
Race against the clock! Binzhou Bincheng District traffic police urgently escort critically ill patients to seek medical treatment

author:Lightning News

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Qilu Network Lightning News December 13 news On December 11, at about 21:35, the police of the Fifth Squadron of the Binzhou City Traffic Police Brigade received instructions from the command center, saying that the masses in The Zhuanhua District asked for help, and a critically ill patient needed to be urgently escorted to the Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College for treatment. The police situation is the order, and the police rush to the docking point with the help vehicle.

Race against the clock! Binzhou Bincheng District traffic police urgently escort critically ill patients to seek medical treatment

At about 21:50, the police of the Fifth Squadron drove a police car at the intersection of Bohai Fifth Road and Provincial Highway 315 to meet the help-seeking vehicle, so that the help-seeking vehicle followed closely behind, driving sirens and flashing police lights along the way under the premise of ensuring safety, and using the loudspeaker to prompt other vehicles to avoid. Originally more than 40 minutes away, it took only 15 minutes to deliver the patient, and the police assisted the family to send the patient to the emergency center and help him to seek medical treatment smoothly before leaving with peace of mind and returning to other services.

Lightning News reporter Zhang Huanhuan reported

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