
61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

author:Big D Entertainment

Wang Jie, the smash hit singer back then, is now living a depressed life. It was all thanks to the financial support of a mysterious rich woman that he was able to live a retired hermit life in Halifax, Canada. Pity him now with gray hair and a broken shape, like an old naughty boy who has returned from the world, sighing!

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

But before revealing Wang Jie's current situation, let's review his past glorious history.

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, Taiwan's entertainment industry was star-studded, with countless shining new stars blooming everywhere. And Wang Jie can be said to be one of the most dazzling stars at that time, he not only has a moving singing voice and handsome appearance, but also has a sullen style, he is simply the prince charming in the hearts of thousands of girls!

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Wang Jie released his first solo album "A Game, A Dream", which immediately won the highest sales record in the history of Taiwan. The romantic and melancholy lyrics, coupled with Wang Jie's unique voice, have made countless girls fall in love with it. Even we, the natives of the mainland, yearn for him!

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

But it's a pity that Wang Jie's life trajectory is quite bumpy. He has been tormented by family discord since he was a child, and the divorce of his parents has made him lack warmth since he was a child. What's even more tragic is that when he was only 14 years old, his first girlfriend Tesa died unexpectedly, which undoubtedly gave Wang Jie a huge psychological shadow.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

It is said that his debut novel "Annie" was created to remember this first love that passed away. I can't help but sigh, how can a child go through so many hardships in life?

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

And with the take-off of his career, Wang Jie's private life has also gone wrong one after another. At the age of 18, because of impulse, he married a girl, and then gave birth to a daughter. However, this marriage did not last long, and it broke up unhappily because of the conflict between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Riddled with new hatreds and old resentments, Wang Jie's life has fallen into unprecedented difficulties. Alcoholism, smoking, anorexia and other vices have deteriorated his physical and mental state. Fortunately, there was an outlet for music at this time, which allowed him to get out of the haze for a while.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

In the early 90s of the last century, the wave of reform and opening up in the mainland has arrived. In music, Chinese people are also eager to taste different flavors. Wang Jie was at the right time, and his slightly sad and sullen voice immediately had a large number of praise in the mainland.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Songs such as "Nocturne", "A Game, a Dream", "Annie", etc., were sung in every household at that time. As a result, Wang Jie has become one of the first stars introduced in the mainland music scene, and is known as Taiwan's "Four Heavenly Kings" alongside Zhou Huajian, Qi Qin, and Fei Yuqing.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

But the most regrettable thing is that during the rise of his career, Wang Jie's throat was inexplicably damaged! He himself admitted frankly that he knew that someone deliberately poisoned him, but it was difficult to directly offend those who "had a background".

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

As a result, Wang Jie gradually faded from the music scene. Fortunately, at this time, he met Hong Kong supermodel Mo Qiwen, and the two finally achieved positive results and became husband and wife. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the two parted ways soon after marriage, and Wang Jie was penniless again and idle.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

It was in this difficult situation that Wang Jie chose to immigrate to Canada and settled in a wealthy area in Halifax. At first, he lived a very poor life, until he met the mysterious "rich woman" Liang Luoshi.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Liang Luoshi can be said to be very rich, she is not only a real estate developer, but also an old friend of Li Ka-shing. Although the two have a 26-year age difference, they have a close relationship. Liang Luoshi not only often supported Wang Jie, but also gave him a large amount of financial support, so that Wang Jie could have a comfortable life.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

In fact, after the paparazzi "Zhu Pi" took intimate photos of Wang Jie and Liang Luoshi, it was rumored on the Internet that the two had a leg. However, after denials from both sides, netizens can only blame it on excessive speculation.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Liang Luoshi's sponsorship of Wang Jie is certainly out of pity for the fragrance and cherishing the jade, gentle and generous humanitarian feelings, but there is also a deeper level of selfishness.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

After all, Mrs. Liang is over half a hundred years old, and her children have grown up, and it is the time when people are lonely and unbearable in their old age. And although Wang Jie has a rough life, his biggest charm lies in his low voice and the demeanor of an "old man" after many years of absence.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

