
Why did Liu Xuan serve as the Assassin of Yangzhou? Or yuan shao yuan shu as a counterbalance to the separatist forces

author:Shigeru Hakuba

Text: Tachiaki Idle Man (Shigeba Shinichi Original Team Member)

Liu Sui (劉繇), an official outlier of the late Eastern Han Dynasty, a talented Liu clan who sought fame (his elder brother Liu Dai (劉岱), who had been an official in shizhong and Yanzhou, was also one of the heroes of the late Han dynasty. In the case of the decline of the Han Dynasty, he was pushed to the cusp of the struggle for hegemony among the princes, and was defeated and killed in the term of Yangzhou Pastoral.

At the time of avoiding the chaos, Liu Xuan was appointed by the imperial court as the Assassin of Yangzhou, which was not as superficial as the superficial reason (he was a relative of the Han Dynasty and the brother of Liu Dai), but had a deeper and more intriguing intention. Analyzing the internal and external environment of Yangzhou when Liu Xuan was appointed as the Assassin of Yangzhou, it is not difficult to find the intention of the Eastern Han Dynasty court to promote Liu Sui as a prince of a state.

Why did Liu Xuan serve as the Assassin of Yangzhou? Or yuan shao yuan shu as a counterbalance to the separatist forces

The details are as follows.

First, the Yangzhou situation.

In the third year of Chuping (193), chen Wen, who was appointed by the Eastern Han dynasty court, was either killed (the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wei ShuLIU, and the Biography of Yuan Liu of Dong Er recorded that Chen Wen was killed by Yuan Shu, that is, (Yuan) Shu used the remnants to run to Jiujiang, killed Yangzhou Assassin Shi Chen Wen, and led his state. ), or died of illness (Pei Songzhi's note "Romance of the Three Kingdoms • Wei Shuliu • Dong ErYuan Liu Biography" quoted in the "Hero's Record" :( Chen Wen) first for the Yangzhou assassination history, died of illness. )。

Chen Wen, whether he was killed or died of illness, he died anyway, and he died in the year of 193. After Chen Wen's death, the vast Yangzhou (six counties, ninety-two counties (Hou guo)) suddenly fell into a state of no ownership, and forces such as pastors and warlords from surrounding states infiltrated it. In particular, the later general Yuan Shu, relying on the family background of the "Fourth Dynasty and Three Dukes" and the special status of "Yuan Concubine of Runan", controlled most of the Jiangdong region, and the Jiangbei region of Yangzhou was already his occupied territory, and the Jiangdong region was already its sphere of influence. Yuan Shao, who occupied Jizhou, did not sit idly by and let Yuan Shu arbitrarily occupy Huainan, sending his brother, Shanyang Taishou Yuan, to lead the Yangzhou Assassin History.

Why did Liu Xuan serve as the Assassin of Yangzhou? Or yuan shao yuan shu as a counterbalance to the separatist forces

Pei Songzhi's note "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" quotes the "Hero's Record": Yuan Shao sent Yuan to lead the state, defeated, ben Peiguo, and was killed by soldiers. Yuan Wei went to Yangzhou to take office, and before his ass was hot, he was blasted away by Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu replaced Chen Yu with Yangzhou Assassin History. ("Heroes": Yuan Shu used Chen Yu for Yangzhou.) )

Whether Yuan Shao sent Yuan Shu to serve as a widow, or Yuan Shu replaced Chen Yu as a post, it was appointed by the princes themselves, and there was no legal basis. After all, although the Eastern Han Dynasty court is declining day by day, the co-lord of the world still represents the official and has legal effect.

Why did Liu Xuan serve as the Assassin of Yangzhou? Or yuan shao yuan shu as a counterbalance to the separatist forces

Second, the situation at the imperial court.

Before Liu Xuan was appointed as the Assassin of Yangzhou, the entire Eastern Han Dynasty and the imperial court, if summed up in one word, were nothing more than "chaos". In particular, the imperial court was even more chaotic: in April of the third year of Chuping (192), Dong Zhuo was assassinated, ending the Dong Zhuo rebellion for nearly three years; it was only after Wang Yun's administration for nearly two months; in June of that year, Dong Zhuo's forces captured Chang'an with Jia Xu's schemes, becoming the Liangzhou force that controlled Emperor Xian of Han after Dong Zhuo. Although Li Daiguo controlled the government, there were many crises: in the northwest, Han Sui and Ma Teng had the potential to advance eastward; (Zizhi Tongjian • Han Ji 53: Emperor Xiaoxian Bingxingping's First Year (Jia Shu, 194):Ma Teng's private request to Li Dai was not gained, and he wanted to raise an army to attack; the emperor sent emissaries to reconcile and did not comply. Han Sui led the crowd to he and Teng, Dai, that is, fu and Tenghe. Chang'an Seed Shao and Ma Yu had internal responses; (Zizhi Tongjian: Counselor Dafu Seed Shao, Shizhong Ma Yu, and Zuo Zhonglang sent Liu Fanmou to attack Chang'an, and he was already an internal response, in order to curse dao, etc.). )

Although the Kwantung Coalition forces are attacking each other, they will also be suspected of moving westward. Therefore, in order to avoid fighting on the eastern and western fronts, the best way for Li Daiguo to avoid fighting on the eastern and western fronts was to let the Kwantung princes be too busy fighting for territory to give up the west to attack themselves. In this way, Li Daoguo could devote himself to Ma Teng, Han Sui, who had retreated to the east, and Zhongshao and Ma Yu, who had cleared Neiying. Therefore, it was under such circumstances that Liu Sui, who avoided chaos, was selected by Li Dai guo and received an edict appointed by the imperial court as the assassin of Yangzhou, and single-handedly went to Yangzhou to take up his post.

Liu Sui, who was appointed as the Assassin of Yangzhou, did not come from the benevolent intentions of Liu Xie, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, but from the sinister intentions of Li Dai Guo Feng, and the use of Liu Sui did not value extraordinary talents, but instead acted as a "spoiler" among the princes of Kwantung, stirring up the land of Kwantung, making it impossible for the Kwantung princes to take care of Guanzhong, giving Li Dai guo feng time to win the conquest of the enemy advancing eastward.

Author's Note: Extraordinary, referring to things that are extraordinary and outstanding. Liu Sui, during the period of avoidance of chaos, was appointed by the imperial court as the Assassin of Yangzhou, which was by no means superficial, such as Liu Dai's brother, known as a famous and other high-sounding reason, to rule Yangzhou; but in essence, such as the situation in Yangzhou, the situation of the imperial court, and other ulterior secrets, stirred up the princes of Kwantung. It is called: spoilers, be gunslingers.

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