
"Writers Go into the Countryside" Raising Ma Dian Zi Folk Girl (Shiitake Mushroom), Fragrant Year (Part 7)

author:Chinese media selection
"Writers Go into the Countryside" Raising Ma Dian Zi Folk Girl (Shiitake Mushroom), Fragrant Year (Part 7)

Raising Ma Dian Zi Xiang Gu (Shiitake Mushroom), Fragrant Year (Prose No. 7)

Text/Talent Fight

Yesterday the cold dew, wandering in the season, unwilling to leave. It's like today's me, recalling yesterday's story, how many plots are still waiting for me to extend.

The concept of completing the extension originated from the invitation of the wasteland writer of the first secretary of LiuTaizi Manchu Township in Liutaizi Manchu Township, Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province. I came to Yanguo Village with Wang Rui, secretary of the Liaoning Department of Finance, former deputy secretary of the Xinbin County Party Committee of Liaoning Province, and secretary of The Steep Ridge Village in Yongling Town for seven years. This is the second time I have come to the salt pot, the first time is in September with the villagers for a special and unusual Mid-Autumn Festival. After less than a month, I returned to the salt pot, one was to see the villagers after the disaster, and the other was to accompany the township leaders to Jianchang to investigate the cultivation of shiitake mushrooms in the greenhouse. In other words: revitalize the rural economy and learn from the road to prosperity (news reports have been issued).

The delegation was led by Zhang Qihuan, the mayor of Liutaizi Township, and consisted of Zhang Yi, the first deputy secretary of the township, and the first secretaries and secretaries of various villages.

With the secretaries, I felt that my value had risen a little. The word "up", for me, is materially poor and white, and the spirit is full of family wealth. Because I came to the land of Liutaizi Township as a code word.

The next day, the car left the Manchu Township Government of Liutaizi in Xingcheng City, and went all the way to the west to meet Jianchang.

"Writers Go into the Countryside" Raising Ma Dian Zi Folk Girl (Shiitake Mushroom), Fragrant Year (Part 7)

I am familiar with the name Jianchang, which originates from the first characters of Jiande and Changli Counties in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Because during the Northern Wei Dynasty, Jianchang was under the jurisdiction of Jiande and Changli Counties, so the first character of the two counties was taken as the name.

Jianchang has a long history and rich natural and cultural landscapes. The world's earliest feathered dinosaur "Heshi Near Bird Dragon" fossils have been found in the territory, and the fossils of the oldest true mammal "Chinese Jurassic Beast" have been found so far; the Hongshan Cultural Site of Shanzuizi is equally famous as the Hongshan Cultural Site of Niuheliang; the excavation of the Warring States Tomb of Dongda Canezi has broken the saying that "there are no monuments of the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period outside Shanhaiguan", and there are national nature reserves such as White Wolf Mountain, Liaoning West Roof Ridge Daqing Mountain, and "Little Tibet in the North" Longtan Grand Canyon.

The Niuheliang Hongshan culture mentioned here is profound in my memory, and I once wrote a long prose poem of "Red Mountain Goddess" and also serialized it.

The Red Mountain Girl, telling the story of a country girl, who was accustomed to a bumpy life in the belly of the beautiful woman, made a promise: to tell the tribe and inform the world in the way of crying loudly: "In the future, when the country and mountains are unified, when my daughter is born in the mother's womb, she will have deep affection for the earth." "She came into this world amid the shouts of death in the migration camp.

The village girl Hongshan first grew up, and when she was standing tall, she became the tribal leader of the Jade Pig Clan...

This story has been passed down today. The wheels under his feet, running over the places where the prehistoric jade pig people walked, looking for which string of footprints was the hometown girl's Red Mountain Girl? If you follow this route, you can extend to the hometown of Chifeng's "World's First Dragon". Because along the jianchang road, I saw the Mongolian language and gently stroked the Mongolian wind. Because the purpose of this time is to learn from the experience on the way to riches, rather than to investigate the Hongshan culture, it has to be temporarily stranded. However, I still have a desire to extend, I don't know what year and month, walk back to the Red Mountain Ring.

The car is driving on the land of Jianchang Yangmadianzi Township, and the wheels are also ringing. All with the line of sight: "the green mountains are lush, the rocks are varied, and the fields are slightly desolate", and the thinking is a thousand miles away.

The car turned mountain after mountain, turned out tunnel after tunnel, turned out all the way out of nostalgia. Born in the mountains of Western Liaoning, Zhiqing went to the countryside in the mountains of Northern Liaoning. The sunset is dusk, still turning the mountains and rivers to the hometown, and the mountains are in love. I often ask myself at night, when I walk in the code words, whether I am the son of Liaoxi Mountain.

