
"Yanbi" graduate student sudden death study room: Family members said that their earlier heart discomfort had been rejected

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Wei Jiaming

At about 10:00 a.m. on November 23, Xie Peng, a 34-year-old third-year-old third-year student at Liaoning Technical University, collapsed in the school's study room and was admitted to the hospital shortly after being admitted to the hospital. The death certificate issued by Fuxin Central Hospital showed that the cause of death was sudden cardiac death.

"Yanbi" graduate student sudden death study room: Family members said that their earlier heart discomfort had been rejected

Xie Peng's death certificate shows that he is sudden cardiac death The pictures in this article are provided by the interviewees

The relatives who learned the bad news traveled from Binzhou in Shandong to Fuxin, Liaoning Province, to deal with the aftermath for Xie Peng. After looking through their son's mobile phone, Xie Peng's parents found that during their son's graduate school, the tutor Dong Mouwen had entrusted a number of topics unrelated to graduation to him. In addition, Xie Peng also needs to help the tutor complete the daily chores such as cleaning the office, boiling water, and distributing holiday benefits.

Xie Peng's uncle told the surging news ( that as early as the Spring Festival, Xie Peng, who was supposed to graduate this summer, was told that he would postpone his graduation because his thesis was not up to standard, but in a WeChat chat between Xie Peng and a number of classmates, he revealed that he was too busy with the work arranged by his tutor to take care of the graduation thesis. Uncle Xie Peng said that in May this year, his nephew had gone to the hospital for heart discomfort, and the examination report showed arrhythmia, and Xie Peng had asked his mentor for leave on this grounds, but the other party did not allow it. On the last night before Xie Peng's death, he also stayed up late to work until 2:30 a.m.

"Yanbi" graduate student sudden death study room: Family members said that their earlier heart discomfort had been rejected

Xie Peng's computer desktop, the night before the onset of illness, stayed up late to work until 2:30 a.m.

Xie Peng's family believes that Xie Peng's sudden death was due to overwork caused by continuous work, which was related to the excessive tasks arranged by the tutor, "After the accident, the school held four rounds of dialogue with us, but always denied that they were responsible." ”

On the afternoon of December 6, the surging news called the office of the president of Liaoning Technical University, and the staff said that they had paid attention to the matter and were currently resolving it, and the specific situation could be learned from the relevant departments or the publicity department of the school. On the same day, The Paper repeatedly contacted the Propaganda Department of Liaoning Technical University, the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Civil Engineering, and the tutor involved by telephone and text messages, but did not receive a response.

"Yanbi" graduate student sudden death study room, family: previously rejected due to arrhythmia leave

Born in 1987, Xie Peng, a native of Binzhou, Shandong Province, graduated from the School of Engineering and Technology of Hubei University of Technology 11 years ago and worked as an assistant engineer in two companies. Later, he passed the graduate school entrance examination and was admitted to the School of Civil Engineering of Liaoning Technical University, with a research direction of geotechnical engineering, and the instructor was Professor Dong Mouwen of the school, and he entered in September 2018 with a study system of 3 years.

According to public information, Dong Mouwen has a doctorate in engineering and is a graduate supervisor of Liaoning University of Technology and Technology, and has long been engaged in research on foundation basic theory and experimental technology. He has presided over 17 scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province.

In the impression of the family, Xie Peng was always extra busy after graduate school, but in order to support his only son, his parents did not ask much. No one expected that when he was close to graduation, Xie Peng would leave forever.

At 10:00 a.m. on November 23, Xie Peng was found by his classmates collapsing in the study room on the fourth floor of the school, and died after being sent to the hospital. The death certificate issued by Fuxin Central Hospital shows that Xie Peng's death time was 10 a.m. on the same day, and the cause was sudden cardiac death.

After learning the bad news of Xie Peng's sudden death, his family traveled from his hometown to Fuxin to take care of the aftermath. After looking through the computers and mobile phones used by Xie Peng before his death, relatives found that as early as May this year, Xie Peng went to the hospital due to physical discomfort, and the electrocardiogram report made at that time showed that Xie Peng had arrhythmia. When Chatting with his classmates, Xie Peng once said that he asked Dong Mouwen for leave on the grounds of heart discomfort and applied to return to his hometown to complete his graduation thesis, but he did not get permission.

