
The Second Cross-Strait University Presidents Forum focused on innovation and entrepreneurship among college students

author:China News Network

Changchun, 15 Sep (China News Service) -- The Second Cross-Strait University Presidents' Forum was held in Changchun, Jilin Province, on 15 September, and the presidents of universities on both sides of the strait expounded their views and exchanged ideas around the theme of "innovation, entrepreneurship and university mission."

More than 60 mainland universities, including National Taiwan University and Tsinghua University, and more than 60 mainland universities, including The University of Science and Technology of China and Central South University, attended the forum on the same day.

According to the latest data from China's Ministry of Education, the entrepreneurship rate of mainland university graduates has reached 3%, nearly doubling the level of 1.6% in developed countries.

"Shenzhen University is because of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, so innovation, reform and opening up are its genes." Li Jun, vice president of Shenzhen University, said in an interview with China News Agency that the school has been committed to promoting students' innovation and entrepreneurship, and will invite some venture capital institutions to directly connect with students to start entrepreneurial projects and build a platform for students to innovate and start a business. "Now the environment for college students to innovate and start a business can be said to be the best in history, and all parties are paying attention to it and investing more."

Li Jun also said that college students' entrepreneurship also needs to be rationally viewed. "When the social atmosphere, market foundation, entrepreneurial ability and resource docking conditions are ripe, we will encourage students to go out." If the conditions are not ripe, there is no need to pull up seedlings to promote growth. ”

Xin Shichang, vice president of Tsinghua University in Taiwan, expressed a similar view. "Entrepreneurship needs capital, and if it fails, you will face debt just after graduation, and entrepreneurship also needs to have knowledge in fields such as finance and taxation, management, financing, markets, personnel and so on." Xin Shichang said that a small number of successful entrepreneurial cases are not something that most students can follow.

Li Wenlong, president of Taipei University of Science and Technology, said that incorporating innovation and entrepreneurship into university curricula is an important part of stimulating students' awareness of innovation.

"The focus is on putting the idea of innovation and entrepreneurship, this DNA, into our students." Li Wenlong said that when the opportunity comes, their DNA will naturally ferment. (End)

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