly into old mice. They observed that cells and tissues in elderly mice were rejuvenated, and this phenomenon was significantly associated with extracellular vesicles.

Young Hero: Vesicles?

This is the first study to clarify how anti-aging mechanisms occur with blood exchange, which have superior muscle regeneration and functional recovery capabilities compared to another group of elderly mice that received a placebo.

Such results did not satisfy the scientists, and in further studies, they found the "mystery" in the blood.

"Natural Aging" adds empirical evidence? "Young blood" regenerates old muscles, and vesicles are key

Scientists tried to remove the extracellular vesicles in the plasma and then inject them into the elderly mice, and found that such blood no longer has the characteristics of enhancing muscle regeneration and functional recovery, which means that the vesicles are the key to "rejuvenation".

After blood exchange, extracellular vesicles are responsible for transmitting the genetic instructions or mRNA of the protein Klotho to the muscle progenitor cells, thereby synthesizing the Klotho protein and promoting cell regeneration.

The first people to eat crabs: the rich

This experiment provides proof and feasibility for the aging reversal of blood exchange, and triggers more risk-taking attempts by the rich.

As early as 2005, after the end of the Stanford University mouse "allogeneic symbiosis" experiment, a Silicon Valley startup named Ambrosia Medical, playing a "20 years younger" gimmick. The company name translates to God's food, and the rich and powerful will naturally not miss this opportunity.

"Natural Aging" adds empirical evidence? "Young blood" regenerates old muscles, and vesicles are key

Among these rich people who have tried new technologies, the most high-profile and well-known is peter Thiel, a well-known Silicon Valley investor. Countless sums of money do not give them enough security, but they bring anxiety about their health. Without enough experimentation, he chose to try the service.

The project brought healthy 18-year-olds to blood exchange services. It was a controversial practice that also earned him the title of "vampire" by the media. Ate the first life science and technology crab in the blood exchange service. In addition to blood exchange, techniques such as "WLnad" cell synthesis supplements have also been popular, and these technologies originating from the laboratory also belong to the sequence of life science and technology.

Always thinking that the blood is not completely displaced, he also hopes to "wash" the remaining aging cells with "wLnad". In recent years, these technologies have swept the world, even in domestic Channels such as Beijing. The developers behind it, such as Wright Life, have also been called "the company of the future."

Blood exchange needs to be done with caution, and there are no human experiments

The madness of blood exchange has also made people see the power of life science and technology, and now that new experiments are out, they are bound to arouse more people's fans. But it should be reminded that the latest experiments are based on mouse models, and there are very complex differences between animals and humans, and whether the same mechanisms will be reproduced in humans is unknown. And whether such a blood exchange will cause harm to the human body also requires further scientific experiments to understand.

"Natural Aging" adds empirical evidence? "Young blood" regenerates old muscles, and vesicles are key

Ordinary people want to be healthy, and at present they have to rely on regular and scientific life and rest, usually go out to walk and exercise, and eat more vegetables and fruits that are beneficial to the body. When immunity is improved, people will get sick less, and less sick will naturally be younger than others, and they don't have to pursue these extra things too much.

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