
Old Jiang examined the list of the ten marshals and pointed to a person who sighed at Song Meiling: He is too powerful

Old Jiang examined the list of the ten marshals and pointed to a person who sighed at Song Meiling: He is too powerful

Foreword: On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was proclaimed, ushering in a new era in Chinese history. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, hundreds of millions of people have worked hard to start a business, worked hard to become stronger, and the party and the people have worked hard to explore the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, creating one miracle after another in the great process of reform, opening up, and modernization. And when we look back at the bumpy road to nation-building before the birth of the republic, we can't help but deeply remember the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation who made great achievements for the birth of new China.

He has never been a commander-in-chief, but he is called "Mr. Chen" because he is easy-going and approachable. He was both a founding marshal, a poet, and a diplomat, and Liu Yazi called him a general who was "both an all-rounder of culture and martial arts."

It is said that once when Chiang Kai-shek was reading a newspaper, he saw a list of the ten marshals of New China. After watching for a long time, he pointed to one of them and said to his wife, Song Meiling, "This person is too powerful."

He is the well-known founding marshal Chen Yi, and in the old Chiang Kai-shek's cognition, without Chen Yi, the liberation war would not have been fought so quickly and he would not have lost so badly.

Old Jiang examined the list of the ten marshals and pointed to a person who sighed at Song Meiling: He is too powerful

"He is a born-again parent, I am a good boy who fights"

Chen Yi was born in August 1901 in Lezhi County, Sichuan Province, and studied at the Chengdu Jiazhong Industrial School in 1916. In order to seek the truth of saving the country and the people, he went to France in 1919 to work and study. Two years later, he was escorted back to China by force because he participated in the patriotic movement of Chinese students in France.

In August 1927, Chen Yi participated in the Nanchang Uprising, and later led his troops to fight in Gansu and Guangdong, together with Zhu Laozong, led the Shonan Uprising, and in April of the following year, led his troops to Jinggangshan, joined the Autumn Harvest Uprising troops, and created the earliest Red Army unit, the Red 4th Army.

Later, he participated in the creation of the Central Soviet Region and successive anti-"encirclement and suppression" wars, and after the Long March of the Central Red Army, led a three-year guerrilla war that was extremely arduous, pinned down a large number of troops of the Kuomintang army, and supported the main Red Army to go north to resist Japan.

The Red Army guerrillas under his leadership later became the backbone of the Anti-Japanese New Fourth Army.

Old Jiang examined the list of the ten marshals and pointed to a person who sighed at Song Meiling: He is too powerful

"The Prancing Horse with a Gun Died, and the Journey of the Secretary of the Book of Bingbi Diligence"

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Mr. Chen was the commander of the 1st Detachment of the New Fourth Army. He exemplified the implementation of the party's anti-Japanese national united front, smashed the joint offensive of Japan, puppetry, and stubbornness, won the decisive battle of Huangqiao, and created the anti-Japanese revolutionary base areas in southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu.

After the Anhui Incident in January 1941, Mr. Chen was appointed acting commander of the New Fourth Army, and the unit was unified into 7 divisions and an independent brigade.

Under the leadership of General Manager Chen, the New Fourth Army continued to persist in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression behind enemy lines in central China, annihilated a large number of enemies, and consolidated and developed the anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines, such as southern Jiangsu, central Jiangsu, and northern Jiangsu. By the time of the victory of the War of Resistance, the New Fourth Army had grown to more than 300,000 men.

Old Jiang examined the list of the ten marshals and pointed to a person who sighed at Song Meiling: He is too powerful

"Millions of tigers, seventy-two gu zhi wei gong"

In August 1945, Mr. Chen returned to central China from Yan'an, and then moved to Shandong, expanding the activities of the New Fourth Army to the entire East China region, and in January 1947, leading the East China Field Army in the national liberation war. Battles from Laiwu to MengLianggu fought the divine power of the East China Field.

Later, advancing into the Yuwan And Su To carry out a strategic offensive, and then cooperating with the Central Plains Field Army in carrying out strategic campaigns, winning great victories in the Huaihai Campaign and the Battle of Crossing the River, finally liberating several provinces in Eastern China and laying the foundation for the brilliant birth of New China.

In summing up the campaign, Mr. Chen pointed out that the annihilation of the enemy's 74th Division among the enemy's army of hundreds of thousands of people was a "battle of digging hearts" and eliminating the enemy's "ace army." This shows that the improvement of our army's combat effectiveness can eat the enemy's "hard grapes," greatly increase the morale of our army, greatly destroy the prestige of the enemy army, and have a far-reaching impact on the development of the future war situation.

In May 1947, in order to celebrate the victory of the Battle of Menglianggu, Mr. Chen gladly began to write a poem - "The Ghost god on Menglianggu" (excerpt:)

Our army is a hero, and the Seventy-fourth Division has no place to flee.

The signal flew and the stars were chaotic, and the lighting was full of fire.

The knife bush flew to the top of the mountain, and the blood rain drifted wet the battle robe.

I am glad to see that the thieves are exhausted, and our army is a hero.

Old Jiang examined the list of the ten marshals and pointed to a person who sighed at Song Meiling: He is too powerful

"Cautious and cautious, humble and self-restrained"

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, whether he was the mayor of Shanghai, the minister of foreign affairs, or the vice premier of the State Council, his position was constantly changing, but he was always humble and self-disciplined, honest and honest.

When he first became mayor of Shanghai, the life of the People of Shanghai was faced with great difficulties due to the imperialist blockade and the destruction caused by the war.

Mr. Chen took the lead in setting an example, reducing his guard personnel from 16 to 6 and eating a large stove in the canteen of the organ. His children wore old clothes, the older children wore them, the children wore them, and even Mrs. Zhang Qian wore patched shirts and socks.

Under his leadership, the Shanghai garrison saved 200,000 stones of military food in only one month, which greatly reduced the burden on the government and the people. In less than a year, Shanghai's industrial production and people's lives have returned to normal.

Old Jiang examined the list of the ten marshals and pointed to a person who sighed at Song Meiling: He is too powerful

In 1959, Mr. Chen returned to his hometown in Sichuan Province, just in time for the completion of a new stone bridge in his hometown, and the villagers wanted to name this stone bridge "Marshal Bridge".

When Mr. Chen learned of this, he immediately stopped it, and he said sincerely: "The real praise is the working people, I will also take a name, call it Labor Bridge!" ”

"Heavy snow presses the green pine, and the green pine is straight and straight. Know that the pine is high and clean, and stay until the snow melts. In 1972, Mr. Chen died of illness at the age of 72.

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