
The museum's top ten hot search exhibitions were promoted, and the "power of science and technology" of the national expo was listed

The museum's top ten hot search exhibitions were promoted, and the "power of science and technology" of the national expo was listed
The museum's top ten hot search exhibitions were promoted, and the "power of science and technology" of the national expo was listed
The museum's top ten hot search exhibitions were promoted, and the "power of science and technology" of the national expo was listed

National Museum of China

(September 26, 2021-)

The museum's top ten hot search exhibitions were promoted, and the "power of science and technology" of the national expo was listed

The content of this exhibition starts from the eclipse records and dry branch tables in the oracle bone, down to the contemporary scientific and technological achievements such as the "Mozi" quantum science experimental satellite, which is divided into four parts: lattice material exhaustion, tiangong kaiwu, west wind and eastward gradual, and rejuvenation, with a total of more than 400 cultural relics (sets) on display, more than 50 models, supplemented by picture charts, multimedia displays and interactive projects, outlining the basic context of the development process of China's science and technology and industry from ancient times to the present, focusing on the development characteristics and outstanding achievements of different periods.

The museum's top ten hot search exhibitions were promoted, and the "power of science and technology" of the national expo was listed

The many pieces (sets) of newly collected cultural relics exhibited in this exhibition in recent years are the latest attempts of the National Museum to reflect the development of scientific research and industrial technology in New China.

The museum's top ten hot search exhibitions were promoted, and the "power of science and technology" of the national expo was listed

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