
"Anti-Japanese hero" Jiang Zhujiu appeared in the ancient city of Xinzhou

author:Xinzhou Daily
"Anti-Japanese hero" Jiang Zhujiu appeared in the ancient city of Xinzhou

Born for chess, the companion of the immortals - Jiang Zhujiu and Rui Weiwei

After the 60s and 70s Go enthusiasts, when Jiang Zhujiu is mentioned, three words will pop out of their minds reflexively - "five consecutive wins"!

Go is the national treasure of China, but from the Republic of China to the 1950s, Chinese chess players were crushed and hung by Japanese chess players, and they had little ability to fight back. In the 1960s, China's top chess players began to beat the Japanese professional Kudan, but the overall level of Chinese Go was still much behind Japan. From the mid-1970s to the early 1980s, the exchange between Chinese and Japanese Go gradually changed from a "friendly match" to a "confrontation match". The game will no longer fall to Japan, but in the minds of Chinese and Japanese chess circles and chess fans, Chinese Go can not compete with Japan until the first Sino-Japanese Go Tournament held in 1984.

Before the start of the competition, the Japanese media conducted a poll. Only 27 of the thousands of voters were bullish on the Chinese team, including 24 Chinese students studying in Japan. Chinese coach Nie Weiping expressed his position in an interview that he hoped that the Chinese side would "win one game per chess player". In fact, this is also a kind of "diplomatic rhetoric", which can win several games and who have countless hearts. The Chinese team's predetermined goal is to invite Koichi Kobayashi, a "super-first-class chess player" from the Japanese side, even if the task is completed.

In the first inning, Chinese pioneer Wang Jianhong challenged the Japanese side to Hideki Ieda. At the end of the game, Wang Xianfeng's nosebleeds gushed out of the red handkerchief, but in the end he was defeated. This scene also happened decades ago in the sino-Japanese chess match - when Master Wu Qingyuan played "up and down juban chess" with Kitani in Japan, fiercely until the night of the third day, Kitani's blood stained the chessboard.

The second Chinese player to appear was Jiang Zhujiu, then 22 years old from Taiyuan, Shanxi. Previously, no one, including himself, would have thought that he would actually achieve the goals set by the Chinese side with his own efforts.

After defeating Itachi, Etsukuhisa flew to Tokyo to accept the Challenge of The Japanese Kobayashi Kyaw. Hao Keqiang, editor-in-chief of New Sports magazine, said goodbye to Jiang Zhujiu at the airport. Jiang Zhujiu said four words before boarding the plane - "Crash and sink Yoshino"!

In the later matches, Jiang Zhujiu not only "crashed" Kobayashi Jue, but also captured Shuzo Awaji, won Satoshi Kataoka, and forced ishida to achieve "five consecutive wins" and shock the World of Go. In the minds of the majority of Go lovers, he is the high favorite who picks the scooter, Yue Fei who picks the king of xiaoliang with a gun, Wu Song who fights the tiger in Jingyang Gang, and Guan Gong who kills six generals after five levels!

Next, Nie Weiping unbelievably defeated the Japanese "super first-class chess player" in a desperate situation where only he was left on the Chinese side, and ended the game for three consecutive times.

The ring match achieved the prestige of Jiang Zhujiu's "anti-Japanese hero", and Nie Weiping was also named "chess saint" because of this. The ring match changed the balance of power and pattern of Chinese and Japanese Go, and countless teenagers in China became enlightened to know and love Go. With this increasingly strong mass base, Chinese Go has given birth to the "Little Dragon" and "Little Tiger" generations and even the post-90s and post-00s chess players who have won the battle in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" of China,Japan and South Korea.

Now that I think about it, Jiang Zhujiu's "five consecutive victories" and Nie Lao's magical performances, just like the "three consecutive championships" of the Chinese women's volleyball team at that time, have far exceeded the scope of competitive sports and become a spiritual force that encourages the Chinese people to work hard and forge ahead.

