
Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

author:Knife white eyebrows
Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

Not everyone in this world can soar to the sky, and even if the successful people have enjoyed those enviable high-end treatment, setbacks or disasters will not choose to avoid because of identity problems.

In the face of difficulties and torments, everyone is equal, even if they are admired by hundreds of people, or leaders, in the face of setbacks, these people will not be treated prominently, and even the situation will be more dangerous than ordinary people.

Since ancient times, the concept of wealth and wealth in danger has affected people's lives, and success does not mean that it will not be ushered in for a lifetime, difficulties and setbacks, Park Geun-hye, who accidentally went to prison, is a typical example.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

Often people who have enough courage, compared to those who prefer to stick to the rules, rather than go out of the comfort zone and work hard, the opportunities they get in their lives are actually higher than the latter.

But in addition to this, in addition to the simple and easy to understand truth, there is also a reasonable saying, which has also affected the lives of most people, this sentence is how high a position to sit in, how much responsibility to bear.

Everything in the world will eventually succeed, there are traces to follow, there is no victory in ascending to the heavens, and there is no success that will win applause without effort, and those who have been in high positions for a long time enjoy the admiration and worship of all the people, and at the same time, they must stand up when the people have suffered heavy blows.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

It's just that Park Geun-hye did not keep her original intention after showing her proud ability, so that she won a fate of imprisonment.

The position of the king of a country is not easy to sit firmly, only because it means that the seat of the emperor needs superior intelligence and extraordinary wrist to support it.

But the weather is unpredictable, for the country and the people's hearts and minds exhausted, may also be unaware for a while, so that the sword will go sideways, just like Park Geun-hye, who was once very famous all over the country, female decision-makers in the political arena, like a sonorous rose, fluttering in the wind and rain, but can not get rid of the upward heart.

Just after a huge accident, Park Geun-hye went from a political heroine admired by everyone to a prisoner who could only live in prison.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

The news about Park Geun-hye's imprisonment at that time can be described as a storm in the city, and Park Geun-hye's name has impressed many people, but once imprisoned, the impact of external public opinion is naturally very deep, and the incident occurred in the early spring four years ago.

At the end of March 2017, the news of Park Geun-hye's imprisonment was confirmed by the state media that the radiant female president of the former South Korean political arena had fallen directly into such a tragic situation, which Park Geun-hye's supporters at that time could not understand.

If a politician with a bright future can only look forward to the future in prison for the rest of his life, he is not the same as the walking dead, there is no difference.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

However, under the absolute power, this matter has become a foregone conclusion when it was exposed, and after being imprisoned, the outside world has also talked about this matter, but it has officially ushered in, and Park Geun-hye in prison life is no longer hopeful.

The pain that had tormented her for many years came to her at that time, and it was reported that about two years after Park Geun-hye was imprisoned, there was news that Park Geun-hye's shoulder disease had recurred many times.

It's just that after all, the medical conditions in prison are simply inferior to the outside world, so Park Geun-hye's daily life has actually been greatly affected.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

In addition to the fact that in many cases in terms of medical conditions, she does not get timely treatment, Park Geun-hye's life as a prisoner is actually no different from other criminals.

The time of getting up every morning is 6:30 in the morning, because the prisoners in the prison will have various types, so in terms of control, we must make sufficient efforts to be able to control, and some criminals have a foolish heart.

However, Park Shin-hye was in prison, and she was neither treated as a special nor received, similar to unfair treatment.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

Living in a 12-square-meter cell, carrying out a basic life for a day, and this situation also appeared in various news broadcasts that year, and many people were secretly concerned about Park Geun-hye's situation, from heaven to hell, Park Geun-hye is no more so.

Park Geun-hye, who was once a time of infinite scenery, may not care about food, clothing, shelter and other trivial things.

However, once the quality of life is greatly reduced, then these seemingly ordinary small things will become a bond that affects the rhythm of life.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

I heard that Park Geun-hye in prison, has repeatedly put forward the requirements for eating, living and traveling, only 12 square meters of room, compared with the mansion before the prison, can not be confused at all, so Park Geun-hye naturally, will not be able to quickly accept.

It's just that the crime has been convicted, one foot has already been put into prison, and then the thought of appearing innocent is tantamount to wishful thinking.

Even though those who are crazy to support and support Park Geun-hye have never given up on doing justice and accusations for Park Geun-hye, no matter how the situation has been formed, they can only accept it.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

Life after imprisonment is actually extraordinarily ordinary, the boring life of the daily line is all, perhaps so to a certain extent, purify Park Geun-hye's heart, but very few people can live a wonderful life in loneliness and seclusion day after day.

Just because this is a kind of impact on the soul, how to endure loneliness and loneliness is the first lesson that Park Geun-hye should learn after she goes to prison.

It is reported that Park Geun-hye's cell is No. 22, but although many people know which prison Park Geun-hye is in, almost no one has seen Park Geun-hye's true face, according to the dictations of other criminals, Park Geun-hye seems to have become less likely to talk after she was imprisoned.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

Even if you don't see your family or go out to see the sun, the whole person no longer has the same spirit as before, and through these words, you can see how much the blow to people's hearts is in prison.

Perhaps after going to prison, you do not have to suffer from flesh and skin, but the fate and future of being imprisoned in the prison cell will become a hammer that hits the heart hard, and all hopes will only be slowly consumed with the passage of time.

Do not underestimate the impact of the heart, the impact on human beings, if there is no positive and upward mentality, then human beings will not usher in the era of black technology that develops at such a high speed.

And Park Geun-hye also proves in prison that once there is a problem with the mentality, then the whole person will undoubtedly become decadent and negative.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

The incident of her girlfriend interfering in politics many years ago caused Park Geun-hye to lose the hearts of the people, and it was precisely because of this infamous incident that Park Geun-hye suffered a series of subsequent heavy blows.

After becoming a prisoner, there is no longer any attention, Park Geun-hye may understand the true meaning of life at this time.

From the female president who was once admired by thousands of people, to the countless people spurned, the wind evaluation is seriously polarized, and there are too many variables.

In fact, Park Geun-hye's life is indeed big enough to rise and fall, how brilliant and dazzling she was in South Korean politics at that time, and how embarrassing she was when she was later imprisoned.

Park Geun-hye prisoner life: live in a 12 square meter single room, get up at 6:30, do not see the family, love to read

I heard that after Park Geun-hye was imprisoned, her favorite thing to do was to read books, and books can always quickly purify people's hearts.

Surviving in this world where the utilitarian spirit is too strong, how to maintain the original intention of the beginning should be a compulsory course for everyone.

Life is a difficult journey, only through countless lessons learned, to improve and change again and again, in this part of life, the super long track is far ahead, a momentary misdirection can not be influenced, the result of the end of life.

Therefore, after falling into difficulties, only by maintaining a normal heart and not giving up lightly will we reap the fruits of victory.

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