
Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer

author:Surgeon Ger said
Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer

I believe that most people have purchased honey, but there is not too much understanding of the storage period of honey, many honey storage time is too long, the bottom will appear white crystals, many people will feel that these honey has expired, usually choose to throw away, in fact, the bottom of the thick white frost does not mean that the honey expires.

So how long can honey be stored? Can I still eat honey that has been stored for three years? If you're also curious, let's take a look.


Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer

For most people, the main role of honey is to soak honey water, or to make a variety of desserts, the amount of use is also very small, a jar of honey can be used for several years, for these long-term storage of honey, in the end can not be safe to eat?

Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer

The question of whether honey stored for three years can still be eaten depends mainly on the type and degree of honey.

1, for 100% purity of honey, there is no shelf life

For high-purity honey, if the preservation method is appropriate, the honey will not easily deteriorate, nor will it dry into pieces, even if it is stored for a long time, it can continue to be eaten, so the high-purity honey stored for three years can continue to eat.

2. Honey with high water content is not recommended

There are many kinds of honey on the market today, some honey will add excess water, after fermentation, usually emitted sour or lees taste, such honey can not be eaten. Therefore, in the honey production standards implemented by the state in 2006, honey enterprises are mandatorily required to indicate a shelf life of two years on bee products.

Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer


How should we tell the difference between spoiled honey?

1. Appearance

In general, the normal texture of honey without deterioration is viscous, which is a thick liquid-like substance, but after deterioration, the texture will become thinner, and flocculents will appear, and a thick layer of foam will appear because of the production of carbon dioxide, so it is easier to distinguish in appearance.

2. Smell

Normal honey taste is more fragrant, with a unique sweet aroma of honey, but the spoiled honey has a very obvious wine taste and sour taste, which is due to the fermentation of honey, so everyone can smell the smell of honey when identifying, once the smell changes, it proves that honey has deteriorated.

Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer

Once you accidentally eat spoiled honey, what effects will it have on the human body?

1. Affect gastrointestinal function

In spoiled honey, which contains a large number of microorganisms, especially yeast, will decompose the sugar in honey into alcohol, acetic acid, etc., once eaten by mistake, there will be bacterial infection, very easy to appear diarrhea and other poisoning conditions, especially for people with sensitive gastrointestinal tract, the situation will be more serious.

2. Increase liver burden

These spoiled honey contains a large number of harmful ingredients, the human body will lead to an increase in the burden of detoxification organs after eating, and the liver is the main organ responsible for metabolism and detoxification in the human body, eating spoiled honey will affect the normal operation of the liver, increase the burden of liver metabolism, and if it is serious, it will also affect kidney function.

Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer


Which groups of people are not suitable for honey?

1. Infants under the age of 1

Honey may contain botulinum toxin, and if the baby eats honey by mistake, it may cause symptoms of poisoning in the body, such as constipation, tiredness, loss of appetite, etc. Therefore, doctors recommend that children do not eat honey and its products until they reach the age of one.

2, Diabetics

Honey contains a lot of glucose and fructose, these two sugars are simple sugars, into the intestine without digestion is directly absorbed into the blood, resulting in blood sugar rise, so diabetics in the usual do not eat honey.

3. Patients with cirrhosis

Generally speaking, hepatitis B patients are more suitable for eating honey, because the monosaccharides provided in honey do not require liver decomposition and synthesis, which can reduce the burden on the liver, but patients with cirrhosis are not suitable for eating honey, because it is easy to aggravate the fibrosis of the liver.

Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer


What should I pay attention to when drinking honey water?

1. Do not brew with hot water

If you use freshly boiled hot water to brew honey, the nutrients in the honey will be destroyed, it is recommended that you use warm boiled water below 40 ° C or cold boiled water to dilute and drink.

2. Do not drink on an empty stomach

Drinking honey water on an empty stomach for a long time will promote the secretion of gastric acid, and over time it will cause gastric ulcers or duodenal ulcers due to excessive stomach acid, so it is recommended that you drink honey water after meals.

3. Do not use metal containers for brewing

Honey is a weakly acidic liquid, will be in contact with the metal to produce oxidation reaction, so as to precipitate iron, lead, zinc, aluminum and other free metal elements, so that the nutritional content of honey is destroyed, so it is recommended that you use ceramics, glass and other containers to brew.

Can honey be eaten after three years? Most people don't know, the doctor tells you the answer

Conclusion: Do you like to eat honey in your daily life? Are there any other views and opinions on this? Share it in the comments section below.

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