At the same time, Wang Jie was also silent because of frustration, which just gave Mrs. Liang an opportunity to confide and sustenance, and relieved the loneliness of the bored people. It can be said that this kind of mutual use relationship of "you and me" has benefited both sides a lot.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

In addition to her generosity, Mrs. Liang also took care of Wang Jie's daily life. According to people familiar with the matter, Mrs. Liang not only rented a villa in the richest area of Canada for Wang Jie, but also personally hired two part-time workers to take care of Wang Jie's daily life.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

With such intimate and considerate care, Wang Jie also had to be grateful to Mrs. Liang. Interestingly, Mrs. Liang was once so generous as to let Wang Jie take the other juniors back to the villa to live, and it seems that she pampered Wang Jie as her "little prince".

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

However, after all, Mrs. Leung is a close friend of Li Ka-shing, and her style of conduct will naturally be scrutinized and concerned by public opinion. So she publicly denied the rumors of having an affair with Wang Jie many times, saying that the two were just "pure friendship".

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

And Wang Jie himself was only vague about this, and never responded positively. However, judging from some of the words he leaked in the interview, he seems to have a different view of this "rich woman lover".

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

"She is very kind, and I can't repay the kindness she has shown me...... I can only use my old voice to sing those love songs for her, hoping to give her some comfort. "

From Wang Jie's words, it is not difficult to see that he is grateful to Mrs. Liang. As a former king singer, now he can only rely on other people's charities to survive, this kind of down-and-out portrayal is really suffocating.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

However, it is this impermanence of fate that may be an important reason why Mrs. Liang helps. After all, women are always prone to pity those men who are "isolated and exiled", and Wang Jie's dripping life has really aroused Mrs. Liang's sympathy.

What's more, Wang Jie's dumb old voice is still touching even now. As a person with affection, Mrs. Liang was naturally moved by Wang Jie's deep voice, thus retaining her compassion.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Once, a paparazzi passed by Wang Jie's villa and overheard singing from inside. It is said that it is the song "A Game, a Dream" that Wang Jie often sings, but his voice is much rougher than back then.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

"That voice is like a person talking about the past, with a little drunkenness, mixed with a strong sadness and loneliness." The paparazzi described it this way.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

can't help but sigh that the former singers can only sing for her in the rich woman's pavilion, which is too bleak. However, one thing to say, if it is really out of Wang Jie's own volition, this "life mode" is actually a good choice.

After all, he is over half a hundred years old, single, and his family is surrounded by four walls, compared to being able to get the funding of a rich man and live a worry-free life, this should be a good home. What's more, in this process, music, Wang Jie's old companion, can always be by his side.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

However, Wang Jie, who is 67 years old this year, also makes people sweat in a cold sweat because of his health condition. According to internal sources, Wang Jie has been losing weight drastically recently, and now he is only in his 50s, and he was even admitted to a nursing home in Canada for a time.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

In order to take care of Wang Jie, Mrs. Liang also tried her best to not only hire a special cook, but also regularly arrange for rehabilitation doctors to go to the clinic for treatment. After all, she regards Wang Jie as her "own son" and values him generally, even if Wang Jie is dying, she has to give him the best care.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Seeing Mrs. Liang giving so sincerely, many people on the Internet commented on the relationship between the two. Some people say that the two of them are an exchange of interests of "money for youth", and some people say that it is an alternative relationship of pure "mother-son love".

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

But whether it is right or wrong, in short, the life of this "strange couple" is quite happy. And Mrs. Liang's thoughtful care of Wang Jie also let us see her simple and kind heart.

After all, in this materialistic society, it is not easy to fund a former idol singer with a simple friendship heart. What's more, Mrs. Liang herself is also a wealthy family with a lot of money, and she doesn't need to live like an ordinary person with a careful budget.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Therefore, Wang Jie was able to get out of the trough in the end, thanks to the help of this rich benefactor. And Mrs. Liang's care for Wang Jie also reflects her gentle and kind side of a delicate woman.

61-year-old Wang Jie settled in Canada, accompanied by the little rich woman Liang Luoshi, netizens: Impossible

Let's wait and see what the story of this "weird couple" will be! I also wish Wang Jie a happy and healthy life in his lifetime. After all, for a person who has been devastated by fate, it is not easy to get such warm care!

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