Answer: "Yes, but it belongs to the children of practice" fixed my hometown complex. My western Liaoning is divided into north and south, my hometown is in the northwest of Liaoning, and Liutaizi Township is in the southwest of Liaoning. Just like the Salt Pot Village Lingjiao River and the sea, one south, one north.

"Writers Go into the Countryside" Raising Ma Dian Zi Folk Girl (Shiitake Mushroom), Fragrant Year (Part 7)

My mind followed the car and stopped at the side of the road in Yangwai Village, Yangmadianzi Township. This is where the secretaries learn from the scriptures, and of course, this is also where I code words.

When I got out of the car, I made a total mistake in my heart: "Is this the greenhouse I want to interview the village?" How can you live by the road"?

Secretary Zhang Yi got out of the car, seized the time, and gushed endlessly: "This is my hometown Yangwai Village, the place where I was born. Yangmadianzi Township is a township in Jianchang County, Liaoning Province, which has developed green pollution-free edible mushrooms and mushrooms, and has taken the lead in getting rich, and has become a well-known production base of edible mushrooms inside and outside the province."

Yangwai Village was originally the hometown of Secretary Zhang Yi. Although he did not live in the countryside for a long time, as long as it was winter and summer vacations from childhood to adulthood, his parents sent him back to his hometown to live, with the intention of making him not forget his hometown.

He enlisted in the army and left his hometown, returned to the local area after changing careers, and worked in the Xingcheng City Political and Legal Committee. This time, his responsibility was to shoulder Liu Taizi Township on his left shoulder and Yangma Dianzi Township on his right shoulder.

We walked into the two Dapeng of villager Zhang Yujun. Greeted by the aroma of shiitake mushrooms.

Zhang Yujun was quite eloquent and logically described the life rules of the greenhouse shiitake mushrooms: "Shiitake mushroom cultivation. Cycle 90 days. Shiitake mushrooms take 150 days and sell for five months. After picking one stubble and growing a stubble, it can be five stubbles in a row. Shiitake mushrooms grow at a suitable temperature of 13 degrees at night and 18 degrees during the day." The owner of the shed also introduced us to the production, processing, technical essentials, production and marketing of shiitake mushrooms.

In the light of the interview, I also learned about Yangmadianzi Township, which was originally known as "Pear Township", and most of the villagers mainly planted pears. Then my question came out, why not plant pears but develop the mushroom industry?

Zhang Yujun told us the reasons for growing shiitake mushrooms: the natural conditions of Yangmadianzi Township are suitable for the development of facility agriculture, which was originally a vegetable greenhouse and planted cucumbers, and the benefits were very good. With the continuous adjustment of the rural industrial structure, Zhang Yujun and other villagers realized that the cultivation of shiitake mushrooms was highly profitable and dominated by industrial brands. Directly build greenhouses to eat mushrooms to economic benefits.

I asked, "What's the size of our greenhouse?" ”

Zhang Yujun said: "Two greenhouses have been built together, adding up to 178 meters long and 13.6 meters wide, forming a scale, and also driving relatives and friends to circle around the greenhouse all day and get rich together."

When Zhang Yujun briefed us on the situation, his face showed the joy of success and happiness.

"Writers Go into the Countryside" Raising Ma Dian Zi Folk Girl (Shiitake Mushroom), Fragrant Year (Part 7)

Shiitake mushrooms have become the "magic weapon" for the villagers to get rich, thanks to the unique conditions here: microclimate and desertified soil.

Located at the foot of the mountain, Yangmadianzi Township, due to mountainous effects, the temperature in winter is 5 ° C higher than in other regions, which has also become an important guarantee for the high yield of shiitake mushrooms. Do not underestimate this 5 ° C, shiitake mushrooms are mostly produced in winter, temperature is the key. In other places, even if you cover the greenhouse with a quilt, it does not work as well as the grass curtain here, which saves a lot of money. Mastering the temperature is a highly technical activity. The temperature ensures that the mushrooms are listed one stubble after another, and each kilogram of shiitake mushrooms can be sold for an average of more than 3 yuan, and Zhang Yujun, like other villagers, has bulged up year after year. In this way, he nestled in the mountains, lived in a village next to a road, and realized his dream of prosperity.

Zhang Yujun said: "Women come to his greenhouse, only to remove the plastic film of the bacteria stick, a day can earn more than 200 yuan." He said, pointing to the women who were working in the shed.

"Yes! In the provincial capital of Shenyang, a good enterprise worker cannot earn such a salary for a day." Am I surprised and started to greedily yearn for the economic benefits here?

Interviewed a woman with a scarf on her head, plain clothes, and not very tall, picking mushrooms on a mushroom stick: "How many hours do you work in the greenhouse?"

The woman said: "There is no time, working all day long, how much work is calculated".

