
The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

author:History of Literati

Qiu Shaoyun has been sacrificing for more than 60 years, but his only crown-free photo suddenly appeared in Guizhou!

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

In January 2016, the Zunyi Municipal Public Security Bureau arranged activities for the grassroots to comfort the masses.

Among them was a veteran named Chen Daquan, who handed the leader a long-standing black-and-white one-inch photo!

Just see this photo, the man looks clear eyebrows, eyes are shining! With a partial head and a Zhongshan suit, the whole person looks very energetic!

Chen Daquan said, "This is my old comrade-in-arms Qiu Shaoyun. ”

Hearing this, several other leaders stood up one after another and took turns picking up the photos to carefully examine them, at first they did not quite believe it, but after learning about the relationship between Chen Daquan and Qiu Shaoyun, they did not dare to slack off.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

Therefore, they immediately reported to the Central Military Commission, which attached great importance to this and verified it in many ways, alarming the whole country.

So who is this Chen Daquan? And what kind of relationship does he have with Qiu Shaoyun? Is this photo real?

Tragic life

Qiu Shaoyun, born in Yuping Village, Guan splash township, Tongliang County, Sichuan Province, grew up poor, and his parents only supported six people on the land rented by the six-acre landlord's family.

In such an environment, Qiu Shaoyun lived a life of no clothes and no food, but fortunately, he was optimistic and upward from an early age, and helped his parents to cultivate the land at a very young age, but because of the large population of the family, he often owed money to the landlord's family.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

When Qiu Shaoyun was nine years old, in order to earn more money to subsidize the family, when he was helping the docks, because the boss was in arrears of wages, he went to the theory and was eventually killed by the docks.

The death of his father made the already poor family worse, and a few years later, the mother died a few years later, mixed with heavy farm work and inner hardship.

Qiu Shaoyun took on the responsibility of his parents and raised two younger brothers, at the beginning, he could not find a job because he was young, so he begged for food everywhere, and the villagers also pitied Qiu Shaoyun, so young to lose his parents, the food saved was given to them, just like this, Qiu Shaoyun fed his brothers.

With the increase of age, Qiu Shaoyun grew taller, had the strength, and could finally find a job.

He is not afraid of suffering or tiredness, working as an errand runner in a noodle restaurant, all kinds of dirty work are rushed to do, afraid of being fired by the boss, there is no livelihood.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

Qiu Shaoyun's body was overloaded for a long time, and on a winter afternoon, Qiu Shaoyun had a high fever to carry water to the noodle shop, and on the way back, his body stumbled, fell to his knees, and only got up for half a day.

The owner of the noodle shop saw that Qiu Shaoyun had not returned for a long time, delayed his business, and fired him in a fit of anger.

Later, the Kuomintang recruited workers, forcibly took him away, and was incorporated into the 18th Regiment of the 112th Division of the 21st Army of the Sichuan Army.

In the days of the Kuomintang army, Qiu Shaoyun had been doing the work of a brother-in-law, and he worked hard and complained, but in the Kuomintang troops, he was often trampled and beaten by officers at will.

Sacrifice yourself as a human being and die in the sea of fire

In 1949, by chance, Qiu Shaoyun learned that the People's Liberation Army was going to enter Sichuan, and he heard in the Nationalist army that the People's Liberation Army was strictly disciplined, and Qiu Shaoyun was in the midst of an uprising in his unit, so he resolutely joined Liu Deng's army.

After Qiu Shaoyun became a Member of the People's Liberation Army, he performed well both in training and on the battlefield, and after a period of training, Qiu Shaoyun ranked among the best in the team in both bomb throwing and shooting, becoming a leader.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

In an operation to suppress bandits, because the people had endured years of war and chaos, did not want to have another war, and did not cooperate with the bandits, under the persuasion of Qiu Shaoyun, the people revealed the whereabouts of the bandits, and the operation was a great success.

Moreover, in this operation to suppress the bandits, Qiu Shaoyun took his illness to the battlefield and killed 4 bandits, which was commended by the regiment party committee.

