
The First Plenary Session of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District committee of the CPC Liu Chunlei was elected secretary of the district party committee Jin Huijiang Xuying was elected deputy secretary of the district party committee

author:Static Sea Meltant

On the afternoon of December 4, the third plenary meeting of the Third Committee of the Communist Party of China in Tianjin Jinghai District was held. Liu Chunlei was entrusted by the presidium of the Third Congress of the CPC Tianjin Jinghai District to preside over the plenary session.

The First Plenary Session of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District committee of the CPC Liu Chunlei was elected secretary of the district party committee Jin Huijiang Xuying was elected deputy secretary of the district party committee

The meeting adopted the method for the election of the first plenary session of the third session of the district committee; adopted the scrutineer; discussed and approved the list of candidates for the standing committee, secretary, and deputy secretary of the third committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District Committee of the CPC Tianjin MunicipalIty; and deliberated and adopted the "Implementation Plan of the Cpc Tianjin Jinghai District Committee on In-depth Study, Publicity, and Implementation of the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Municipal Cpc Committee."

The First Plenary Session of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District committee of the CPC Liu Chunlei was elected secretary of the district party committee Jin Huijiang Xuying was elected deputy secretary of the district party committee

The delegates attending the meeting elected by secret ballot the standing committee, secretary and deputy secretary of the Third Committee of the Cpc Tianjin Jinghai District. Liu Chunlei was elected secretary of the Third Committee of The Tianjin Jinghai District of the CPC, Jin Huijiang and Xu Ying were elected deputy secretaries of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District of the CPC, and Chen Zizhou, Qu Haifu, Li Jianxin, Yang Po, Liu Qijian, Zheng Ping, Wang Minghui, and Guo Ying were elected as members of the Standing Committee of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District of the CPC.

The First Plenary Session of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District committee of the CPC Liu Chunlei was elected secretary of the district party committee Jin Huijiang Xuying was elected deputy secretary of the district party committee

The meeting adopted the report on the election results of the first plenary session of the Third Discipline Inspection Commission of Jinghai District of Tianjin Municipality.

The First Plenary Session of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District committee of the CPC Liu Chunlei was elected secretary of the district party committee Jin Huijiang Xuying was elected deputy secretary of the district party committee

Liu Chunlei, the newly elected secretary of the district party committee, spoke on behalf of the new standing committee of the district party committee. He pointed out that the new leading group of the district party committee was born at a critical moment when Jinghai was building a high-quality well-off society in an all-round way and striving to start a new journey of the second centenary goal, and he deeply felt a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission. We will certainly live up to our heavy trust and mission, unite and work hard, press forward, continue to promote the high-quality development of Jinghai, and strive to deliver a satisfactory answer sheet to the municipal party committee and the people of the whole region.

The First Plenary Session of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District committee of the CPC Liu Chunlei was elected secretary of the district party committee Jin Huijiang Xuying was elected deputy secretary of the district party committee

Liu Chunlei stressed: It is necessary to regard the study, propaganda, and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the COMMUNIST PARTY of China as a major political task at present and for some time to come, and leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in studying and implementing it, promote the study, propaganda, and implementation of full coverage, and truly use the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session to unify thinking, gather consensus, strengthen confidence, and enhance fighting spirit. It is necessary to strive for practical results in study, combine the study and education of party history, put the foothold on "doing what is right", combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the plenary session with the study and implementation of the spirit of the series of important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and combine it with the current work, effectively transform the study results into a powerful driving force for doing a good job, use the actual results of reform, development and stability to highlight the actual results of study and implementation, and create a good political and ideological atmosphere for the convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party next year. It is necessary to resolutely shoulder the historical responsibility of promoting the high-quality development of Jinghai, run well the first stick of the Long March road to achieve the second centenary goal, unswervingly undertake the missions and tasks entrusted by the times without hesitation and unswervingly, aim at the goals and tasks set by the party congress, know the responsibility in the heart, assume the responsibility, and perform the responsibility, firmly believe that the green mountains will not relax, and ensure that the grand blueprint becomes a reality. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the district committee itself, always put the strengthening of political construction in the first place, continuously improve the ability to take charge of the overall situation and coordinate all parties, vigorously advocate the style of really grasping the work, consciously put discipline in the front, and provide a strong political guarantee for the high-quality development of Jinghai.

Liu Chunlei demanded that next year be the first year of the three district party committees, and it is necessary to concentrate efforts on six tasks and make key breakthroughs. First, we must do a good job in the battle of attracting investment and investment, regard investment promotion as the "No. 1 project", promote high-quality, vigorous and precise investment promotion, and promote the investment promotion in the whole region to see obvious results as soon as possible. Second, we must fight a tough battle to optimize the business environment, create a strong atmosphere in which everyone, everything, and everywhere is a business environment, so that the vast number of cadres and the masses can become participants, builders, and maintainers of optimizing the business environment. Third, we must do a good job in tackling the tough battle of illegal land use, adhere to the combination of dredging and blocking, treat both symptoms and root causes, strengthen the control of the source of illegal land use, and let the problems left over from history truly become the "history" of Jinghai. Fourth, it is necessary to do a good job in resolving the backlog of letters and petitions, practice the people-centered development thinking with the satisfaction of the masses, and consolidate the party's ruling foundation at the grass-roots level. Fifth, we must do a good job in preventing and resolving debt risks and ensure that regional and systemic risks do not occur. Sixth, we must do a good job in comprehensively and strictly administering the party, strengthen theoretical armament, implement the party's organizational line in the new era, strengthen the building of grass-roots organizations, strengthen supervision and restraint over the operation of power, and let power operate under the sun.

The First Plenary Session of the Third Committee of the Tianjin Jinghai District committee of the CPC Liu Chunlei was elected secretary of the district party committee Jin Huijiang Xuying was elected deputy secretary of the district party committee

Members of the district committee and alternate members of the district committee attended the meeting.

Please indicate the source of reprint: Jinghai Rong Media

Reporters: Yuan Guangqi Li Yuejun Zhao Jinhui Sun Chengsheng Zhang Houze Xing Wenliang Editor: Zhang Jian Responsible Editor: Guo Yuanyuan

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