
The leader starts targeting your 4 performances, the sooner you know, the more advantageous it is, and respond as early as possible

author:Overlord class

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The workplace is a small river, in which no one can be alone.

Even if you carefully reduce your sense of existence, you may be disgusted by the leader because of a trivial matter, and be targeted by it.

Especially for some workplace whites, "standing in the wrong line", harming the interests of the company, unwilling to work overtime, and even the false accusation of not knowing how to pat the leader's ass may become a reason for him to hate.

If you have been targeted and hated by the leader, you do not know it, and correct it in time, it is easy to let your career go downhill, and you will only regret it at that time.

The leader starts targeting your 4 performances, the sooner you know, the more advantageous it is, and respond as early as possible.

The leader starts targeting your 4 performances, the sooner you know, the more advantageous it is, and respond as early as possible

In the workplace, when your wings are not hard enough and you have no backing, you don't know how to avoid their sharp edges, and you will be deeply affected by them.

Because your ability is so great that when it affects the leader, it will damage the interests of the leader, and in this case, he will certainly not let it go, and will try some means to suppress and target you.

Sometimes leaders are not good at getting started directly, and they will choose confidants with equal ability to balance.

If you are working, there is always resistance to restrain you, you look for leadership theory, when the leader is still helping each other, you have to be vigilant, is not yourself offended the leader, especially when this phenomenon occurs frequently, there is no doubt that you must be targeted by the leader.

Because no leader wants his subordinates to have "internal friction" because of "struggle", if the leader acquiesces, it must be his instructions behind his back.

The leader starts targeting your 4 performances, the sooner you know, the more advantageous it is, and respond as early as possible

In the workplace, pressure is the most common means used by most leaders to crowd out subordinates.

Assign you work beyond your reach, make you make mistakes, and leave a handle;

Assign a lot of work so that you can't complete it within the specified time, find reasons to reprimand;

Assign trivial, marginal work to let you know who decides your life or death, and put pressure on you.

If you encounter one of the above situations, it means that you have begun to be targeted by the leadership.

Whether you can't finish your job or be marginalized and have nothing to do, you are hinting to others that you are not capable of information, subtly influencing others' perception of you, once the impression is formed, and just in time for the company to optimize employees, you will definitely be ranked first.

The leader starts targeting your 4 performances, the sooner you know, the more advantageous it is, and respond as early as possible

When the leader suddenly begins to pay attention to your work, pointing fingers but not mentioning any construction opinions, just blindly picking faults, you have to be careful, he is using spiritual pressure, verbal violence to force you to collapse, let you take the initiative to leave.

When many young people enter the workplace, they will secretly rejoice in the face of the leader's unreasonable difficulties, and feel that the leader is so concerned about himself because he attaches importance to himself and wants to cultivate himself, and he is strict with himself.

Not really. Whether the leader excludes you or cultivates you is not judged by whether you are harsh or not. If he really wants to cultivate a person, he will pour more energy into being strict at the same time, and tell you the points you need to improve.

On the contrary, if he simply wants to target you, it is the harshness of "picking a bone in the egg", no matter what you do, he feels that it is not right, by belittling you, sarcastically, and hitting you, making you self-doubt and unintentional work.

The leader starts targeting your 4 performances, the sooner you know, the more advantageous it is, and respond as early as possible

The old fritters in the workplace like to watch people cook, and once they smell a little unusual smell, they can quickly make judgments and stand in a good camp.

Really smart leaders don't obviously exclude you, they like to fake hands on people, pass on the message of discussing you to the villain, let the other party target you everywhere, and he watches the drama from the sidelines.

No one cooperates in the work, and when things are cynical, you can't be overwhelmed, and finally you can only be overwhelmed and choose to leave.

The skilled will also come to care, in the tone of the elders to make you reflect on whether you have done something wrong, through a tight and loose way to let you let down your guard against him, not only fell into a good reputation, but also effortlessly to achieve the purpose of rectifying you, let you read his good.

The leader starts targeting your 4 performances, the sooner you know, the more advantageous it is, and respond as early as possible

There is no gratuitous response, when the leader has an opinion on you, first reflect on whether there are some problems with yourself. If it is not your own reasons, but simply because of the "office struggle" has become a victim, find yourself a good home as soon as possible.

In the workplace, the "first cause effect" is very obvious, and once the impression is formed, it is difficult to change. If the leader has already had an opinion on you, even if you try hard, it is difficult to have a big development, please be prepared to leave as soon as possible.

Today's topic: What other means do you think the leader has to exclude you, welcome to leave your story in the comment area.

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