In 1951, when the Korean War broke out, Qiu Shaoyun resolutely joined the volunteer army and went to Korea.

Along the way, climbing snow-capped mountains and meadows, Qiu Shaoyun and his troops arrived in North Korea.

Arriving in North Korea, Qiu Shaoyun's feeling was that corpses were strewn across the field, and cries filled the entire battlefield.

At this time, Qiu Shaoyun, who had just arrived at the battlefield, saw a little boy sitting on the ground holding the face of the woman next to him crying loudly, and his mother had fallen into a pool of blood.

Regardless of his safety, Qiu Shaoyun crawled to the ground and quickly picked up the little boy and sent him to a safe area.

Holding the crying child, Qiu Shaoyun was distressed and at the same time extremely angry, such a small child became an orphan because of the arrival of the invaders, lacking the love of his parents, at that time he secretly vowed to drive away the invaders.

After many confrontations with the US army, our army found that the US army won in terms of well-equipped weapons and a complete training system, while our army only had rifle bombs, in contrast, there were no advanced weapons.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

After many discussions at the headquarters of our army, it was decided to give full play to the superiority of our army, conduct tunnel operations, and train a number of tunnel field troops.

Because Qiu Shaoyun is in the team, he is seriously trained and has excellent skills.

Therefore, as the best candidate, he learned the latent technique, and after learning, he also trained other fighters as an instructor.

In early 1952, it was here that Qiu Shaoyun met Chen Daquan, whose unit was ordered to participate in the Korean War.

Chen Daquan was born in a poor family in Tongzi County, Zunyi City, Guizhou, and when Qiu Shaoyun learned about it, he found that their hometown was very close, and the experience was similar, Qiu Shaoyun was older than Chen Daquan, and naturally cared for him like a brother.

Chen Daquan and Qiu Shaoyun formed a deep friendship, and at the time of parting, Qiu Shaoyun gave Chen Daquan his only photo as a souvenir, and on the back of the photo was written: To my dear comrade-in-arms Chen Daquan, comrade-in-arms Qiu Shaoyun, February 19, 1952.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

After Qiu Shaoyun and Chen Daquan separated, they did not expect that when they heard the news of Qiu Shaoyun again, it was actually the news that he had already sacrificed.

In 1952, Qiu Shaoyun's unit received orders to seize the Shangganling Heights, and there was a great hope of victory, however, in order to capture the Shangganling Highlands, it was necessary to take the 391 Highlands.

Taking Highland 391 is really difficult.

Because there is an open area of more than 3,000 meters in front of the 391 heights, this gives the enemy a great advantage, and once the enemy attacks, our army will suffer heavy losses.

The 391 heights are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and its strategic position is very important, but the heavy responsibility of attacking the 391 heights falls on the nearest, 9 companies of the 87th Regiment of the 29th Division of the 5th Army.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

Qiu Shaoyun's company decided to conduct guerrilla warfare and lurked near the enemy's position, and Qiu Shaoyun, as an excellent soldier of the company, participated in the sneak commando.

The commander of the 9th Company learned that Qiu Shaoyun had signed up, and originally disagreed, because Qiu Shaoyun had not received good care since childhood, often carried water in winter, did not get good medical treatment after a cold, and fell into the old disease of tracheitis.

As a lurking team member, the breathing needs to be particularly light, and Qiu Shaoyun obviously does not meet the standard.

However, Qiu Shaoyun found the company commander and said emphatically: "Company commander, I promise to complete the task, I would rather sacrifice myself than drag the company's hind legs, let me go!" ”

The company commander saw that he was so determined that he had to agree to his request.

On the afternoon of October 11, 1952, the commander of the 29th Division gathered 570 soldiers who participated in the mission, emphasizing the importance and danger of this battle, which required them to lurk under the eyes of the enemy for more than 20 hours, and all the follow-up troops arrived at the designated location before they could launch an attack.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

At 11:00 p.m., all the fighters crossed the 3,000-meter open field, and at 1:00 a.m., they all arrived in place and began the lurking mission, and the fighters, including Qiu Shaoyun, armed themselves with dry grass, wrapped around and unable to move.

