
Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

author:Autumn color continuous wave 128

Could it be that a so-called actor who sticks to a pimple and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao? Could it be that taking a pipe and putting on sunglasses is our Marshal He Long and Marshal Chen Yi? It's just a gibberish!

At present, some major revolutionary-themed film and television dramas that carry forward the main theme are constantly emerging, thus reflecting the arduous years when the great leader Chairman Mao and the revolutionaries of the older generation and the founding fathers threw their heads and spilled their blood to carry out revolution and war, and reproduced the heroic stories and revolutionary course that took place for the establishment of a new China!

Since it is a major revolutionary theme film and television drama that carries forward the main theme, it is better to have a serious and solemn attitude, or to respect history and respect for the characters, and not to disregard the facts and distort the characters in order to attract the audience and obtain high box office, so that the storyline is made up and the character image is ridiculous!

Such a drama is better not to appear, not to mention the labor of the people and the loss of money, this is a serious disrespect for the great man and his comrades-in-arms, and extremely irresponsible for the history of the revolution!

Just as the selection of actors and the selection of roles, those special actors who secretly think that their appearance is close are more attractive, and it is easier to pull the audience into real historical events and distance themselves from historical figures. It is easier for people to accept, and it is easier for the audience to enter the play. Make the audience look more authentic, make the film more convincing and attractive and shocking! Just like Ge You Chen Peisi's acting skills are good, he doesn't play a great man like ah, so he always feels that it is not a great man, so the effect is not very good!

Some current film and television dramas lack a sense of seriousness and solemnity in the selection of the roles of the great leaders Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou and other founding fathers, but are too casual and willful, so that the character image is greatly discounted, and even unacceptable! Some unknown so-called "actors" to play great leaders, some so-called traffic stars to play great people, etc., seriously affect the quality of the movie and the audience's appreciation. To put it more seriously, it is disrespectful to the leaders and founding fathers and irresponsible to history.

The reason why the classic film version of "Armageddon" shot by Bayi Film Studio in the early 1990s is called a classic, in addition to the film's magnificent and realistic grandeur reproducing the three decisive battles of the Liberation War, the crew's use of a large number of special actors is also an important factor. The movie version of "Armageddon" strives to be close to the real historical figures in the selection of roles, but it can be regarded as picking and selecting, and the layers of review are strictly checked before being selected, it can be said that they are the most representative top special actors at that time, and a big showdown can be called a large collection of top special actors!

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Gu Yue plays Chairman Mao stills

The great leader Chairman Mao was played by Teacher Gu Yue, who was Ye Shuai's special actor who played Chairman Mao, and the Chairman Mao Zedong he played was affirmed by the audience, and he could play Chairman Mao not only in shape but also in a god-like manner, becoming the best special actor of Chairman Mao so far!

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Su Lin plays The stills of Premier Zhou

Born in 1937, Su Lin first played Zhou Enlai in the drama "Newsboy" in 1978, thus becoming a special actor who played Premier Zhou Enlai, and successfully shaped the image of Zhou Enlai in different historical periods.

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Liu Huaizheng plays Zhu Laozong stills

In the drama "Nanchang Uprising", Teacher Liu Huaizheng successfully played the artistic image of Zhu De, which was similar to that of a god and won the approval of the audience.

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Guo Fa once played Liu Shaoqi stills

Guo Fazeng's appearance and appearance resemble Liu Shaoqi, and his performance was guided by Comrade Wang Guangmei, and later he also gave Guo Fazeng the clothes that Liu Shaoqi wore before he died.

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Lu Qi plays Deng Xiaoping stills

Born in 1953, Lu Qi won the Best Actor Award at the 10th Golden Rooster Awards in 1988 for starring in "The Hundred Colors Uprising", and became famous in one fell swoop, becoming a special actor who played Deng Xiaoping on the screen. He played Comrade Deng Xiaoping in film and television dramas, and was known as "the first Deng Xiaoping in Shenzhou".

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Zong Liqun plays Peng Dehuai stills

Zong Liqun was born in 1950, and his appearance is relatively close to that of General Peng, who is close to the horizontal knife, and he has played the role of our Peng Zong in many film and television works, which is deeply recognized.

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Ma Shaoxin plays Lin Biao stills

In particular, the famous actor Ma Shaoxin, who created the first positive image of Marshal Lin Biao on the Chinese screen in "Armageddon". His performance is naturally innocent and has an irresistible artistic charm, Lin Biao is portrayed by him into three points, deeply loved by people, and can be called the best actor of Lin Biao on the screen.

Teacher Lucy's role of Ren Bishi really has the charm of Comrade Ren Bishi, who is known as the "camel of the people".

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Fu Xuecheng plays Liu Bocheng stills

Teacher Fu Xuecheng is one of the first generation of special actors in China, playing the special actor of Marshal Liu Bocheng, who portrayed the style of Marshal Liu Bocheng in different historical periods.

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Liu Xitian plays Chen Yi stills

Teacher Liu Xitian is a special actor who plays Marshal Chen Yi, because he has played the role of Mr. Chen dozens of times in film and television dramas, he is known as "Chen No. 1"!

Teacher Zhao Hengduo first played Chiang Kai-shek in the film "Dadu River" in 1978, becoming a special actor of Chiang Kai-shek, and he created the artistic image of the supreme ruler and supreme military commander of the Kuomintang government on the screen with his exquisite performance, and portrayed the unique image of Chiang Kai-shek as a historical figure to the fullest.

Could it be that an actor who sticks to a mess and puts on the clothes of a great man can play the great leader Chairman Mao?

Movie Armageddon poster

Therefore, the success of the movie "Armageddon" to a certain extent may be that these excellent special actors have played a big role! We are grateful to these artists for devoting such a classic masterpiece to us. Some of these old artists have left us, but the classics they have shaped are eternal.

At present, in some major revolutionary theme film and television dramas that carry forward the main theme, the rising stars are also very eye-catching and deeply loved: such as: Tang Guoqiang, Wang Jinsong, Wang Xia, Liu Jin, Wang Wufu, Guo Lianwen, Gu Wei, etc.

Therefore, it is extremely important for film and television dramas as a major revolutionary historical theme to choose a rational role, is it not possible that an actor can play the role of the great leader Chairman Mao by sticking to a mess and putting on clothes? Could it be that taking a pipe and putting on sunglasses is our Marshal He Long and Marshal Chen Yi? It's just a gibberish! Don't let those characters who ruin the three views play major historical figures of the revolution, otherwise it is not only the audience that cannot be stopped, but more importantly, the history!

What do you think of the success of the movie version of Armageddon? What do you think of these special actors? How do you see some of today's revolutionary theme "divine dramas"? Welcome to discuss and share!

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