
What are the dangers of smoking? Don't hide from you, just count, these 4 are the most typical

Seeing that it is about to be the New Year, and giving gifts in the New Year, many people regard cigarettes as valuable gifts.

It is well known that smoking is harmful to health, but for many people of smoking age, knowing that tobacco is harmful, it is not an easy task to quit smoking.

Therefore, the cigarette sent to the door could not help but pick it up again.

What are the dangers of smoking? Don't hide from you, just count, these 4 are the most typical

That said, as early as 2017, the WHO Cancer Agency has listed cigarettes as a class of carcinogens, and long-term smoking is also the main cause of lung cancer.

The reality, however, is that although many people know that smoking is a particularly unhealthy behavior, there are still many people who like to smoke.

There are even many people who think that as long as you drink more water or eat more foods with lung-clearing effects after smoking, you can reduce the stimulation of cigarettes to the human body, and even do not stimulate the human body, which is completely wrong.

What are the dangers of smoking? Don't hide from you, just count, these 4 are the most typical

Even smoking only one cigarette a day can have a greater impact on health. Below, let's introduce the specific hazards of smoking for everyone, let's take a look at it.

What are the dangers of smoking to the body?

1. Carcinogenic

In 2020, the number of lung cancer deaths worldwide was 1.8 million, while the number of lung cancer deaths in China reached 710,000, and the main cause of lung cancer is smoking.

Cigarettes contain a variety of toxic carcinogens, which can enter the lungs directly from the respiratory tract, causing rapid decline in lung function.

Moreover, harmful substances in cigarettes will be deposited in lung cells, causing cells to degenerate, which will induce the emergence of lung cancer. Long-term smokers are 13 times more likely to have lung cancer than non-smokers.

In addition to lung cancer, long-term smokers are more than ten times more likely to develop laryngeal cancer than non-smokers, and the incidence of bladder cancer will increase by three times.

In addition, long-term smoking is also a major cause of oral, lip, colon, stomach cancer, as well as kidney, pancreatic and cervical cancers.

What are the dangers of smoking? Don't hide from you, just count, these 4 are the most typical

Second, the fertility function is reduced

Once men smoke for a long time, it will lead to a rapid decrease in fertility. A large number of nicotine components contained in cigarettes will cause damage to men's testicular function, which will affect the secretion of sperm, the vitality of sperm will also decline, it is easy to have less sperm, azoospermia and even dead sperm problems, and men's sexual function will also decline rapidly, and even premature ejaculation and impotence will occur.

If women smoke, a series of harmful substances such as carbon monoxide in cigarettes will cause the health of women's ovaries, mammary glands, uterus and other parts to be damaged, and the probability of difficulty in pregnancy and easy miscarriage will also increase relatively.

What are the dangers of smoking? Don't hide from you, just count, these 4 are the most typical

Third, the body premature aging

Cigarettes contain a large amount of carbon monoxide, which enters the human body after it will reduce the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen, resulting in hypoxia in various organs throughout the body, making the function decrease rapidly.

Moreover, cigarettes also contain a large number of heavy metals, which will flow into various tissues and organs with the respiratory system and blood circulation, so that each tissue and organ is poisoned to a certain extent, which will lead to rapid aging of the body.

And it will enter the skin with blood circulation, resulting in skin prone to long spots, long wrinkles, dullness and lack of light.

What are the dangers of smoking? Don't hide from you, just count, these 4 are the most typical

Fourth, household environmental pollution

In the family, once a member smokes, a second-hand smoke environment will be formed indoors. All people who survive in this environment will suffer more serious injuries than smoking.

In the second-hand smoke environment, it contains a large amount of tar, phenylpropion and other components, of which the tar content is twice as much as in active smoking, and benzopyrene is twice as much as smoking.

If you survive in this environment for a long time, the probability of family members suffering from various diseases will increase relatively.

What are the dangers of smoking? Don't hide from you, just count, these 4 are the most typical

All in all, smoking is a very unhealthy behavior and has a relatively large damage to the human body. In addition to the above 4 points, it will cause the brain to age too quickly, and the heart function will also decline, which is a relatively large threat to health and even life.

Therefore, in daily life, no matter what kind of group of people do not smoke, let alone long-term smoking behavior, in order to maximize the protection of their own and family members' health.

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