At that time, the enemy planes had been circling above, perhaps smelling dangerous breath, and from time to time they put down a few smoke bombs, which followed the direction of the wind and quickly spread to Qiu Shaoyun's side.

At first, it just lit up the dry grass on the side of the calf, and then, burning to the calf, the sound of thundering and cheering was always in the ears.

Suddenly, the fire spread uncontrollably to Qiu Shaoyun's whole body, Qiu Shaoyun clenched his teeth, his eyes were resolute, but he never moved, he thought of the orders of the division commander, and the lives of 560 soldiers, one person exposed, all of them would be buried in the sea of fire.

In fact, there was a small river ditch next to him, as long as he rolled down with the trend, he could save himself, but he did not, let the flames roll on him arbitrarily, without making a sound.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

The machine gun used by Qiu Shaoyun when he lurked

After the battle, comrades in the distance recalled that the fire stayed on Qiu Shaoyun for nearly 30 minutes, looking at Qiu Shaoyun's expression, our tears were swirling in our eyes, and no one dared to sob.

At the insistence of Qiu Shaoyun and other latent fighters, waiting for the arrival of follow-up troops, they took the 391 heights in only 20 minutes and won the victory.

Later, the company reported Qiu Shaoyun for third-class merit, but later, Qiu Shaoyun's deeds have been circulating in the company, and when the comrade in charge of reviewing the meritorious materials knew about it, he immediately said: "Such a hero is worthy of special merit." ”

Therefore, under the scrutiny of many parties, Zheng Dafan, a reporter from the People's Daily, reported Qiu Shaoyun's deeds, and for the safety of all the soldiers, he gave up self-help and was buried in the sea of fire, so that he won the victory in the battle, wrote a book of hard work, and wrote "The Great Warrior Qiu Shaoyun."

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

This measure has aroused the attention of the whole country and touched the people of the whole country. In June 1953, Qiu Shaoyun was awarded the title of "First Class Hero of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" for his special merits.

The heroes of the revolution are immortal

The Sichuan Provincial Government built the Qiu Shaoyun Memorial Hall to commemorate the martyr Qiu Shaoyun, but because Qiu Shaoyun did not have a photo left in the company, the photos displayed in the memorial hall were described by the soldiers, which is undoubtedly a pity.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

This has begun, the government office went to the countryside to observe the people's feelings, comforted the people, met the old man Chen Daquan, learned that he was Qiu Shaoyun's comrade-in-arms, and took out Qiu Shaoyun's photo.

According to Chen Daquan's recollection, at that time, they also participated in the mission to take the 391 heights, and their company lurked to the end, leaving only more than 30 people, all of whom survived with a strong will.

In this battle, Chen Daquan and his comrades-in-arms were awarded the first class merit, but they were shot in the left knee and left permanently disabled.

In 1956, Chen Daquan was demobilized and returned home, but he never prided himself on his merits because he was a veteran and won first-class merit, and he silently made his own contribution to the construction of the motherland, built the Xiangqian Railway, and responded to the call of the state to open mines.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

Until Qiu Shaoyun's deeds were compiled into textbooks and Qiu Shaoyun's deeds were widely spread throughout the country, he did not take out the photos, but kept them silently.

Later, experts determined that the photos might not be true.

There are two reasons for this:

First, Qiu Shaoyun can't write, but there are words behind the photo.

Second, behind the photo, Qiu Shaoyun's "cloud" character is simplified, but there was no simplified character at that time.

However, the elderly Chen Daquan did not need to forge photos, not to mention that he had never taken them out, but only quietly treasured them until the government officials visited.

The leader visited the veterans and found that Qiu Shaoyun's photo alarmed the military region, and the experts identified: it was difficult to identify

In fact, for the people of the whole country, the authenticity of photos is no longer important.

In our hearts, that photo is Qiu Shaoyun, many martyrs have no photos after their sacrifice, but they all have a common name is heroes.

In 2017, with the consent of the elderly Chen Daquan, Qiu Shaoyun's photo was forever treasured in the Qiu Shaoyun Memorial Hall for generations to see.

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