
Do you get lung cancer if you never smoke? It turns out that there are still these 4 "culprits", pay attention to avoid

Speaking of lung cancer, we all know that it is a serious disease, and the local tumor development signal is not obvious at the beginning, there is no regular examination, it may be ignored, and when it is issued an obvious signal, the cancer may be aggravated, and even the cancer cells will metastasize to other parts, so it is necessary to understand the specific triggering causes, do a good job in preventive measures, and there is no disease trouble to improve the quality of life. Most people know that smoking increases the prevalence of lung cancer, is it possible to be targeted by diseases without smoking?

Do you get lung cancer if you never smoke? It turns out that there are still these 4 "culprits", pay attention to avoid

Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that appears in the lungs and causes a variety of causes. According to the survey, the longer the smoking time, the more smoking, the more obvious the damage to the lungs, which is the main reason for the significant increase in the incidence of lung cancer now, but it does not mean that only smoking will cause lung cancer, and many other adverse factors affect the lungs, which will also cause cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the causes of disease induction in many aspects, and not to fall into the misunderstanding and other measures are not done well.

What are the causes of lung cancer?

1. Passive inhalation of second-hand smoke

To stay healthy, the lungs function should be improved. Lung cancer can occur for a variety of reasons, such as inhalation of second-hand smoke. Many people only know that smoking will affect lung function, but they do not know that passive inhalation of second-hand smoke and third-hand smoke without smoking will also accumulate harmful substances in the lungs, thus causing diseases. Therefore, to maintain a good living environment, it is best to stay away from the environment where people smoke, in order to avoid the harm caused by the acquisition of harmful substances.

Do you get lung cancer if you never smoke? It turns out that there are still these 4 "culprits", pay attention to avoid

2. Air pollution

Air pollution is severe, and living in such a place for a long time can also cause disease. Many people ignore the problem, the living environment air quality is poor, the content of harmful substances in the air is more, and the lungs are important respiratory organs, inhaling oxygen in the process of continuous breathing, other harmful substances will also enter the body, not far from the serious pollution of the place, the longer the life time, the greater the risk of lung lesions, should pay attention to the problem of air pollution.

3. Ionizing radiation damage

Serious diseases of the lungs may also be related to ionizing radiation damage, the lungs are relatively sensitive to radiation, if you receive ionizing radiation for a long time, the normal cells of the lungs will change their nature, and finally cancer will strike. Whether there is radiation in the living environment or the working environment, it should be protected and kept away as soon as possible, otherwise the prevalence of lung cancer will not only increase, but other organs sensitive to radiation will also be harmed.

Do you get lung cancer if you never smoke? It turns out that there are still these 4 "culprits", pay attention to avoid

4. Lung diseases continue to develop

Lung cancer is also related to the continuous development of lung diseases, to maintain good lung function requires good habits to develop, while regular examination, of course, the lungs have lesions as soon as possible treatment is better, in order to improve the condition after the recovery of health. Some people have uncontrolled chronic infections in the lungs, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, and chronic infection of the bronchial epithelium during the development of the disease, which may cause cancerous changes. It can be seen that the disease cannot be delayed, and it is better to deal with health problems as soon as possible.

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