Recently, the Wutaishan Weiqi Cultural Exchange Center in Xinzhou invited Jiang Zhujiu and his mother to visit the ancient city of Xinzhou and guide local Go lovers. Xinzhou chess fans, had the privilege of seeing the style of the "super idol" of that year.

"Tianya Chess Player"

In 2001, Rui Yiwei and Jiang Zhujiu co-authored "Tianya Chess player" was published. The book also has a subtitle – Our Wandering Life in Go.

"Anti-Japanese hero" Jiang Zhujiu appeared in the ancient city of Xinzhou

Jiang Zhujiu visited the ancient city of Xiuyuan Island Mural Museum

Rui Weiwei, now the chess community respects her as "Rui Lao". Rui Lao's fame and achievements should be above her husband - in 1988, she became the first female nine dan in the history of world Go; in 1992, she entered the final four of the "Ying's Cup" known as the "Go Olympic Games", creating the best result of female chess players in the world championship so far; in 2000, she defeated The peak state of Cao Xuan-hyun and Lee Chang-ho to win the South Korean "National Hand Battle" championship, and then South Korean President Kim Dae-jung sent a rare congratulatory message to the Korean Chess Academy; from 2000 to 2007, he dominated the Korean women's chess world; in 2017, The 54-year-old Rui Yiwei became the oldest champion in the history of the National Games, and in the same year, he won the "Jianqiao Cup" China Women's Go Open Championship, setting a record for the oldest champion of a Chinese professional Go tournament.

In 1993, Rui became a closed disciple of Go master Wu Qingyuan, who had only received two apprentices in his lifetime, and Rui's brother was the famous Lin Haifeng.

After three tournaments, Jiang Zhujiu went to the United States to promote Go, and Rui Yiwei traveled east to Japan to continue learning chess. Until 1996, Rui Camewei came to the United States as a spouse. The two were finally reunited.

In China, he is a "hero in the ring" who is admired by everyone, and in the United States, no one knows Jiang Zhujiu's name except for a few people who pay attention to Go. In San Francisco and In Cleveland, Jiang Zhujiu has experienced many hardships, not only rooted in the roots, but also established the American Professional Go Association, which holds the "Cast Jiu Cup" national Go tournament every year. The seeds of Go sown on the American continent are now deeply rooted.

In 1999, with the help of the famous Korean chess player Cha Min-so, who lived in the United States, Jiang Zhujiu and Rui Yiwei became visiting chess players in the Korean Chess Academy. Returning to the front line, Rui Yiwei's record in 8 months was 33 wins and 6 losses, winning the first place award of the Korean Chess Academy in 1999. In 2005, Rui Won back the title of South Korean women's "Celebrity War" and achieved the "Seven Consecutive Championships".

They returned to China and settled in Shanghai. Rui continued to play chess in the first line, representing Shanghai Central in the Women's Go League. In addition to serving as the coach of the Shanghai team, Jiang Zhujiu is also engaged in student Go education - in the "Zhujiuhui" Go classroom, Jiang Zhujiu personally teaches every weekend, and from time to time he takes chess children abroad to visit and compete - Shanghai chess children, it is really very happy...

Born for chess, across the world. Heart to heart, fairy companion.

Listen to Mother Jiang tell stories

On the Internet, some people say that Jiang Zhujiu is from Shandong, and some people say that he is from Shanxi. On the afternoon of July 19, Teacher Jiang Zhujiu played chess with amateur experts in Xinzhou at the Mural Museum of Xiuyuan Island in Wutai Mountain, the ancient city of Xinzhou. The reporter of this newspaper chatted with Jiang's mother, not only solved this mystery, but also explored many interesting stories.

