
Does sucralose cause cancer? Various beverages are added

author:99 Health Net
Does sucralose cause cancer? Various beverages are added

A few days ago, the American Center for Public Interest Science released a report saying that sucralose should be avoided. According to a recently published study, sucralose increases the risk of cancer in animals. So, is sucralose, which is widely used in beverages, confectionery, dairy products and other industries, really carcinogenic?

Widely used in all kinds of beverages

Sucralose, commonly known as sucralose, is an artificial sweetener jointly developed by the British Taylor Company and the University of London. Sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sucralose, which is processed from sucrose, but it is not sucrose, it is the substitution of 3 hydroxyl groups in sucralose with chlorine. Sucralose is not used as a carbohydrate by the body and has a very low chance of being absorbed by the body. Therefore, sucralose does not provide any energy and is also suitable for diabetics, so many sucralose-containing products often have "sugar-free" and "low-sugar" advertising campaigns.

In the food industry, sucralose is currently the most widely used in various types of beverages, such as carbonated beverages, fruit juice drinks, fruity drinks, plant protein drinks, tea drinks, functional drinks, coffee drinks, alcoholic beverages and other products.

"Because sucralose has excellent stability and is not easy to react with other substances, when used as a sweetener in beverage production, it will not have any impact on the stability indicators such as aroma, hue, transparency, viscosity of the beverage, and is easy to use." Ruan Quang Feng, an expert of the Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, introduced.

Nguyen Quang Thanh also introduced that unlike other non-calorie sweeteners, heating does not affect the taste or structure of sucralose, and it can be used almost anywhere sugar is needed, including cooking and baking.

Is sucralose really carcinogenic? Normal consumption will not exceed the standard

The study mentioned in the U.S. Center for Public Interest Science report showed that the experimenters gave three groups of mice doses of 500 mg per kilogram, 2,000 mg per kilogram, 8,000 mg per kilogram, and 16,000 mg per kilogram, respectively, and observed the reaction after consumption, and found that the risk of hematopoietic tumors (leukemia) in mice increased.

So can food containing sucralose be eaten? Ruan Guangfeng said that whether sucralose can be eaten depends on how much is eaten.

Ruan Guangfeng introduced that in fact, as a food additive, sweeteners will undergo strict safety assessments before use, and then they will be approved for use. For the safety assessment of sucralose, more than 100 studies have been conducted over the past 20 years on the multiple health risks of sucralose, including toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive health, kidney health, brain health and blood health, child health and nutrition. These studies have shown that it is safe for the general population, including children, pregnant or nursing women, to use sucralose as a food ingredient.

After several environmental and safety studies, the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization determined in 1990 that the permissible daily intake of sucralose was 15 mg per kilogram. The U.S. has set a lower safety limit of 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. Nguyen Quang Feng said that for a 60-kilogram adult, the one-day limit is 0.3 grams. Considering that sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sucrose, which is equivalent to the sweetness produced by 180 grams of sucrose, normal consumption will not be "over-standard", which means that its safety is very good, and a normal diet does not have to worry too much.

Drink less sweet drinks

Although eating foods containing sucralose does not cause cancer, from a health perspective, drinking sweet drinks often is not good for health.

Ruan Guangfeng introduced that because most drinks contain a lot of sugar, drinking drinks all year round will increase the sugar in the human body, resulting in obesity, laying hidden dangers for adult hypertension and coronary heart disease. At the same time, drinking drinks often will make children's teeth suffer from different degrees of acid erosion, and they are prone to caries. Therefore, drink as little as possible drinks with high sugar content.

