
hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

  With the sound of an electric drill, Uncle Zhang's new home began to renovate the house, and Zhang Hongjun and his wife, who live in Caomiao Village, Xinmi Chaohua Town, have been busy with the house recently.

  "After the winter, our family of 6 will be able to move into the new home." Zhang Hongjun talked about the new house, and his face was full of happiness.

hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

Zhang Hongjun's new home

  Zhang Hongjun, a 49-year-old native of Caomiao Village, Chaohua Town, Xinmi, and his wife usually work odd jobs to supplement the family, living with their sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and grandchildren. After the "7.20" rainstorm, the old house where they had been living was washed away and collapsed, and seeing that the family's hard work was gone, Uncle Zhang's heart was very unhappy, "After my little grandson came home, he still cried and said to me, Grandpa I have no home..."

hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

Backyard destroyed by heavy rain

  Zhang Hongjun said while taking us to see the traces of heavy rain erosion in the backyard, which was in strong contrast to the neat and bright small bungalows in the front yard, and it was hard to imagine that the small second floor that rose from the flat bottom was the result of more than two months of their old family.

hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

  "What used to be four cave dwellings and a brick house has now become a big 5 bedroom house. Now my little grandson chases me every day and asks when he can live in a new house. Zhang Hongjun said that although I am now temporarily living in someone else's home, I have always had a wish since the day I built the house, that is, after the winter, the family can eat and live in the new house.

hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

  According to Yan Hailong, deputy secretary of the party branch of Caomiao Village, Zhang Hongjun's family belonged to the extent of the damage and needed to be rebuilt at the original site, and it was also the fastest one in the whole village, and there were 16 households like this in Caomiao Village in Chaohua Town that needed to be rebuilt. In addition, the family with less damage, Chaohua Town organized technical personnel to conduct safety evaluation of houses, and built safe houses through repair and reinforcement, and now 316 households in Caomiao Village have been safely reinforced, in order to reassure all villagers.

  Post-disaster reconstruction also needs to be "tailor-made"

  "Our new house never dared to be built on a hillside again." We came to the backyard and saw Zhang Hongjun's house with a solid slope cutting treatment.

hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

After the residents of the high cliff slope are reinforced by the slope cutting

  After visiting the local villagers, we learned that the new and old generations always like to build houses against the mountains, and the mountains are rich in resources, which is convenient for villagers to grow vegetables and drink water. But now it seems that there is a big safety hazard, the height of the hillside is higher than the roof of the house, so that once there is heavy rain, the house is flooded with the flash flood.

  According to the unique geological characteristics of the Xinmi area, Chaohua Town prescribed the right medicine and carried out the "Implementation Plan for the Reinforcement and Risk Removal Action of Cutting Slopes at High Cliff Heads", and if the cliff head is higher than 3 meters, the slope of the slope is below 60 degrees; The distance between the cliff head and the house is not less than the height of the cliff head. After the slope is cut, a drainage ditch or cofferdam should be built to prevent the rain from washing away at the top of the slope. Try to trim the slope into multiple levels and reinforce it with masonry slope protection. In addition, reward and compensation measures have been carried out in this regard, and each village reinforces 1 high cliff head household per slope cutting slope, and the reward is 500 yuan for the village.

  Zhang Hongjun said: "Thanks to the technical personnel found in the village, my house was built quickly and safely. ”

hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

The construction of resettlement houses under construction in Chaohua Town

  It is understood that as of now, Chaohua Town, where Caomiao Village is located, has removed more than 680 risks, repaired and reinforced 1705 households, completed 1653 households, rebuilt 92 households at the original site, and completed 11 households, making every effort to ensure the safety and warmth of the masses through the winter.

hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

Zhang Hongjun and his wife

  When we left, we saw Uncle Zhang's wife picking a handful of green vegetables from the field in front of the courtyard and walking towards their new house with a smile. From her face, we can see that the happy days of Uncle Zhang's family of 6 are not far away, and they will definitely be able to realize their wishes...

  【Editor's Note】

  This summer of 2021, heavy rain hit my city, Zhengzhou, and he was injured. Tens of millions of Zhengzhou people have one heart, carry together, hold hands with each other, and finally wait for the lights of ten thousand homes, and our city has ushered in vitality and hope.

  Fireworks are amiable, the post-disaster reconstruction is just in time, and all the beauty and warmth will come as promised. The "friends" we know are now meeting us with a more energetic posture, they are the "brave" in the darkness, running hard and finally seeing the dawn.

  Zhongyuan Network launched a series of post-disaster reconstruction reports - "Hey! Friends, long time no see" with the lens and brushstrokes to record the integrity of the citizens of Zhengzhou, and then greet the spring of hope optimism and fighting spirit.

  Planner: Zhang Xinbin

  Coordinator: Xin Xiaoqing

  Execution: Zhao Ning, Yu Yanan, Fu Qian, Zhang Sipei, Xie Zhongyuan

hey! Friend, I haven't seen you for a long time (2) | zhang Hongjun's family's winter wish

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