
The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself

author:Korean Alang who loves to cook
The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself

Hello everyone, I am a North Korean Alang who loves to cook, the weather is getting colder, the radish kimchi made at this time is the best time to eat, today I will teach you how to make delicious radish kimchi.

First of all, the radish is made of fresh small white radish, small radish moisture is more, after the completion of the pickling to eat the taste is more crisp, there is a need to be full of water in the radish when pickling, this is the key factor in the taste of radish kimchi, followed by the production of marinade, the most important spice for pickling kimchi is shrimp sauce fish sauce and broth, I think this is the key seasoning of good kimchi is indispensable, followed by the use of glutinous rice flour, 2 spoons of glutinous rice flour added to 400 ml of water, open a small heat slowly heated, During the period to constantly stir to avoid glutinous rice flour paste, after boiling thick can be turned off the heat out of the reserve, the broth is a small dried fish with dried shrimp and kelp boiled soup, the taste is very salty, comparable to natural MSG. There is no salt in the kimchi, fish sauce and shrimp paste can provide salt for the kimchi, pickled radish must be cleaned, the above steps are indispensable, well, we start to make it in detail below.

【Radish kimchi】

Ingredients: 7 small radishes, 1/2 onion, 1/2 pear, 1 handful of shallots, 5 red peppers, 1 cup sea salt, 2 cups paprika, 2/3 cup fish sauce, 3 spoonfuls shrimp paste, 1 cup broth, 2/3 cup minced garlic, 3 spoons minced ginger, 2 spoonfuls sugar, 2 spoonfuls glutinous rice flour, 400 ml water.

Note: 1 cup equals 200 ml, 1 scoop equals 15 ml, and 1 teaspoon equals 5 ml.

【Production Process】

The first step, radish pickling, first prepare a few white radish from the middle after cutting into small pieces, radish leaves can also be eaten, so we also put in, can not waste, if you do not like radish leaves can not be added, put the radish into the pot to add 200 grams of coarse salt to stir evenly, and then add 400 ml of water to marinate for 2 hours, 1 hour to turn it over, so as to ensure that the radish pickled evenly.

The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself
The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself
The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself

The second step, the preparation of the accessories, the spring onion cut into 5 chili cuts, the blender adds half an onion and half a pear pepper segment together and crushes, 15 cloves of garlic and half a piece of ginger 1 cup of broth, pour the freshly chopped sauce into a large basin and put 2 cups of chili powder, 150 ml of fish sauce 3 spoons of shrimp paste and 2 spoons of sugar, and 2 spoons of glutinous rice flour with 400 ml of water to boil glutinous rice paste, stir well and then the radish is also pickled.

The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself
The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself
The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself

The third step, coloring, in order to make the radish look better, the radish drained and then put in 3 spoons of paprika to stir evenly, and finally put in the marinade and shallots, after stirring evenly, you can put it into the jar, after 2-3 days at room temperature, you can put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, this time you can eat.

The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself
The radish pickles in this way are spicy and salty, and I want to eat them when I see this color, so I quickly collect myself


1. The radish should be pickled thoroughly, at least for more than 1 hour, before it can be dried.

2. If you want to make the color of the radish look better, you can first add 2 spoons of fine chili powder to marinate the radish, so that the radish kimchi will look better and the color is more vivid.

I am a Korean Alang who loves to cook, and I share with you the home cooking of Korean specialties, and you are welcome to make progress together without hesitation.

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