Mr. Jiang's grandfather, Mr. Jiang Runjia, was a native of Jining, Shandong, and came to Taiyuan with his uncle when he was young. Teacher Jiang's mother, a native of Lu'an, Anhui Province, was admitted to a health school in Taiyuan in 1951 and has been working in the provincial medical system since graduation. After Teacher Jiang's parents got married, they raised four of their brothers and sisters. Teacher Jiang's eldest brother, Jiang Mingjiu, is a professional seventh dan and now lives in the United States. The eldest son of the Jiang family, he graduated with a Ph.D. from Harvard University.

Mr. Jiang Runjia was a famous Traditional Chinese medicine doctor in the provincial city at that time, and his old man's chess skills and chess addiction may be more famous than that of practicing medicine. Mother Jiang recalled that during the "three years of difficulty", the Jiang family did not have much grain. The old gentleman does not care about these, the chess friends play chess in the Jiang family, and The old man often tells his daughter-in-law to let everyone "eat and then leave." Qiao's wife was difficult to cook without rice, and in those years, when she saw the chess friends coming, Mother Jiang had a headache.

Lack of food is worried, and there is an old father-in-law who loves chess to be even more worried. At that time, the living conditions were poor, and some chess friends came to work on Saturdays, and after the next overnight, they twisted and rode home on bicycles on Sunday mornings. There was a chess friend who lived far from jiang's house, there was no bus at that time, he did not have a bicycle, and he walked dozens of miles back and forth. One day it was too late to play chess, and the man was looking for a stick in the yard as he left. Mother Jiang asked him what he was doing with a stick? A: Guard against wolves on the road.

How is Jiang Lao's chess skills? One year, he won the Taiyuan Amateur Go Tournament. The old man also taught a student named Shen Guosun, who later became a professional seventh dan.

Among the brothers and sisters of the Jiang family, the eldest Mingjiu learned chess early. Elder Jiang next wanted to cultivate his granddaughter Shengjiu, thinking that the girl would learn to play chess "Wen Wen Jing". Who knows that when her sister plays chess, her three-year-old brother Zhujiu is always lying in front of the chessboard, in the words of Mother Jiang, that is, "you can't get rid of it."

During the Cultural Revolution, Jiang Zhujiu's father was "deported" and the family moved to the countryside of Qingxu. Like rural children, Jiang Zhujiu raises sheep and rabbits, mows grass and sells money. After returning to the city, in the winter, the cinder was picked, and the small hands were frozen red. There was no serious chess table at home, so he cut the table down and embedded the chessboard.

In 1974, the national Go competition resumed, and Shanxi set up a Weiqi training team. At that time, Shanxi chess player Yang Jinhua was in the adult group, Chen Huifang was in the youth group, Jiang Mingjiu was in the junior group, and Jiang Zhujiu was in the children's group. During the training, the living conditions were poor, and the white-faced steamed buns could only be eaten one per meal, but the nest head pipe was enough. That same year, 12-year-old Jiang Zhujiu won the children's championship at the national Go tournament in Zhengzhou — and since then, he hasn't returned home for the Spring Festival for eight consecutive years because of training in the south.

"Anti-Japanese hero" Jiang Zhujiu appeared in the ancient city of Xinzhou

The first Sino-Japanese Go Tournament Nie Weiping defeated Japanese coach Hideyuki Fujisawa and resumed the game. The second from the right is Jiang Zhujiu.

Jiang's grandchildren are all temperamental people. Mr. Jiang Lao had a copy of the "Go Yearbook" published in Japan in the 1930s, which contained a chess score about the "new stereotype", which Jiang Lao regarded as an arch, and later fled and buried under the ground during the war. After settling down, come back and dig three feet into the ground, where is there any trace of the treasure? Jiang Lao was so angry that he beat his chest. Later, I accidentally found this book on the stall, and quickly poured out all my body to buy it at a high price.

After the tournament became famous, some veteran leaders asked Jiang Zhujiu to play chess, including Jin Ming, who was sometimes the secretary general of the State Council. Playing chess with Jin Lao, Jiang Zhujiu did not let the leader win a game. Elder Jin's daughter often watched chess on the side, and one day when she sent Jiang Zhujiu out, she asked: Are you strong or Nie Weiping strong? A: Of course, Nie Weiping is very powerful. Question: My father and Xiao Niexia can still win, why don't you open a peace when you come here? answer:......

