
Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

author:TCM experts say tumors

Chinese medicine believes that the winter main collection, should go to bed early and get up late, pay attention to cold and keep warm, in order to avoid cold, do not overactive, prevent excessive sweating, and make a lot of yang qi loss. This is the law of conforming to the winter qi and maintaining the closed function of the human body, the most important thing is to be undisturbed and release the yang qi. However, many people have failed to live up to the good time of "collecting" and recuperating, and have committed the problem of insomnia.

Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

Winter insomnia is not only unable to sleep so simple, its harm is very large, winter "storage" is the mainstay, "storage" first of all to ensure adequate sleep. If insomnia occurs at this time, it will lead to damage to yang qi and a decrease in body immunity, which will more easily cause neurasthenia, colds, gastrointestinal diseases, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, hypertension, diabetes and other diseases, and even cause sudden death, bringing serious harm to the patient's physical and mental health.

Especially for the elderly, it can be said that insomnia is the 'hypnotic' for the elderly. Le Qisheng Chinese medicine team said that the elderly long-term insomnia is very harmful, especially the elderly with coronary heart disease, hypertension, for the older hypertension patients, a long period of lack of adequate sleep will lead to poor blood pressure control, blood pressure morning peak change amplitude increased, especially in the cold season, sleep badly at night, during the day will be due to anxiety, alarm and other emotions, so that the brain is overexcited, vascular contraction and lead to blood pressure rise. Large changes in blood pressure may lead to myocardial infarction, stroke and other accidents.

Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

The results of the sleep survey released by the China Sleep Research Association show that the incidence of insomnia in Chinese adults is as high as 38.2%, higher than that of developed countries, and more than 300 million Chinese have sleep disorders. Chinese medicine calls insomnia "sleepless" and "sleepless". It can be caused by many factors such as tiredness of thought, internal sadness and spleen, yin deficiency and fire, heart and kidney non-intercourse, liver and yang disturbance, lack of heart and gallbladder, and loss of gastric qi.

Winter is a dry and windy season, which can easily cause people's liver fire to be exuberant, virtual fire to disturb, resulting in imbalance in the balance of yin and yang in the internal organs. This is the "internal cause" of winter insomnia. There are also some "external causes", such as dietary imbalances. In the cold winter, people usually like to eat hot pot to warm up, and hot pot is generally spicy, which aggravates people's irritability, sleep when the mood can not be peaceful, sleep quality is inevitably affected.

Therefore, the Le Qisheng Chinese medicine team believes that the key yin deficiency of insomnia in winter is caused by strong liver fire and weak spleen and stomach.

Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

Liver fire is too strong: in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the "fire" of liver fire is one of the six evil "wind, cold, summer, wet, dry, fire", after winter, the weather will be very dry, there may be many friends around will often appear dizziness, headache and other uncomfortable symptoms, and the mood is not very good, easy to appear irritable, irritable and other emotional fluctuations, resulting in liver fire overexpiration, affecting the sleep state.

In addition, with the continuous increase of study and work pressure, people are often troubled by various nervous and anxious emotions, and the seven emotions cause diseases, which can directly injure the internal organs and affect the operation of qi and blood, especially those with liver qi depression are the most common. If the emotions are depressed, the anger hurts the liver, the liver is lost and drained, the qi is depressed for a long time, the fire is turned into fire, and the liver is lost, the qi is not bujin, and the gathering is phlegm, then the phlegm, qi, and fire are blocked, disturbing the mind, and the insomnia can be seen in the testimony.

In addition to insomnia, such patients often have symptoms such as dreams, greasy hair, dry mouth, bitter bad breath, short temper, hair loss, and decreased immunity.

Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

Spleen and stomach weakness: modern people themselves diet without moderation and regularity, hunger and dysfunction occur repeatedly, coupled with the winter, many people will use fat and thick food, such as barbecue, hot pot, etc., Chinese medicine often says "fat people make people hot, sweet people make people full", improper diet, spleen and stomach damage, loss of transportation, it is easy to brew phlegm.

In addition to irregular diet, old and long-term sick people are also prone to spleen weakness in winter, subtle and non-normalized, and can also cause phlegm. The evil of phlegm follows the yangming stomach network to disturb the heart, and if the mind cannot settle down, it will sleep restlessly. As Qin Jingming's "Cause of Symptoms, Pulse Cure, Volume III, Internal Injury Cannot Lie Down": "The cause of stomach discord and cannot lie down, the stomach is strong and eating, the spleen is weak and cannot be transported, the stomach is stagnant, it becomes phlegm, the qi in the middle is not comfortable, the pulse of Yang Ming is not downward, and the disease of not lying down is not allowed to lie down."

