
We show videos to high school juniors every day

author:A teacher in the county seat

What's holding you back

What's stopping you?

Too tired

Are you too tired?

Lack of sleep

Didn't get enough sleep?

Lack of energy

Don't have enough energy?

Not enough time?

Don't have enough time?

Is that what makes you stop?

Is that what's stopping you right now?

No money

Don't have enough money?

Is that right?

Is that the thing?

Are these things holding you back?

Or is the thing that's stopping you?



Excuses, for you

Excuse sound best

Sounds perfect

to the person who's making them up.

Stop blaming yourself

Stop feeling sorry for youself.

Don't regret the past anymore

Get out of the pity potty,

Tell everyone about your sadness

telling everybody you are sad

Your grievances make people

and sob stories, trying to get people

Feel, see

to show up to your pity parties

Your regrets

and your pity parades.

If you see me in a Rolls Royce

If you ever see me in a rolls royce

See me at a 6 or 7 star hotel

a 6 or 7 star hotel

Bring my life to life to the fullest

living my life to the fullest

Don't be jealous of me

don't get jealous of me.

Because that's what I got with all my might

because i worked my ass off to get it.

No one helped me

Nobody handed me nothing.

Wake yourself up

Wake your ass up.

Awaken the sleeping beast inside

Awaken the beast inside.

The race begins

It's game on.

The season has arrived

It's go season.

In your country, in your circle,

It's time for you to take advantage of the access

The resources and channels you have

and the resources that you have

It's time to play their part

in your country and your community.

Do you still have questions about your life?

You got a problem with your life?

Are you dissatisfied with your environment?

You got a problem with your environment?

Let's change it

Do something about it.

Since the heart is going

If you want it

Get up and chase

go get it.

You have to understand


Excuses, ineffective

the excuses are not valid.

Their appearance is nothing

They're conjured up

Their existence is forged

they're fabricated

They are lies

they're lies.

How do you stop lies

And how do you stop the lies?

You can only defeat him with the truth

You stop the lies with the truth.

And the truth is

And the truth is

You have time

you have time

You have skills

you have the skill

You have knowledge

you have the knowledge

There is also support

and the support


and the willpower


and the discipline

Make you successful

to get it done.

All the good things in life

The fruit of everything good in life

It all starts with a challenge

begins with a challenge.

Difficult things are worthwhile things

Everything is uphill that's worthwhile.

Success won't come to you

And it's not going to come to you

It doesn't fall on you for no reason

and it's not going to fall in your lap

It's not going to be oh my god

and it's not going to be something that, Oh my gosh

It's that simple

it just was so simple

Success is not easy

it's always going to be difficult.

Since your heart thinks, you may as well get up and chase

If you want it, you gotta to get it.

This is your chance

This is your chance.

This is your stage

This is your shot.

This is your moment

This is your moment.

It's your time

This is your time.

This is your turf

This is your place.

This is your opportunity

This is your opportunity.

It was my time

This is my time

This is my moment

this is my moment

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow...

tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow...

There is no tomorrow at all

ain't no such thing as tomorrow

We are only today

we only got today.

It's your dream

It's your dream

If you want to have it

if you're going to have it

Take action and let your dreams shine into reality

get your butt up and make it happen

Perseverance pays off

rise and grind.

We show videos to high school juniors every day

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