
Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year


Wang Jie is a name that is not familiar to everyone today, and often followed by the word "hero", and some old people may have heard of his deeds and felt sorry and respected for this young life.

The hero of the 60s was discovered in an incident that should have been characterized as a major accident, and the leader decided to pay attention to this matter, and the heroic behavior should be carried forward and learned.

In a training, due to the explosion of the explosive package for no reason, Wang Jie, in order to protect the other people present from being injured, threw himself on the explosives, blocked most of the lethality with his body, and the young life turned into a brilliant blood color, how tragic it was to be red.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

Wang Jie

Wang Jie saved the lives of others, but he himself will never die. After getting to know this young man in depth, we discover how good he is and how lofty his spiritual consciousness is.

Wang Jie has a fiancée in the family named Zhao Yingling, she was engaged to Wang Jie early, has been hoping to wait for Wang Jie to return, you can marry him, but in the end she waited for the news of the death of her lover, Zhao Yingling was grief-stricken, has been unwilling to believe this news, and has not been willing to "remarry" for a long time.

Wang Jie dedicated her life to the revolution, and his fiancée was equally great, as a relative of the revolutionary martyrs, she dedicated half of her life to the party and the people.

In Wang Jie's diary, there is such a sentence: "Now that I am still young, it is not too late to get married, and in my youth, we should focus our energy on the party's cause and do more work for the motherland." "The hero's spirit should be passed on, and his story must be known to more people."

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

2021 is the 56th anniversary of the sacrifice of the hero Is Wang Jie, Ms. Zhao Yingling brought flowers to Wang Jie's martyrs' mausoleum to present a bouquet of flowers for him, recalling that this person who always stayed at the age of 23, Zhao Yingling, who was already old, was full of emotion, and the tears still couldn't help but wet her eyes.

From the initial girlish feelings to the respect and remembrance of Wang Jie now, Zhao Yingling has not chosen to forget Wang Jie in the past few decades, but will always miss him.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

In this year, Zhao Yingling sent pennants to the Wang Jie Police Station and the Wang Jie Spiritual Research Institute in Wang Jie's hometown, thanking them for remembering and spreading the spirit of Wang Jie.

This elderly old man commemorated this hero in a way that she could, and Wang Jie may have been diluted in her heart and has become a spirit that has always existed, and such feelings cannot be truly described if they are not parties.

Zhao Yingling, as a person close to Wang Jie, knows him in detail, but she rarely shows up to participate in any activities, until the filming of a related documentary, she came to Wang Jie's hometown of Pizhou, she told the story of her and Wang Jie for the film crew, recalling the past inevitably evoked sad memories.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

Things are people and things are not things, and tears flow first.

Zhao Yingling and Wang Jie were originally classmates, the two met at school and were friends at first, and the campus time of Green Onion was incomparably beautiful. Wang Jie's eldest Zhao Yingling for a term, has always taken care of her, when she was young, both of them were the age of love, and soon they had feelings, Zhao Yingling recalled that time is still vividly remembered, full of happiness.

Later, the two people who fell in love were engaged in 1957 under the arrangement of their parents, and they continued to go to school to become a beautiful scenery of youth on campus, and the young love was so precious and beautiful.

After the engagement, their parents always wanted them to get married as soon as possible, but because of school, both of them wanted to wait, and the two already had a deep relationship.

In 1961, Wang Jie, who was dedicated to serving the country and dedicating himself to the party, chose to join the army, and the two of them became the past from the days before, and the most common contact was the exchange of letters, but their feelings did not change. Wang Jie's parents were old and in poor health, and Zhao Yingling did not want Wang Jie to worry too much, so she came to Inner Mongolia from Shandong to take care of them.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

Wang Jie has always performed well after joining the army, and he has devoted himself with enthusiasm to the cause of dedication to the party and the country, and in Wang Jie's diary, we can see many times how great and lofty this young man really has a great and lofty determination to work and dedicate, and every word and every sentence makes people can't help but sketch in their minds the high-spirited appearance of this young man.

