
The prisoner's dilemma: mourning his misfortune and angering him

author:IT old rookie

It's clear that lenovo is wrong about what it says now.

No matter which high-level member of Lenovo comes out to explain, it will be regarded as a pale justification of vested interests, and even public opinion has been indignant to the point that anyone who wants to help Lenovo say a word will be criticized

The prisoner's dilemma: mourning his misfortune and angering him

In the Internet age, public opinion is inherently fragile and easily guided, and public opinion is very easily channeled into unconditional hatred of the "strong" or sympathy for the "weak". If you look closely at Sima Nan's criticism of Lenovo, you can almost see that they are all clichés that are pulled out for criticism every once in a while. However, under the concentrated artillery attack of Sima Nan's celebrity effect, it finally ignited the anger of the masses on a large scale again.

Lenovo's 5G voting problem, equity problem, and executives' annual salary problem are not the first time they have been pulled out and flogged. For example, lenovo's equity issue, the well-respected academician Ni Guangnan has said in 2009: the Chinese Academy of Sciences sold Lenovo shares is not optimistic about Lenovo, and there is no conspiracy theory in it. Lenovo's basic disk should not be too much of a problem, otherwise the masses will underestimate the intensity of our country's blow.

The prisoner's dilemma: mourning his misfortune and angering him

So, why did Lenovo go from a well-respected company to today's situation where almost everyone shouts and fights?

To use one sentence to describe: that is to mourn its misfortune and anger it! In essence, we want Lenovo to be a tiger out of the mountains, but Lenovo is willing to be mediocre.

In fact, most of them are post-80s and post-90s, and they have feelings for Lenovo, because most of our computer and Internet careers started from Lenovo. The advertising phrase "What would the world be like without association" is well known. Today, I think Lenovo has achieved its original goal, the world's largest computer manufacturer, knocked over similar companies in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and suppressed Dell and HP, americans will say that Dell and HP are not a great company? Of course not, so Lenovo is undoubtedly a great company as well.

The prisoner's dilemma: mourning his misfortune and angering him

However, people's expectations of Lenovo are constantly amplified along with the improvement of people's quality and a clear understanding of the necessity of a scientific and technological power, which also leads to the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

In the early days of Lenovo's establishment, personal electronic consumer goods such as computers were representatives of science and technology, and it was correct to say that Lenovo was a pioneer in China's science and technology at that time. But now That China has gone from the past era of being controlled by foreign companies to the era when 5G is leading the world and even competing directly with the World's largest scientific and technological power, the United States, Lenovo's so-called technology is completely insufficient. China's masses are awakening, they have understood what is the real technology, understand what our nation wants to rise need to really what is real, Zhuyu is in front, Huawei, a company that directly stands on the front line of science and technology, also makes Chinese proud, Lenovo has lagged behind.

The prisoner's dilemma: mourning his misfortune and angering him

Therefore, the extreme disappointment with Lenovo is spreading, when we see the rise of Huawei in the same period to become the real mainstay of Chinese technology, and even a new Chinese technology startup is rapidly getting bigger and stronger, while Lenovo is still busy assembling or busy with money games, extreme disappointment turned into dissatisfaction, from love to hate.

China can't just have Huawei, Lenovo must do something, but Lenovo's top management has done nothing. Even since May 16, 2019, after the United States has made a comprehensive move on China's technology industry, even consumer electronics companies such as Changhong, Xiaomi, and OPPO have begun to invest in high-tech industries such as chips, and lenovo has still not changed much in the past 3 years, and the outbreak of dissatisfaction is inevitable

Since it is not bad money, Lenovo should always do something for China's scientific and technological progress, right?

The prisoner's dilemma: mourning his misfortune and angering him

We are angry not that Liu Chuanzhi Yang Yuanqing has an annual salary of 100 million yuan, but because Lenovo should have been able to do something, but did not do anything

Lenovo is not without technology, at least in the field of supercomputing Lenovo is the world's leading, China's aerospace largely depends on Lenovo's supercomputing. But Chinese consumers want real investment in "core technology", after the baptism of the international situation in recent years, Chinese consumers are very clear about what is the core technology of the technology industry, that is, will not be China's future development of card neck technology, Lenovo is indifferent.

Here, Lenovo's executives are to blame.

Many people mention that Lenovo often says "trade and industry technology", which is a completely wrong statement.

In the reform and opening up, in the early stage, any company first focused on sales to survive, this strategy has no problems, Huawei also started from the sale of agent equipment. But the real problem with Lenovo is that in order to make quick money, Lenovo's executives never thought of "technology", but only knew "trade", which completely deviated from the original meaning of "trade industry technology", "trade industry technology" is to trade first and then develop technology, rather than engaging in trade a road to black.

The prisoner's dilemma: mourning his misfortune and angering him

Trade can be invested in the short term to quickly make quick money, and technology is to be invested in the long term, Lenovo executives are hesitant about the return on long-term investment, the reason is precisely because they have always wanted to make money quickly through commercial means, rather than through the accumulation of technology to obtain returns.

The anger of many people is not because Lenovo executives occupy too many shares, but because Lenovo's technology developers have no status, which is the concrete embodiment of Lenovo's heavy trade and light technology. In any real tech company, technical personnel are core assets, definitely not like Lenovo.

The masses are not angry because Liu Chuanzhi Yang Yuanqing takes an annual salary of 100 million yuan, they are angry that many emerging technology companies have mastered the core technology from scratch, and Lenovo executives take huge salaries, and in the current complex international situation, they still only want to make money and do not repent

The prisoner's dilemma: mourning his misfortune and angering him

This is not the Background of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, all day long self-proclaimed scientific and technological leader Lenovo should do, if it is a foreign trade company, no one will harshly blame Lenovo, Lenovo failed to live up to its own genes, from this point of view, Sima Nan scolded right, Lenovo really deserved

In the modern era when the people's scientific and technological consciousness is awakened, Lenovo is like a dou that cannot be supported, and there is no hope of striving to be strong. Lenovo's traitor should be a figment of the imagination, any multinational company has foreign executives, and our country's security department is trustworthy. But if you think about it differently, is lenovo's inaction more hateful?

The impact of this storm on Lenovo's sales business is limited, but it is also a warning to Lenovo: if Lian wants to save its image, it must first redeem itself, and Liu Chuanzhi and Yang Yuanqing should always do something in China's so many high-tech fields that have been constrained.

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