"Writers Go into the Countryside" Raising Ma Dian Zi Folk Girl (Shiitake Mushroom), Fragrant Year (Part 7)

The woman is simple and generous, and her face is full of expressions of happy life, as if it is written on the face of the mountain and in my words. Every time you go to a greenhouse, the figure of the country girl is everywhere in the line of sight. They are the main labor force in every aspect of the mushroom industry, production, and processing in the village greenhouse, and sketch a painting of women's lines and delicate emotions. I am not a painter, but I know that "sketching" is an artistic creation, using monochromatic lines to represent things in the intuitive world, to express ideas, concepts, attitudes, feelings, fantasies, symbols and even abstract forms... If you use the "sketching" brushwork to praise them as the mushrooms of Yangwai Village in Yangwai Village, Yangmadianzi Township, and are a culture or art on the tip of the tongue, then I establish that the title of this article is correct, indicating that the township girl (shiitake mushroom) in Yangwai Village is a song of the times.

"Country girl" refers to a woman in the village. "Shiitake mushrooms" refer to babies conceived from mushroom sticks in greenhouses. The bones of the shiitake mushrooms are very similar to our umbrellas on rainy days, and the country girl is an umbrella with affection and intention. Sheltering the home she loves, just like the prehistoric girl Hongshan women love her people.

The prehistoric Niuheliang Female Temple Market was created by the xianggu Hongshan Nun. Goods and coins can be traded in the market, and trading is prosperous. The village girl Hongshan nun is very good at business, and she read the business scriptures out of a prosperous temple fair in prehistory.

Isn't Yangwai Village edible mushroom shiitake mushroom also a market? The country girls turned to the greenhouse, and the mushrooms passed through their fingertips, fragrant the market. The two homophones are like this, which has become the most beautiful "pretty lady" in Yangwai Village, Yangmadianzi Township, Jianchang, Liaoning Province.

The poem says: "The mountains and wild cangs, yesterday the cold dew is refreshing, one side of the country girl (shiitake mushrooms), the fragrance of the north and south of the river."

The meaning of this poem is that Yangwai Village, Yangmadianzi Township, is full of lush mountains. I followed the secretaries during the cold dew season, learning from the scriptures on the road to riches. In order to explore the secret book of "xianggu" (shiitake mushroom), travel hundreds of kilometers. At the foot of the green mountain, next to the highway, in the greenhouse, interviewed the "country girl" (shiitake mushroom) simple and beautiful appearance, has long been beautiful to the north and south of the river.

This little poem is obviously inspired by the "Guofeng Qinfeng Qing qingfa" in the Book of Poetry:

The poem says: "Crabapples are pale, and white dew is frost." The so-called Iraqis are on the water side."

The gist of the poem is: large reeds are green, and the dew in the morning turns into frost. O beloved whom I miss. Just stand on the opposite bank by the river. The road to following her (him) is long and difficult. Going down the river in search of it, she or he seemed to be in the middle of the river. The reeds were poignantly clear, and the morning dew had not yet dried.

My poems are very similar to the poems in the Book of Poetry in terms of environment, time, people, and places. The difference is a mountain wilderness, a crab leaf. A cold dew, a white dew. A "country girl" (shiitake mushroom), an Iraqi. A Village of Yangwai in The Yangwai Village of Yangdianzi Township outside sai has attracted the attention of the world, living on the mountain, and a Jiangnan is on the water side.

From "Crab leaf cang... To the "mountains and wilds"... Today, spanning more than 2,500 years of history, I read the village girl (shiitake mushroom) in Yangwai Village during the cold dew season, which is a line written by the shed advocate Yujun: "I started to do the greenhouse mushroom industry in 2006, according to the past and this year's market analysis, each greenhouse is conservatively estimated, and the net income is 8 to 100,000 yuan."

Is there such a number in the "Crab Leaf Cang..." more than 2500 years ago? Answer: Only in today's era of "beautiful mountains and rivers" has the Chinese dream been realized, everyone's dream, a great feat that has never been done before.

The great feat of getting rich in the village, the formation of the mushroom industry chain, has led to the economic prosperity of one party. It not only provides jobs, but also awakens the dream of villagers working outside the home. There was a wave of return in the village, the population increased, and the quiet and desolate years that remained in the village were full of vitality because of the "spring breeze in one night". They all returned to their hometowns and contributed their wisdom. There are poems:

Running away from home is not as good as the hot kiln head in his hometown.

Working outside the home, not earning as much at home.

This is the poetry of the villagers who work outside the country and return to their hometown, and it is the beauty of the greenhouse (shiitake mushroom) given by the villagers and the blossoming of the mountain township (incense).

"Writers Go into the Countryside" Raising Ma Dian Zi Folk Girl (Shiitake Mushroom), Fragrant Year (Part 7)

About the Author:

Talent Yushu. Pseudonym: Cai Dou. Devout lovers of literature. Loves walking on words. Elongate the skinny shadow.

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