"When a soldier comes for the people, for the party, and for the motherland, the party will rush wherever it wants, even if it needs to sacrifice its youth, there is no complaint."

"I am a revolutionary, I want to be a good seed of the revolution, and wherever the party and the state scatter me, I will take root, blossom, and bear fruit."

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

These excerpts from Wang Jie's diary of more than 100,000 words show his fearless spirit to the fullest.

On an ordinary morning on July 14, 1965, the soldiers got up according to the normal time to prepare for training, and today's training was completed under the guidance of Wang Jie, the sapper squad leader, and trained everyone's practical operation of "tripping and preventing infantry to apply mines to explode".

Wang Jie has been performing well since entering the engineering unit, and was soon promoted to squad leader, and his teammates in the team liked this enthusiastic young man. On the day of training, Wang Jie made a comprehensive and careful inspection of the explosive packages that replaced the mines in advance, and only began to prepare after making sure that there was no error.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

A militiaman in the same class who participated in the training also clearly remembered that Before the training began, Captain Wang Jie conducted two on-the-spot inspections of explosives, and twice tested that everything was normal and everything should have been normal. But the surprise came too suddenly, catching everyone off guard, and on this bright morning, a name was about to become an eternal past.

After the training began, Wang Jie was explaining to the trainees, but when the thousand guns were fired, one of the teaching explosive packs suddenly spontaneously spontaneously, in an instant, just that second, you can do a lot of things or do nothing, Wang Jie chose to use his body to pounce on the explosive package that was exploding, did not choose to escape, the huge impact force shattered his body, blood splashed.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

Subsequently, it was the end that everyone knew, the 23-year-old Wang Jie died on the spot in order to protect his teammates, the body did not have a complete piece of flesh and bones, twelve militiamen survived, and the young Wang Jie left forever.

The militiamen who participated in the training at the end of the training said with great emotion: "Instructor Wang sacrificed to save us, if he had not pounced on the explosive package, we might have been killed." ”

The families of the militia also expressed their deep gratitude for Wang Jie's sacrifice, and if it were not for him, how many families would have washed their faces with tears.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

Wang Jie was able to sing the praises of heroes, and he was posthumously recognized as a martyr. Eventually, Wang Jie's deeds spread to Zhongnanhai, and Chairman Mao highly praised his spirit, calling on everyone to learn from Wang Jie's spirit and "one is not afraid of suffering, the other is not afraid of death." Political consciousness affirmed.

Wang Jie's diary was printed and published in the original text word for word, and it was also published in the newspaper, and the exuberant words made people full of high respect for this lost young life, but also accompanied by many regrets. Wang Jie joined the army in 1961, and this young man full of hope for the future has not slackened for a moment.

In the second year of joining the army, Wang Jie joined the regiment, and he performed well in many training and tasks, and was rated as a first-class technical expert, an excellent coach, a model communist youth league member, and an activist in studying Chairman Mao's works, and was twice awarded the third class merit. At that time, Wang Jie's biggest dream was to join the party, but he submitted ten applications in succession, but he did not succeed.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

After Wang Jie joined the army, his family also urged him to go home and marry Zhao Yingling several times, but Wang Jie never wanted to delay his work, did not want to focus on personal matters, so he delayed it again and again, and finally Zhao Yingling waited for eight years, but Wang Jie never had the opportunity to see his fiancée again, nor could he marry her home.

What he was thinking at the moment when he pounced on the explosives, he probably had already put the individual aside, and only the twelve living lives on the scene were in his mind.