After Jiang and Rui arrived in the United States, their parents, that is, a pair of relatives, met to see their children together. In the morning, when they arrived at Jiang and Rui's homes in San Francisco, Father Jiang and Father Rui plunged into the chessboard and went on endlessly, leaving the two mothers in the cold. In the afternoon, Mother Jiang couldn't help it, and she stirred up the chess game in the past - come, four people playing mahjong!

Mentioning her daughter-in-law, who is more famous than her son, Mother Jiang kept praising her: "Wei Wei is filial and obedient, and his heart is long, taking me to the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Europe for travel." However, this child's mind was all on chess, and the children came back to be reunited in the New Year, and the sister Shengjiu said something to ask for Wei Wei's opinion. Wei Wei held up a chess book, looked up and said ok, I have no opinion. Sister is happy - you hear what I say and you have no problem? ”

When he was in the United States, Rui learned to cook. When I lived in Silicon Valley, there was often this doctor who studied chess who came to my house to rub rice. Often, one of them eats the right dish and goes straight over to bring it to him. Mother Jiang muttered in her heart: These foreigners really don't treat themselves as outsiders...

"Anti-Japanese hero" Jiang Zhujiu appeared in the ancient city of Xinzhou

Jiang Zhujiu accompanied his mother on a tour of Luya Mountain

Mother Jiang is over eighty years old, and although her body is sick, she is optimistic and open-minded and has clear thinking. The people and things of decades ago are told without thinking. When Jiang Zhujiu was young, he made his home all over the world, and now that his mother is old, he often squeezes time back to Taiyuan to visit and accompany his mother. When Mother Jiang got on and off the bus, he always hurried down from the other side of the car door and took a few steps to help her mother. During the meal, he sat fixed on the left side of his mother, in order to facilitate the old man's dish. Seeing that his mother sometimes did not move his chopsticks, he always put his face close to his mother: "Mom, you don't want to eat this dish, I will clip it." ”

Although she has lived in Taiyuan for nearly 70 years, Mother Jiang is still coming to Xinzhou for the first time. In the community where the old man lives, there is a neighbor whose hometown is in Xinzhou, and he said to Mother Jiang several times that the ancient city of my hometown is well repaired, and you let your son take you to see! In 2017, Jiang Zhujiu led the team to participate in the women's siege of Wutaishan special competition, but he did not come to Xinzhou. After watching the ancient city propaganda film taken by the Wutaishan Weiqi Cultural Exchange Center for the new army of this year's women's Weijia - "Liangxin Gudu" team, he became deeply interested in the transformed and revitalized ancient city of Xinzhou. Teacher Jiang told Liang Xiaojun, the head of the center, about the meaning of wanting to come to the ancient city, and Lao Liang expressed a warm welcome - Xinzhou, a chess friend of about 50 years old, has long admired Teacher Jiang; if you can let the idols of youth guide a game in the quaint ancient city of Xinzhou, is it not just a three-life luck?

In Xiurong North Lane, in the Temple of Wealth, Taishan Temple, Xiurong Academy... Jiang Zhujiu accompanied his mother all the way to see. Mother Jiang said that she did not expect the ancient city of Xinzhou to be built so well! In the "Grain XinFang" where they stayed, Mother Jiang praised the courtyard architecture. Seeing the bamboo planted in the courtyard, the old man walked over and stared at it for a long time, and murmured, "Can Xinzhou also grow bamboo?" We have a lot of bamboo in Lu'an..."

When celebrities meet famous cities

On the fan surface of a fan by The Go master Wu Qingyuan, the inscription "Dark but Sun Chapter" is the word "Zhongyong": The Way of a Gentleman, Dark but Sun Chapter. The gist is that a gentleman hides deeply, but his virtue is becoming more and more evident.

