
The five-character proverb of Chen Tingjing, the Xiangguo of the Qing Dynasty, helps your workplace to be better

author:Liu Yeqing

#什么样的人职场生存能力更强 #

The workplace is like a battlefield, just five words, but the ecology of the workplace jumps on the paper, so that every workplace person is like walking on thin ice.

There has always been a passage on the Internet: the longest road that life has traveled is a routine. Behind each routine is a set of social operating rules.

Only by seeing through the rules can we make better use of the rules, put ourselves in the best position, see the tricks and tricks, and make a difference.

Then, in order to have a stronger ability to survive in the workplace, it is necessary to understand a set of survival philosophies. The most complex workplace must be a temple, which is a place to make a living with its head, and the slightest carelessness will ignite the fire and provoke the disaster of killing.

As the saying goes, accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger, when you understand the five-character proverb of Chen Tingjing of the Great Qing Dynasty, you will have your own understanding of the interpersonal relationships and interests and losses in the ordinary workplace. Let you get the dimensionality reduction attack mentioned in "The Three-Body Problem", and handle things more easily and calmly.

First word: wait

In the workplace, some opportunities are waiting to come out.

Young people, competitive and competitive, like to show their talents in front of the leader, and hope that when the opportunity comes, the leader can give the opportunity to himself, which is the common sentiment of people. Everyone wants more opportunities to take their liking and allowing their talents to be used.

And Chen Xiangguo's elder brother-in-law told him that he must know how to wait, and a word of equality is to tell Chen Tingjing to endure loneliness, not to always stare at the fat difference, thinking about the position of power.

At the beginning, Chen Xiangguo's position was not high, that is, to be a Japanese lecturer for the emperor, and in vernacular was to tell the emperor about the history of the dynasties and dynasties, and to consult the emperor.

In fact, in the TV series "Tiandao", there has also been a similar plot, that is, Han Chufeng of the Zhengtian Group, as the assistant to the president of the group, when the president died of illness and the position of the president of the group began to compete, Ding Yuanying gave him a trick: wait.

Let the two vice presidents of the group pass first, and Han Chufeng let the way out, that is, let them compete with each other and expose their disadvantages to all shareholders of the company. Sure enough, it wasn't long before Han Chufeng triumphantly picked the final fruit.

Therefore, waiting is to exchange time for space, to make yourself more valuable, and gold will always shine.

The second word: forbearance

In the workplace, only by being intolerant of ordinary people can we become what ordinary people cannot do.

When you first enter the workplace, it is inevitable to be depressed. The scolding of the boss and the misunderstanding of the colleague will cause the resentment in their hearts.

First of all, first find the reason from yourself, see if there is a flaw in the process of doing this, and change it. If it's not your own reason, just put up with it.

Because the vast majority of people are subjective and speculative, they judge things from their own perspective and even their own interests, as long as there is a slight disagreement, they will show it, which is caused by human nature.

So, what did Chen Xiangguo do?

First of all, he does not defend, just do his own thing, even if misunderstood by the other party, do not explain. As he himself said: black is black, and white is white. One day, things will come to light.

In fact, the real estate and Internet bigwigs we see now have endured the intolerability of many ordinary people to achieve their own hegemony.

Heaven will descend upon a great responsibility, and the word forbearance is a science, but also a measure of a person's strength and mind, which is worthy of deep consideration by each of us.

The third word: stable

There is such a slang in the workplace, the mouth is hairless, and the work is not firm.

This sentence is about the fact that young people are not sophisticated and reliable, that is, unstable. For young people who have just come out of society, they are like newborn calves, who are very curious about all new things, bumping east and west, either with their heads to top or with their hooves. Therefore, young people generally have a "ya number", called stunned qing.

So how do you get steady?

Chen Xiangguo's old man was a bright light for him. His father-in-law was named Li Zuwang, who was originally an old man of the former dynasty, and after the famous door, he was born as an intellectual, and because of the old dynasty, he did not participate in the affairs of the dynasty.

However, he has a clear understanding of the current situation. Since Chen Tingjing was hunted down, he has given Chen Xiangguo a lot of help and relief. This is a great love for a young man who is weak and well-read and has a strong personality.

Young people, with clear edges and angles, do not understand Tibetan nature, and it is easy to offend people and do wrong things. Maybe if you don't pay attention, you will offend the leader or colleague, and you may still be in the dark and don't know it.

Therefore, ask more people for advice and take the lead in order to take every step in the workplace.

Fourth word: fierce

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, not to mention in this highly competitive workplace.

No poison is not a husband, fierce is a skill that every successful person must learn. On the mall, although there is no smoke, it is a sword and light sword shadow. As the saying goes, open guns are easy to hide, and dark arrows are difficult to defend. Sometimes for a single business or a certain position, you often fight to the death.

As an official of the imperial court, for the sake of social stability, Chen Tingjing was often sent to local inspections, which naturally touched the interests of many people, the imperial court factions were numerous, there were many eyes and ears, and the chain of interests was from top to bottom. If you don't have a fierce force in dealing with things, you may be thankless, and you may even put your own life into it.

Therefore, we must pay attention to methods and know how to use wisdom in order to make ourselves invincible.

Fifth word: hidden

The small is hidden in the wild, and the big is hidden in the city.

The workplace is only a stage of everyone's life, and it is also a cultivation ground for everyone's life. In this furnace, you will see the brilliance and darkness of human nature, you will also see good and evil, you will also see justice and selfishness. All of this is the norm in this society, and after experiencing it, you will know more about being a true self.

As he grew older, Chen Xiangguo also felt that he was powerless, and his fame and fortune were passing through the clouds. In the end, simply pretend to be deaf, let yourself return to your hometown, and raise your life, so as to die well.

People who really understand the rapids and retreat are the big winners in the workplace. There was once a saying that the times create heroes, just as the so-called heroes of the times are only heroes in the times, and there is no era of heroes.

If you don't say it, you can say it's near. The founders of Pinduoduo and ByteDance, at the peak of their lives, unload their titles and chase their inner world, which is not the best annotation of hidden words.

Therefore, Cain makes you more aware of the peace after prosperity, understand that eating and drinking Lasa in life is the norm, and only by letting your soul find a pure land and enjoy yourself can you achieve the state of mind of forgetting both things and me.

In the workplace, everyone grows up stumbling, every experience is a fragment of life, and it is precisely with these fragments, whether brilliant or wonderful, that constitute your not perfect, but complete life.

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