
Film review – late love letters, perfect love

author:Oriental Land Show
Film review – late love letters, perfect love

Image courtesy of the original

That beautiful Cuicui, Shen Congwen's Cuicui, the little elf bred by the mountains and waters of Xiangxi, everyone should know. Cuicui's love is a little bit similar to the Russian movie "Christmas Tree (2)" that I want to talk about today. That is, the people who fall in love with the heroine are the brothers.

Cuicui encounters Tempo and Gon, and Snekinliova encounters Smyrianikin and Igor.

Such a situation is often more awkward and complicated.

Tianbao in "Border City", due to various misunderstandings, resigned from the wind. Driving the boat out of the house, the result of a capsizing accident occurred, unfortunately died. His younger brother, Yu Yu, felt that he had killed his brother and ran away from home. Leaving a lonely verdant.

There is a superfluous sentence at the end of the novel, probably to comfort the reader: this man may never come back, maybe tomorrow.

And, in this movie, too, is deeply misunderstood. Three people separated. But, one man who was not dead hearted, wrote a letter of apology to Sneginlieva, telling her that he would wait for her and wait for her to come on the evening of the annual cross-Chinese New Year's Eve, under the big clock of Moscow's Red Square. This man was Smlianikin.

On both sides are hearts tormented by acacia. But they can't wait for the person they love.

None of them thought it was the post office for the reason. The letter had been lying in some dark corner of the post office for forty years. Only found out during a renovation process, it was sent over. How many forty years of life? Fortunately, he didn't marry, she didn't marry, they were all waiting.

Forty years later, it happens to be a cross-Chinese New Year's Eve. This Snekinlyova, who was already a mother, only received the letter. The mood is complicated and the five tastes are mixed. Although, time has passed, she still came to the old place. Came to the big clock in Red Square.

Unfortunately, Smlianikin waited so long that he almost became a legend. On this day, he decided not to wait, and he felt that his previous decision was wrong. He was the captain, and he decided to work as usual and fly as usual.

However, when Sneginliova appeared in Red Square, others were in a hurry. This other person, a cleaner on Red Square, knew the story and had seen her picture. So he told the story to the guards on duty on Red Square. The guard called the Public Security Bureau to inquire, and a series of searches began. In the process of this search, the stories of five or six little couples were strung together. Lighthearted, humorous, hilarious, and finally, at the time of the cross-Chinese New Year's Eve bell ringing, Snejinliova and Smyanikin, who had been waiting for forty years, embraced happily in Red Square. Warm and touching, the ending song of the movie sounds, and the movie ends. It's a comedy, and there's a faint joy that lingers through the film.

Unlike "Border City", it is shrouded in a thin touch of desolation.

Film review – late love letters, perfect love


In addition, the film, through a tear-jerking love story, runs through a famous "six-degree networking theory." "That is to say, through up to six people, you can know any stranger in this world." In the movie, the stories of five or six little couples are interspersed, perfectly stringing together this somewhat bitter love.

When writing "The Good Man of the Three Gorges", I said that the theme of "searching" is the eternal theme of literature and art. In this movie, although there is no need to drive horses and horses, strange people in different places, moved by this legendary story, are willing to dedicate their love, enthusiastically contact by phone, help two people who love each other reunion, but also make people feel a ray of warmth in the cold night.

Film review – late love letters, perfect love

Red Square in May, selfie copyright

In May 2019, I went to Moscow, walked around the famous Red Square, and looked up at the big clock. However, at that time, I had not seen this movie, at that time, if I knew this story, would I fly more emotions deep inside?

Although, such stories are not many in reality. However, I still believe that the world is beautiful, and I also believe that lovers will eventually become dependents. Everyone can wait for their own Snekinliova!

Film review – late love letters, perfect love

Selfie copyright

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