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Does sucralose cause cancer? Various beverages are added

Artificially manufactured sweetener beverages, such as those with added sucralose, are often referred to in the market as "light drinks" or "zero-degree drinks." Ruan Guangfeng said that the most significant difference between zero-degree drinks and ordinary sweet drinks is that normal drinks contain a lot of sugar and high calories, while zero-degree drinks replace sugar with sweeteners, so zero-degree drinks have less sugar content and fewer calories. "Compared to regular sweet drinks, zero-degree drinks are healthier. However, if you drink sweetener beverages for a long time, it will cause consumers to taste sweet, increase sugar intake in other diets, and increase health risks. ”

Extended reading: What are the dangers of drinking drinks often

Although drinking a drink containing sucralose in moderation does not have an impact on health, it is better to drink less sweet drinks. Let's take a look at the hazards of drinking or drinking a lot of drinks.

First, the nutritional intake is a bit biased

1, easy to get fatty liver

Xie Qi, president of the Guilin Nutrition Society, told reporters that people who love to drink drinks are more likely to get fatty liver than ordinary people. Because of the high sugar intake, too much sugar is converted into fat in the liver, forming a fatty liver. "I once met a patient with a fatty liver whose illness was caused by excessive sugar intake, and the direct cause was that he drank a lot of drinks."

2. The probability of kidney stones is high

Epidemiological studies of the relationship between sweet drinks and kidney stones have shown a significant association between sweet beverage consumption and the risk of kidney stones and urethral stones. According to the researchers' analysis, sweet drinks reduce the intake of calcium and potassium, increase the intake of sucrose, and may be an important factor in the increased risk of kidney stones.

3. Reduce nutrient intake

Xie Qi introduced that there have been studies that suggest that people who drink more sweet drinks usually reduce their intake of dietary fiber. "Because the sugar in the body will give people more satiety, after drinking sweet drinks, after eating sweets, people are reluctant to eat other things, resulting in reduced intake of other nutrients, starchy staple foods and proteins also eat less." For developing children and teenagers, this is really not good news - causing obesity. "People who drink more sweet drinks are generally under-intake of vitamins and minerals."

4. Increase the prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes

Zhu Hanhua, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of Nanxishan Hospital, told reporters that the trend of young people's cardiovascular diseases now has a lot to do with their lifestyle, one of which is to love to drink various drinks. Scientists from Boston University have found that people who drink a bottle of carbonated drinks a day are 48% more likely to develop metabolic syndrome than those who drink it infrequently, and when they suffer from metabolic syndrome, they are more likely to suffer from heart disease and blood sugar and blood pressure abnormalities.

Second, children have obstacles to growth

1. Cause osteoporosis and fracture

"Excessive sugar intake will cause the loss of calcium in the body and cause a decrease in bone density in the human body." Xie Qi said, "The more people who drink sweet drinks, the less milk products they drink, and the lower their calcium intake, which is another cause of osteoporosis." ”

2. Children who drink more drinks are more likely to be myopic

The medical community also believes that a high-sugar diet is a risk factor associated with myopia, alongside factors such as prolonged close-up use of the eyes, lack of outdoor exercise, and lack of breastfeeding.

Lin Yuhua, a doctor at Nanxishan Eye Hospital, reminds parents to pay more attention to the balance of their children's diet, especially not to let their children drink drinks. "Most drinks contain sugar, and if too much sugar is ingested, it will change the osmotic pressure of the lens of the eye, which can easily cause myopia. It was good to drink boiled water or mineral water. ”

Third, women will grow older if they are careful

The skin tends to age. Studies have proved that eating sweets regularly, the skin will be relatively oily, prone to acne, seborrheic dermatitis, and produce dandruff. Lu Fuyong, director of the Dermatology Department at Nanxishan Hospital, said: "If someone has the above diseases, I will advise them to control their diet and not eat sweet things. Often acne, oil, skin pores will be enlarged, people will look older. "Other studies suggest that sugar may bind to proteins, forming conjugates that are deposited under the skin, forming pigmentation that can make people look older.

American researchers have found that women around the age of 50 eat too much sweets, which can lead to gallstones. Excess sugar can also be converted into fat on its own, affecting normal appetite, hindering the intake of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, and leading to obesity. Obesity doesn't make all people grow stones, but for middle-aged women, it's a hotbed of gallstones. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly women should eat less sweets.

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