
What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

In recent years, after the "new forces" have created new ways of auto retailing such as direct sales of car companies, urban exhibition halls, and separation of sales and services, traditional car companies and 4S stores are also constantly using online tools to explore new retail forms, such as live car sales and APP operations.

In the next decade, what new models will emerge in auto retail, this question, every car company wants to know, the answer may have to be learned from Generation Z.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

Born after 2000, Generation Z, as internet natives, has undergone subversive changes in their lifestyles compared to previous generations, with unique values and codes of conduct, such as circle culture, two-dimensional culture, metaverse culture, more open-mindedness, and more emphasis on personal interests, emotional appeals and self-actualization.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

In the next decade, Gen Z will grow into the world's dominant consumer force, which car brand can get the likes and recognition of Gen Z, can win the next era, this is a battle of tomorrow that cannot be lost.

No, Guangqi Honda, which took precautions, walked into colleges and universities, with the theme of "Imagining Future Auto Retail", explored the future auto retail model with college students, and created a precedent for college students to participate in the auto retail model innovation competition.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

The participating college students formed a team of 2-3 people to enter the role of future consumers and create a scene of buying a car in 2030. The competition lasted for 7 months, with 83 universities participating, 184 teams, and collecting 433 entries.

Hear what they have to say?

"Rolling fit people team", put forward the concept of science and technology to see the car pavilion, through VR immersive experience, experience the performance of new cars in different environments, such as racing tracks, off-road, rain and snow road and other 4S shop test drive can not provide the scene; also through virtual gloves, feel the vehicle material, such as wheels, seats, steering wheel.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say
What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

"Happy Family Team" put forward the concept of "intelligent companionship defines a new way of retail".

Created a meta-universe IP - a virtual reality robot "Sangsang" that can be customized by users with gender and image, each user will have a different "Sangsang", a personality setting of thousands of faces, with the user behavior data, the character image and personality of "Sangsang" also change. Use virtual robots to improve service temperature, break the dimensional wall, and enter the parallel world of virtual and reality.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

There were also students at the scene, summarizing the characteristics of Gen Z car purchases, such as "81% of Gen Z prefer to clearly mark prices and do not want to negotiate", "64% of Gen Z believe that customized options can significantly improve car purchase decisions, such as self-service car purchase, personalized selection"

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

Excerpts from the Z quotes from "Thunderman":

We love "price ratio", it is difficult to buy I like.

Looks are justice

Spend boldly, Edser!

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

Although the "fast talk" and "whimsy" of college students may not be equivalent to the reality of ten years later, through this activity, it can be seen that the Z generation's concept of automobile consumption is more personality, radical and emotional, and the big brand seems to be not the most important, and the value of value, trend IP, and personality customization are more impressive to them.

If car companies want to occupy their minds, they need to carry out all-round changes from product image to terminal experience, which is a huge challenge for all car companies.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

As the pioneer of China's "four-in-one" (4S store) sales model, GUANGQI Honda has been at the forefront of the industry in terms of sales and service level since its establishment 23 years ago, and J.D. Power China's sales service satisfaction has achieved two firsts and one second in the past three years.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

If the results only represent the past and the present, facing the "new four modernizations" wave that has arrived and the Z generation that will soon become the main force of consumption, GUANGQI Honda has once again led the industry, creating a precedent for college students to participate in the auto retail model innovation competition, reflecting the precautions of GAC Honda.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

The outside world often compares the latest direct sales model of automobile sales with the traditional dealer model represented by Guangqi Honda, but in fact, there is no distinction between the two. From this Generation Z new retail innovation activity, we found that what the young group really cares about is the experience level: price transparency (no negotiation), autonomous controllability (customization), screaming experience (VR experience and IP idol), as for distribution or direct sales, it is only a management method.

For the traditional car companies represented by Guangqi Honda, it is most important to give full play to the advantages of the existing distribution network, form a more forward-looking new sales and service model through technology and innovation, improve the sales service level of special stores, and create more "purchase joy" for customers.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

In fact, GUANGQI Honda is changing rapidly, for example, in addition to upgrading the "cloud showroom" service for the consumption habits of young users, it also matches the characteristics of the target consumer layer through the DMP precision marketing system and the GAC Honda Mall, expands online drainage, and improves the consumer car purchase service experience. In addition, it has also launched the Guangqi Honda APP to bring a different car life experience to the majority of users.

Finally, to borrow a phrase from Generation Z, "We love the price ratio, it is difficult to buy me with thousands of dollars", I believe that Guangqi Honda will continue to be favored by Generation Z.

What model will auto retail become in ten years? Hear what Gen Z has to say

This article is the original of "Car Review Network", author: Qiu Mingshan, editor: Tian Miao, may not be reproduced without permission. Pay attention to the "car review network" and focus on in-depth reporting of the automotive industry.

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