
Can e-cigarettes quit smoking? The harm of e-cigarettes subverts your cognition

Can e-cigarettes quit smoking? The harm of e-cigarettes subverts your cognition

1. What is an e-cigarette?

What is an e-cigarette? E-cigarettes are defined as handheld electronic devices that produce inhalable vapor, usually similar to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, close to the taste of cigarettes, used as a substitute for cigarettes. The foreign name is Vape, which means steam. Most of them are reusable, and due to portability and other factors, it is now popular to change cigarette cartridges.

Can e-cigarettes quit smoking? The harm of e-cigarettes subverts your cognition

Second, can e-cigarettes quit smoking?

At present, it has not been clearly proved that e-cigarettes can help smokers quit smoking, and due to the health risks of using e-cigarettes, WHO does not recommend e-cigarettes as an auxiliary means of smoking cessation.

Can e-cigarettes quit smoking? The harm of e-cigarettes subverts your cognition

Third, the harm of e-cigarettes?

The latest "China Smoking Hazards Health Report 2020" released by the National Health Commission clearly pointed out that e-cigarettes are not healthy! There is ample evidence that e-cigarettes are unsafe and can pose a health hazard.

The use of e-cigarettes can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also lead to damage to the respiratory system. For pregnant women, e-cigarettes can also damage the developing fetus.

The aerosols produced by e-cigarettes often contain toxic substances that expose non-smokers to nicotine and other harmful chemicals. Second-hand smoke from e-cigarettes is also considered a new source of air pollution.

4, whether it is traditional tobacco products, or electronic cigarettes, will pose a threat to health. The safest thing to do is to refuse to use one avenue.

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