As the closed disciple of the greatest chess player in the past hundred years, Rui Yiwei often met with Jiang Zhujiu with Master Wu Zhongyuan during his lifetime to listen to the teachings. Now Jiang Zhu has been through the world for a long time, and he is no longer the fierce vanguard who wanted to "crash and sink Yoshino" in the past. The "anti-Japanese heroes" have withdrawn from the front line, and Jiang Zhujiu's pursuit of chess skills has become "irrelevant to victory or defeat, only for black and white.". He was gentle and introverted, gentle as a jade, and talked to the Xinzhou chess friends about the history of Go and the protection of cultural relics, and the chess friends were like a spring breeze and a spring rain.

"Anti-Japanese hero" Jiang Zhujiu appeared in the ancient city of Xinzhou

Jiang Zhujiu played chess with amateur masters in the ancient city of Xinzhou

In the ancient city, Teacher Jiang played a game of guidance chess with the "Star of Hope" of Xinzhou Go, the 12-year-old Dang Jingyue (amateur five dan), and the result was that the small party lost the game. After a brief review, Teacher Jiang said:

"The children as a whole play well, and this kind of chess strength is also enough to be at the level of the middle amateur five in Shanghai, but there is still a certain gap compared with the 'strong five'." There are not many 'evil hands' in the small party, and the illusion of the middle game leads to a full loss, and the children's overall view needs to be further improved. ”

The reflection of the small party is: when encountering Teacher Jiang's "shoulder rush" with one hand, the force is too strong, resulting in a chess-shaped split; when the air is encircled, the order is wrong, so the big space shrinks a lot. Playing chess with Teacher Jiang, I feel that the opponent's chess strength is unfathomable, and the layout, the middle game, and the second half of the game have benefited a lot. The gap with professional chess players is different in many aspects, such as the comprehensive view of the overall situation, the meticulous thinking of the mid-game, and the mastery of the layout stereotype. The small party said that in the future, it is necessary to play more chess, review, and do questions in order to improve its chess strength in an all-round way.

The day after coming to Xinzhou, Jiang Zhujiu sent a circle of friends about the ancient city of Xinzhou. Teacher Jiang wrote:

The ancient city is popular. There is a "Xiurong Academy" in the city, and I think of the "Ben Yin Fang" xiurong who likes to hold the star position in white and is respected by master Wu Qingyuan. Bringing the children of the "Cast Jiuhui" to the ancient city to study and let the parents go to Wutai Mountain to worship the Buddha and meditate will definitely have a good impact on the children... The child Dang Jingyue is strong in the fifth section, 12 years old, and the children of Xinzhou have taught the strength of the third son.

Mom loves this ancient city and is ready to stay longer.

9 photos will be distributed with the text: at the beginning of the lanterns, the ancient city is full of tourists; the mountain gate of Xiurong Academy; the early morning Xiurong Lane; the game in the unique Zen Xiuyuan Island; the guidance of the Dang Jingyue little chess player; the visit to the Xiuyuan Island Mural Museum... The last one is Teacher Jiang's calligraphy work: "Into the God" two large characters dignified and dignified, next to the two lines of small characters - "unpredictable and can predict chess, art into the realm can be subjugated without fighting", the essence of Go is exhausted.

No one in the world knows the king. These pictures and texts posted by Jiang Zhujiu in the circle of friends instantly spread throughout the Sino-Japanese and Korean Go circles. In October this year, a sub-tournament of the 8th "CITIC Real Estate Cup" National Women's Go League with the theme of "Searching for Roots in China and Meeting Famous Cities" will be held in the ancient city of Xinzhou. At that time, the elders of the Chinese Go community, celebrities, major media reporters and all 10 women's Go first-class teams will gather in the ancient city. The good name of the ancient city of Xinzhou will spread throughout China through these "big coffees".

The ancient city of Xinzhou welcomes more celebrities to come.

Image: Tiger

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