
Liu Chunlei met with Ma Chaolong of the Bank of China Tianjin Branch to deepen docking and cooperation to provide strong financial support for high-quality development

author:Static Sea Meltant

On the morning of October 27, Ma Chaolong, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Tianjin Branch of the Bank of China, and his party came to Jingjing to discuss the strengthening of financial docking cooperation. Liu Chunlei, secretary of the district party committee, accompanied the forum.

Liu Chunlei expressed his sincere gratitude to Bank of China Tianjin Branch for its strong support for the economic and social development of Jinghai District, and briefly introduced the economic and social development of Jinghai. He said that at present, Jinghai District takes the opportunity to deeply integrate into the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and promote the construction of a new development pattern, take key areas such as the Tianjin Health Industry International Cooperation Demonstration Zone as the carrier, and take key projects such as the Tianjin Hospital of Peking Union Medical College as the starting point to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading and the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, which requires the support and services of the financial sector as always. It is hoped that Bank of China Tianjin Branch will give full play to its own advantages and increase its support in service industry project investment, real economic development, infrastructure construction, rural industry revitalization, etc., and provide strong financial services for the high-quality development of Jinghai.

Ma Chaolong said that Jinghai has a profound cultural heritage and regional development is full of vitality. Bank of China Tianjin Branch will give full play to the role of the real economy of financial services, take the initiative to dock and actively act, closely follow the strategic goals of Jinghai's "14th Five-Year Plan", further optimize financial innovation services, open up green approval channels for enterprises and project investment, continuously stimulate the vitality of regional economic development, and help Jinghai achieve the overall goal of socialist modernization.

The relevant departments of Bank of China Tianjin Branch and the relevant units of the district conducted in-depth communication and negotiation on specific projects, and the two sides will further broaden the scope of cooperation, innovate cooperation models, enrich cooperation content, and jointly create a new situation of mutually beneficial and win-win development.

District leaders Qu Haifu and Yang Po attended.

Please indicate the source of reprint: Jinghai Rong Media

Reporter: Yuan Guangqi Liu Xin Sun Chengsheng Editor: Li Tanfeng Responsible Editor: Guo Yuanyuan

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