
All the adults were once children, though only a few remember

author:There are female babies growing up in the family

I don't remember what toy my daughter wanted, because dad brought one back every three to five years.

Of course, the toys dad brought back were full of masculinity.

When I was young, it was a scooter, an electric car, and an air gun; when I was older, it was a bicycle, a remote control airplane, a remote control sports car, a balance bike, a bullet-loading AK, and a horrible mask.

Finally, under my constant complaints, Dad bought a few plush toys, but these plush toys were also very unusual, pythons, rubber imitation snakes, and sharks with big fangs.

All the adults were once children, though only a few remember

All the adults were once children, though only a few remember

One day, I came back late, and when I walked to the door, I heard that the father and daughter were having a special time at home.

Snakes, ducks, bears, giraffes, dinosaurs, etc. were all over the place, and the two of them dressed up, one in his hand, a toy gun, and dared the two to play jungle adventure at home.

That day I saw my daughter's heroic side, and I also saw my father's childish side.

It turns out that a father with a child can really give the child more courage and wisdom.

It turned out that the father ostensibly bought these toys for his daughter, but in fact, they were also given to his inner self, the long-lost child.

All the adults were once children, though only a few remember

Anthony put it this way in his book The Little Prince:

We were all children

All the adults used to be children,

Although, only a few people remember.

Yes, we who have grown up today were once children.

We've also been sad that we couldn't get a piece of sugar;

Once fought for a praise;

Ever blushed because of a crush;

I have been surprised by the loss and recovery.

Too much has been because we used to be a child.

All the adults were once children, though only a few remember

Although that child is far away from us, as long as you experience it with your heart, he will always be hidden deep in his heart.

When you walk through the stall selling sweet potatoes, you will remember when you were a child and your friends sneaked to the sweet potato field of the farmer's uncle in the evening, stole a few, moved a few stones and roasted it with a small pile of firewood, although they were scared, but it was the sweetest taste of baked sweet potatoes in memory;

When you rush to the road in the heavy rain, you will remember the scene when you were a child and your friends braved the rain to catch fish in the river pond, the rain came down from the head and wet the whole body, and completely ignored it, no matter whether you can catch the fish, it is the most cheerful thing;

When you watch a group of children running around in the community square, giggling and not knowing that you are tired, you can't help but stop and watch, although you did not care, but the corners of your mouth have unconsciously risen slightly.

The inner child, he is always there, whether you care or not, or remember or not!

All the adults were once children, though only a few remember

I am a little eighteen, and I walk with you on the way to parenting!

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