
The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by Shunzhi, but took the initiative to ask for martyrdom, and was posthumously awarded the title of Kangxi

author:History of the Qing Dynasty

Ancient society had a very cruel system, that is, the system of martyrdom, which was intermittent in Chinese history, stretching for thousands of years, until the early years of the Qing Dynasty, there were still cases of living people being buried, such as Dorgon's biological mother, Abahai, who was forced to be martyred after Nurhaci's death. After the Qing Dynasty entered the Customs, in the Shunzhi Dynasty, there was another case of martyrdom, she was the concubine who was martyred for the Shunzhi Emperor.

The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by Shunzhi, but took the initiative to ask for martyrdom, and was posthumously awarded the title of Kangxi

Zhenfei Dong'eshi was a flag girl from manchuria's Zhengbai Banner, and her father was the light car capital Lieutenant Badu, in fact, Zhenfei could be selected into the harem, and had a lot to do with a woman, who was the famous Dong Efei. According to the data, Princess Zhenfei's father Badu and Dong Efei's father Eshuo were cousins, so this Concubine Zhenfei should be Dong Efei's cousin.

So, when did the concubine enter the palace?

This point is not recorded in the historical records, and it is estimated that after Dong Efei entered the palace, that is, after the thirteenth year of Shunzhi (1656), but judging from the few strokes left by Zhenfei in the historical materials, she obviously did not receive Shunzhi's favor.

The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by Shunzhi, but took the initiative to ask for martyrdom, and was posthumously awarded the title of Kangxi

At that time, Shunzhi was devoted to spoiling Dong Efei, dong Efei gave birth to the fourth son of the emperor for him, and was actually called "the first son of The Emperor", even if the fourth son of the emperor died early, but Shunzhi's favor for Dong Efei still did not change, for her, Shunzhi even wanted to abolish the second time, all this, Zhenfei looked in the eyes, even if it was full of envy, all this had nothing to do with her.

At that time, the harem was the domain of Mongolian women, without the favor of the emperor, even if a woman from the Eight Banners was born in the harem, she was only a concubine in the harem.

However, what people did not expect was that only a few years later, the harem of the Qing Dynasty experienced a series of major events, Princess Dong Efei died of incense at a young age, and the Shunzhi Emperor, who had lost his beloved, wanted to become a monk without success, and still died of smallpox infection at the age of 24.

The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by Shunzhi, but took the initiative to ask for martyrdom, and was posthumously awarded the title of Kangxi

The Qing Dynasty royal family was full of resentment towards the Dong E family, they believed that Dong Efei had destroyed everything, at this time, someone must come out to pay the bill, so Therefore, Zhenfei bravely stood up and offered to be buried by the Shunzhi Emperor to calm the royal family's resentment against the Dong E family.

When Concubine Zhen offered to be buried for the Shunzhi Emperor, the imperial family gave her high recognition of this move, so, shortly after the death of the Shunzhi Emperor, this woman, who had just turned twenty, took the initiative to end her life, and afterwards, Kangxi issued an edict to the Ministry of Rites:

"Emperor Kao Daxing Emperor Yu yu shi." Concubine Dong E,( Endowed with gentleness. Dedication to internal duties. When the emperor was admitted to the guest of honor, the gratitude of the deep, the grief, and the death of Sui'er. It's hard to beat. Ceremonies should be honored. Specially into the name of the seal, to Zhao Shude. Posthumously honored as a virgin concubine. All shall be performed in the liturgy and observed by example. ”

The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by Shunzhi, but took the initiative to ask for martyrdom, and was posthumously awarded the title of Kangxi

However, after the death of Concubine Zhen, she was not buried in the imperial mausoleum, but was temporarily buried under the Huanghua Mountain, until the fifty-seventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty, before moving to the Xiaodong Mausoleum.

In the twelfth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Kangxi issued a decree prohibiting slaves from martyrdom, and explicitly abolished the practice of burial of the living. As a result, the concubine became the last concubine in history to be martyred.

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Records of the Ancestors of the Qing Dynasty, General Examination of Imperial Documents

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