"Yanbi" graduate student sudden death study room: Family members said that their earlier heart discomfort had been rejected

Xie Peng's case in May this year showed that he had a heart rate abnormality.

The family also found that in addition to completing the work assigned by the tutor, Xie Peng also helped Dong Mouwen to complete the trivial things of life such as cleaning the office, boiling water, getting clothes for him, and buying mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The chat records issued by the family to the surging news show that Xie Peng and Dong Mouwen often communicate and work in the evening, and Dong Mouwen also entrusts many matters in the research group to Xie Peng to deal with, such as: data search, writing subject materials and making PPT, helping other members of the research group to do experiments, traveling, etc. For the tasks arranged by the mentor, Xie Peng almost did not refuse.

For the relevant details of the family's complaint through Xie Peng's life and his mentor Dong Mouwen, as well as the chat records between classmates, The Paper has contacted Dong Mouwen many times without getting a response.

"Yanbi" graduate student sudden death study room: Family members said that their earlier heart discomfort had been rejected

In the conversation between Xie Peng and his mentor, Dong Mouwen arranged for him to buy mooncakes.

The school denied "death by overwork" and the family planned to file a lawsuit

Even so, Xie Peng was still delayed.

Uncle Xie Peng told the surging news that in fact, as early as around the Spring Festival this year, Xie Peng already knew that he was going to delay graduation. In his WeChat chat with many classmates, Xie Peng repeatedly mentioned that the tutor wanted him to "work for half a year" and help with the project.

The Paper noted that during his master's studies, Xie Peng had participated in the writing of 2 papers and participated in an invention patent. According to the "Regulations on Academic Achievements of Graduate Students of Liaoning Technical University (Revised)", accepting an invention patent satisfies the requirements for applying for a full-time master's degree, and then you can start writing a master's thesis and prepare for the final graduation defense. Xie Peng's relatives believe that he has long met the conditions for graduation.

After Xie Peng's accident, in four conversations between the family and the school, Dong Mouwen appeared twice. Xie Peng's relatives said that Dong Mouwen had explained that the reason for Xie Peng's delay in graduation was that the thesis did not meet the requirements. On the afternoon of December 6, The Paper repeatedly called Dong Mouwen's mobile phone to verify this information, but did not get a reply.

According to Red Star News, Xie Peng often dined with his classmate Xiaomei at school. Xiaomei said that Xie Peng's mood was very low in the month or two before the onset of illness, "Xie Peng often mentioned that Teacher Dong assigned him a lot of work, and he was looking for him for big things and small things." Xie Peng also revealed in a chat with another classmate that he did not dare to find a job, worried that the tutor would not sign the consent, and wanted to wait until graduation.

Xie Peng's parents also found a folder on Xie Peng's computer desktop created at 2:32 a.m. on the day of his death, which contained the last batch of SCI journal documents he downloaded before his death.

Three days before the incident, classmate Li had contacted Xie Peng, who told him that he was doing experimental data analysis for his brother and master, and said, "I don't want to, Old Dong forced me to do it." At the opening group meeting, it was said that if you do not write SCI, you will not give a signature, and if you do not help, you will not give a signature. ”

Xie Peng's family believes that Dong Mouwen asked Xie Peng to undertake the work he should not have undertaken, resulting in his overwork and sudden death. Xie Peng's relatives told the surging news that after the accident, the school had negotiated with the family four times, but did not admit that the school was at fault. At present, the family has entrusted a lawyer to prepare to use the litigation method to ask the school and the tutor for an explanation.

On the afternoon of December 6, the surging news called the office of the president of Liaoning Technical University, and the staff said that they had paid attention to the matter and were currently resolving it, and the specific situation could be learned from the relevant departments or the publicity department of the school. On the same day, The Paper repeatedly contacted the Propaganda Department of Liaoning University of Technology and the deputy secretary of the party committee of the school's Civil Engineering College by phone and text message, but did not receive a response.

Editor-in-Charge: Cui Xuan Photo Editor: Shi Jiahui

Proofreader: Yan Zhang

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