
Liu Chunlei investigated the Tianjin Health Industry International Cooperation Demonstration Zone: Accelerate the construction of key projects to create a health industry gathering highland

author:Static Sea Meltant

On the morning of October 11, Liu Chunlei, secretary of the Jinghai District CPC Committee, led a team to the Tianjin Health Industry Development Cooperation Demonstration Zone to investigate and guide the work, through on-site investigation, on-site inspection, listening to reports and other forms, to learn more about the progress of various work, and put forward requirements for accelerating the construction of key projects, consolidating the construction of grass-roots party organizations, and making every effort to do a good job in the people's livelihood. Xu Nan, deputy secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting.

Liu Chunlei investigated the Tianjin Health Industry International Cooperation Demonstration Zone: Accelerate the construction of key projects to create a health industry gathering highland

Liu Chunlei first came to the construction site of the first phase of Tianjin Hospital of Peking Union Medical College (General Hospital of Blood Diseases of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences) to learn more about the progress of the project construction. With the cooperation demonstration area as the main body, with the help of the radiation driving role of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the comprehensive advantages of the integration of "medical education, education and production", the project comprehensively promotes the construction of the Tianjin base project, the core base of the Chinese medical science and technology innovation system, and is expected to complete the main construction in 2021 and the full completion in 2022. Liu Chunlei asked the construction unit to attach great importance to quality and safety while ensuring the progress of the project, and to ensure that the project is built into a demonstration project and a benchmark project that can withstand the test of history and the people.

Subsequently, Liu Chunlei went deep into dongzhuang yayuan relocation project, Huakang street party and mass service center and other places to investigate, and organized a symposium to listen to the work report of the cooperation demonstration area, analyze and sort out the construction of key projects one by one, and study and deploy the next step of work measures.

Liu Chunlei investigated the Tianjin Health Industry International Cooperation Demonstration Zone: Accelerate the construction of key projects to create a health industry gathering highland

Liu Chunlei stressed that this year is the first year to launch the second centenary goal and implement the "14th Five-Year Plan". We must conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the good start of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and make every effort to promote the construction of the Tianjin Health Industry International Cooperation Demonstration Zone. This park is a new growth point for the whole district and even the whole city to promote high-quality development, and it is also the hope and potential for the future development of Jinghai. In particular, the Tianjin Hospital project of Union Medical College is the most significant, the largest and the highest level, and after the completion of the project, it has a huge leading role in the region. Leading cadres at all levels in the region should improve their political standing, take the initiative to support the construction of key service projects, make every effort to ensure the progress and quality and safety of the project, and strive to build the demonstration area into a health industry innovation zone, a healthy life pilot zone, and an international cooperation demonstration zone. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the people-centered development thinking, consider and concentrate manpower and material resources in advance to do a solid job in the construction of relocated housing projects, and ensure that the relocated masses can live in new houses as soon as possible and enjoy the fruits of reform and development in the demonstration area. It is necessary to do a good job in community work at a high level, optimize and improve the quality of service, show a good spiritual outlook, strive to build an "ideal city" in the new era, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses. It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the atmosphere of taking responsibility for one's duties and starting a business as an official. The management committee of the demonstration zone cannot be "institutionalized", but must be a "field army", always maintain a "fighting" state, unite and struggle, invigorate the spirit, start a business, strive to make contributions in the brand-new land of the demonstration area, actively seek more well-being for the people of Jinghai, and win the satisfaction of the people with practical work results.

Yang Guangcai, district leader, and responsible comrades of relevant departments of the district, townships, neighborhoods, and parks attended the meeting.

Reprint should indicate the source: Jinghai Rong Media

Reporter: Yuan Guangqi Liu Xin Sun Chengsheng Li Yuejun Editor: Li Tanfeng Responsible Editor: Guo Yuanyuan

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