
Mackerel dumplings 丨 weekend food

author:Shangguan News

Mackerel dumplings

Mackerel dumplings 丨 weekend food

(Image from the Internet)

In winter, it is advisable to eat more fish, tofu, white fungus, fungus, goji berries, Chinese cabbage, kelp, seaweed, black sesame seeds and other foods, which is conducive to nourishing the kidney yin. The diet can be slightly thicker, but it should not be too salty, so as not to aggravate cardiovascular disease.


250 grams of flour, 150 grams of mackerel meat, 100 grams of minced pork, 20 grams of chives, ginger to taste, soy sauce, cooking wine 15 grams each, salt to taste.


1. Add flour with water and noodles and let stand for 1 hour.

2. Wash the mackerel meat and chop it into filling; wash and chop the chives and ginger.

3. Put the fish and pork filling in a bowl, add the minced chives and ginger, add the seasonings such as soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, etc., stir well to make a dumpling filling.

4. Knead the dough, divide the ingredients, roll out into dumpling skins, wrap them in filling, and make dumplings.

5. Add water to the boiling pot, add the dumplings, boil twice, and the dumplings can float.


Fish meat has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, suitable for filling, eating at this time, can play a tonic role in replenishing the weakness and strengthening the body. Adding more ginger can remove the fishy smell of fish, and can also help the yang to heat up, warm the spleen and stomach, and relieve cold pain.

Popular Science Support:

Zhang Hao, Jinshan Hospital, Fudan University

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