
In fact: the sweet words that I like more than "I love you" are these

author:Emotional timehouse

In the world of feelings, whether it is a man or a woman, they like their loved ones to say some sweet words to themselves and say some meaty love words, which is often some exclusive small interaction between couples. Although it is a simple sentence, it can make both parties feel their love for each other and enhance their feelings for each other.

In fact: the sweet words that I like more than "I love you" are these

Especially for women, if the man they love is always cold to himself and has not said a word of love to himself, then even if two people are sure of a relationship together, women will still feel unconfident in this relationship and will lack of security.

Many men say that women's hearts, needles under the sea, even after determining a relationship with women, women still say to themselves that the wind is rain, emotions are always cloudy and uncertain, and they can't figure out how to figure it out. Sometimes I feel that it doesn't matter a word, an action can easily ignite the anger in a woman's heart, and even after a woman is angry, she doesn't know how to make a woman happy.

Here all men know that in fact, women do not ask too much of you, and occasionally saying love words to women can make women's feelings for you more firm. Men should know that in fact, the sweet words that women like are not just the three words I love you.

I raise you

Although in some TV series this sentence is often a must-say line for scumbags, in real life these three words do have his magic. For women, these three words are not only an expression of a man's love for himself, but also a commitment to his future. Men who give their true hearts to love, and the women they love to give me the promise of raising you these three words, will often do their best to fulfill them.

In fact: the sweet words that I like more than "I love you" are these

For a woman, hearing the man she loves say to herself the three words I raise you, a woman will actually be very happy in her heart. Because this man has made a promise to himself about the future, these three words are enough to make women feel a sense of security in love.

Listen to you

In real life, there are many women who dare not touch love and dare not enter the palace of marriage, which is afraid that after determining a relationship with a man, the man's attitude towards himself will change 180 degrees. I am even more afraid that when I do not understand the character of men, once I take the next step, I will let myself have no way back. No matter when a man is, he can understand women, respect women, and know how to think from a woman's point of view, rather than just having his own machismo and saying one thing and not two.

In fact: the sweet words that I like more than "I love you" are these

You know, if a man can say these three words to a woman without involving principles, it is actually an affirmation for women. It will make women feel that men respect themselves and are willing to listen to their inner thoughts, not just knowing that they are obstinate and do not care about their own feelings. Such three words will reassure a woman more than any sweet word.

Let's get married

How many women, at the beginning of love, will look forward to holding hands with the person they love and entering the palace of marriage. However, marriage is not just a matter for two people, but will involve all aspects of the problem, and two people need to think clearly and carefully prepare for the future before making a decision. Of course, the decision to marry a woman is often to wait for the man to open his mouth, if a man can take the initiative to open his mouth to the woman he loves and say, let's get married, this will make the woman feel particularly sweet. Let's get married, these 5 words are far more capable of making women feel moved than I love you.

In fact: the sweet words that I like more than "I love you" are these

Many times men do not always think too complicated about women's hearts, and the reason why women sometimes have some unreasonable behavior is because they can't get the sense of security they want from men. If a man can understand the psychology of women, learn to think from the perspective of women, and understand that for women, although they like to listen to the three words I love you, people are more willing to hear men say the three sentences mentioned above to themselves than these three words.

Because these three sentences for women are not only the expression of men's love for themselves, but also the promise that men have made to their future, which is far more reassuring than the three words I love you, and it is the sweet words that women want to hear most.

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