In addition to insomnia, such patients will also have difficulty falling asleep, loss of appetite, physical fatigue and weakness, forgetfulness, dizziness and headache, dull yellowness and other symptoms.

Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

It should be noted that although winter insomnia is mostly caused by excessive liver fire and weak spleen and stomach, modern people are affected by living habits, and there are many evil qi in the body. Therefore, the Le Qisheng TCM team emphasizes that on the treatment of insomnia, but not limited to one certificate, but also emphasizes that on the basis of the cause, further evidence is treated, it is necessary to follow the principle that people are an organic whole and people and nature are a whole, and the medication considers seasonal changes and the age and physique of patients, and pays attention to cold, heat, temperature and cool conservation when matching.

If you are uncomfortable with emotion, phlegm and qi obstruction, and you are burning for a long time, you should add gentian grass, gardenia, huanglian and other clear diarrhea heart and liver fire, melon, green stone, floating sea stone and other clear phlegm fever, Poria, Yuanzhi, Acacia flowers and other tranquility;

If due to the lack of diet, phlegm and food are intertwined, then use divine comedy, hawthorn, forsythia, citrus shell, betel nut, laizi and other consumption and guidance, and the gods, yuanzhi, acacia flowers and other phlegm to calm the gods;

If the course of the disease is prolonged for a long time, the phlegm is turbid and the righteous qi is insufficient, if the evidence of insufficient heart and spleen is also seen, the astragalus, dang ginseng, baishu, angelica, longan meat and other tonic heart and spleen are added.

If you also see the evidence of the heart and kidneys not to hand over, then add raw ground yellow, yellow lian to communicate the heart and kidneys, Tiandong, Mai Dong, Schisandra, etc. to supplement the kidneys and calm the mind.

Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

Medical case analysis

Mr. Wang, 32, has recently suffered from insomnia, due to the busy work at the end of the year, coupled with frequent eating hot pot, drinking some wine, even if he goes to bed very early at night, he always turns over and can't sleep. Mr. Wang said that he could not sleep, even if he fell asleep, he always dreamed, often woke up in the middle of the night, and could not sleep after waking up.

After that, Mr. Wang went to the hospital for examination, but did not find out what the reason was, and then began to take sleeping pills, but the effect was still not good, so he sought Chinese medicine treatment.

Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

Initial diagnosis: in the past 1 month, the symptoms have worsened, the symptoms are difficult to fall asleep, it is difficult to fall asleep with multiple tossing and turning, it is easy to wake up after falling asleep, and it is difficult to sleep again after waking up, and the symptoms of fatigue and fatigue in the morning, dizziness, dizziness, drowsiness, and sweet mouth are obvious. The patient complained of mental stress, accompanied by poor stomach absorption, stool once a day, soft quality, poor viscosity, plain fear of cold and obvious, light fat tongue, fine pulse strings.

Western medical diagnosis: insomnia; Chinese medicine diagnosis: sleeplessness (sputum and qi obstruction and heart and gallbladder deficiency). Add and subtract from the half-summer magnolia soup: Fa banxia, magnolia, perilla leaf, poria, poria, poria, ginger, ginseng, keel (first fry), oysters (first fry), sour jujube kernels, acacia flowers, chai hu, mai dong, schisandra. 7 doses, decoction, 1 dose a day, noon and before bedtime.

Second diagnosis: the patient complained that it was easy to fall asleep after taking the drug, and sometimes it was easy to wake up during sleep, but after waking up, he could still fall asleep again until dawn, and his mental state in the morning was significantly improved compared with before. Following the previous concoction, 7 doses, decoction method is the same as before. Later, it was added and subtracted by the own side, and it was used for 4 weeks, and it was effective. Patients are instructed to pay attention to mental adjustment and maintain a comfortable mood.

Can't sleep, sleep badly, insomnia also needs to "prescribe the right medicine"

"Winter does not hide essence, and spring will be sick and warm." Winter insomnia affects not only the sleep state, but also further damages the balance of human organs, resulting in a decline in the body's disease resistance and endangering physical health. Therefore, winter insomnia can not be ignored, it is necessary to timely through traditional Chinese medicine dialectics, clarify the cause, symptomatic conditioning, so that the internal organs to achieve balance, improve sleep quality, for the next year's health laying the foundation.

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