Zhao Yingling couldn't believe it when she received the call, her voice trembled, and she confirmed over and over again, was it Wang Jie? Is it your own lover? Even after confirming it many times, she still couldn't believe it, and she always felt in her heart that Wang Jie had nothing to do, was training in the team, and would come home, and everything was still the same as usual.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

How sad Zhao Yingling was, her lover would never come back and never see her again, and a twenty-three-year-old life would be gone. The last time he met Wang Jie was a long time ago, when he had been reluctant to take leave, but his mother had a heart attack, which was the first time Wang Jie had taken leave from the army.

After Wang Jie's sacrifice, Zhao Yingling has been immersed in grief, but she still does not forget to take care of Wang Jie's parents, the old two have always felt that their family owes Zhao Yingling too much, and several times advised her to find another person to live a good life, but Zhao Yingling refused. As the years passed, Zhao Yingling also grew older year by year.

Later, she chose to work on farms in the countryside, because she still remembered that Wang Jie said to her: "You should work more, if you don't work, he doesn't work, what do the people of the whole country eat?" We should take the lead and contribute as much ability as we have to the motherland. Because of Wang Jie's words, this strong woman has also embarked on the road of dedication to the people.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

But Zhao Yingling still has not been married for many years, and finally zhao Yingling "remarried" under the persuasion of Wang Jie's parents and the urging of her own parents, Zhao Yingling said that Wang Jie's parents will think of Wang Jie every time they see her.

Zhao Yingling continued to move forward, but what remained unchanged was that she went to Wang Jie's tomb every year to worship, standing there for a long time before leaving, Zhao Yingling also became old, but she did not seem to have changed, and every time she stood in front of the tomb, she seemed to have returned to the old days.

Zhao Yingling donated some of the items that Wang Jie gave her to the museum, where there was also a bouquet of roses, a total of twenty-three flowers, which Zhao Yingling personally made for Wang Jie.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

For many years, Zhao Yingling has not mentioned this past to her family, and Zhao Yingling's daughter only learned that her mother had such a past after the crew found her mother. She suddenly recalled that her mother had a very precious small cloth bag, and inside was a photo, which was a picture of Wang Jie.

In 2021, and many years ago, Zhao Yingling went all the way to Pizhou to commemorate Wang Jie, and she also met Li Yanqing, who survived under wang jie's cover at that time, and learned that he was also blind in order to cover for a female militiaman in another mine explosion accident, Zhao Yingling listened to his deeds and felt a lot, and said to Li Yanqing:

"Li Yanqing, Wang Jie has protected you with his life, and you have used your life to protect others, and your actions are as touching as Wang Jie's, and we all have to learn from you!"

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

Zhao Yingling's heart is sad and proud at the same time, because there are more people like her "fiancé" who are learning the spirit of Wang Jie and promoting Wang Jie culture.

After a brief appearance this year, Zhao Yingling still lives her own ordinary life, her daughter is 36 years old, she is also full of hair, perhaps she will still rarely mention this past, still only standing in front of Wang Jie's tomb to reminisce. After the great deeds of these heroes, it is the eternal mourning of one loved one after another.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

Rather than heroic deeds, I prefer to look at the story behind the hero, and the birth of a hero is accompanied by many sorrows in addition to singing praises, why they are great, because this is not only the sacrifice of one person but also the sacrifice of a family.

Zhao Yingling and Wang Jie's eight-year fiancée, and finally ended with a tragic ending, Zhao Yingling is proud, her fiancé can have such a great act to save twelve lives, twelve families, she is also extremely sad, the taste of loss is always uncomfortable, but she is as great as Wang Jie, she has never complained and resented, but silently thanked those who carried forward the spirit of Wang Jie.

Wang Jie is another outstanding figure after Lei Feng and other heroes, and he hopes that his spirit will always be sung and his name will always be remembered.

Hero Wang Jie's 8-year fiancée: Wang Jie is unwilling to "remarry" after his sacrifice, and goes to worship every year

"How hero Wang Jie was discovered and publicized" Cui Yi

"Wang Jie: The Hero Who Rescued Himself" Mihara

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